Chapter 24

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After breakfast they quickly got themselves ready to leave for school, but before Wooyoung could open the door, San held him back one more time.

"You are not going to ignore me again, when we leave the house now, right?", San asked and searched in Wooyoung's eyes for the answer.

"No, I won't", Wooyoung said. "But please don't tell the others about this. They don't know that I ... that I ..."

"That you like boys?", San helped him.

"One boy", Wooyoung answered. "I didn't either till I met you. So, please just, let's keep this between us, okay?"

"So, I am not allowed to hold your hand outside?", San asked and pulled Wooyoung immediately closer. Wooyoung fell against San's chest. He steadied himself with his hands on San's tiny waist and looked up at San, even though they were almost the same height.

"N-No, you are not", Wooyoung said and felt San's nose brush against his. Wooyoung closed his eyes, to feel more, to enjoy the moment.

"I can't hug you like this?", San asked and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung, still slightly touching the side of Wooyoung's nose.

"N-No", Wooyoung stuttered again.

"And I can't kiss you?", San whispered before he leaned in and connected their lips. It felt like San nipped on his lips in slow motion. Like he was creating that anticipation on purpose. As if he knew, that Wooyoung was waiting for that fire-y kiss, the hot burning passion. But he held it all back, to seal it in with a sweet kiss, that couldn't be any sweeter, but left back so much anticipation, that Wooyoung was tempted to skip school just to make San kiss him like he did yesterday.

San pulled back from the kiss and looked at Wooyoung in an asking way. "So?", he said with a smile, fully aware that Wooyoung totally forgot about the question.

"No", Wooyoung finally found the answer, "definitely no kissing or I'll lose my mind."

"What a bummer", San answered and let go of Wooyoung. "Let's see how long you can hold it in yourself." With that San left the apartment. Wooyoung didn't quite know what just happened. But he knew that he was going to be late for school.

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At lunch break Wooyoung bought one extra sandwich and brought it outside. He threw it onto San's lap, the moment he got there. "Thought you might not have any lunch money with you", he said and greeted their friends.

San thanked him and made some space for him on the bench.

"No, I better keep standing", Wooyoung answered and blushed slightly. San still motioned for him to come closer, so Wooyoung stood beside him, nervous he might do something that'll show anything weird about them. But San put his hands on his lower back and began to massage his muscles right next to his spine. Without even noticing it Wooyoung let out a moan of relieve as he realized a lot of his pain came from his cramped muscles.

"Do you have back pain again?", Yeosang asked Wooyoung concerned.

"Mhm, I guess so", Wooyoung said. "Didn't know it till now, though."

"How did you know?", Mingi asked San. "Wooyoung never tells us if he's hurting or anything."

San and Wooyoung shared an eye-contact before San answered. "I ... just saw him dance yesterday and thought something was up", he lied. "You'll be able to see it in the video, too ... probably."

"I saw him dance yesterday", Yunho said, "and didn't notice anything."

"Well ... maybe I just have an eye for it", San shrugged it off. "Even if it hurts, you should still sit down while eating", he then said to Wooyoung and pulled him gently down on the bench. He then resumed to eat his sandwich with one hand and engaged in the conversation. Wooyoung on the other hand felt his thumb still rubbing against his pained muscles.

After work Wooyoung came to a full and loud practise room. It was already past 9 pm but everyone was still there.

"There you are!", Seonghwa said and everyone took a break from their training.

"Why are you guys still here?", Wooyoung asked and began his warming up. "Shouldn't you have finished already?"

"But then we wouldn't be able to practise with you our cover dance", Jongho answered and helped him stretch. "We figured it wouldn't be so awful if we'd be here longer so we could practise with you."

"You're doing this for me?", Wooyoung asked and felt ashamed of that.

"No, we're doing this because it's the only right thing to do", Yunho answered who already knew that Wooyoung would blame himself for it. "We all agreed to it, so don't you dare to say we should go home or anything like that."

Wooyoung dropped his head to the ground, not being able to look them in the faces. They did so much for him. "Thank you", he murmured.

"Don't mention it", Mingi said. Hongjoong clapped into his hands once to get all of their attention. Wooyoung just noticed that he was there as well.

"Let's start again from the beginning", Hongjoong said. Wooyoung could easily make out that Hongjoong had taken on command automatically. "Yeosang you show Wooyoung the steps, we've already went over today and the rest comes here. We're trying out some formations."

Everyone did as Hongjoong said and the training session went smoothly. After Yeosang finished showing Wooyoung the part they were going to cover they both joined the others. Wooyoung had to admit, that with Hongjoong's lead they managed to cover a lot of their schedule today.

After a while Hongjoong told them to drink a bit before they resumed their practise. He drilled them even more than San had done the previous weeks. Wooyoung sat down against the mirror to calm himself down. The cover dance was exhausting as well, even though the choreography was not as demanding as their performance song. Luckily his backside didn't hurt as much anymore so he was able to concentrate on the dancing. San soon took his mind of it, when he sat down beside him.

"How are you feeling?", San asked with a worried expression.

"Good", Wooyoung answered with a smile. "Is Hongjoong Hyung always like that?"

"Yes, but that's not what I meant", San said.

"I know what you meant", Wooyoung said quietly and put his hand on San's thigh. "And I am fine now."

"You sure?", San asked.

"Damnit San, the next time you ask me if I'm sure, I'm going to slap you in the face!", Wooyoung said angrily. "Just accept what I'm telling you!"

"Fine", San said with gritted teeth. He put his hand on top of Wooyoung's and held it there.

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