Chapter 23

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"I have to go", San said against his lips, as it was evident, that Wooyoung wouldn't let him go anytime soon. "I have to go home."

"Stay the night", Wooyoung answered and pulled San back in for the kiss.

"But my clothes", San said between kisses. "My uniform."

"You can have one of mine", Wooyoung said and rolled themselves over until he was lying on top of San. Wooyoung growled out in pain from that movement and buried his head in San's neck for a second.

"Did I hurt you a lot?", San asked worried and caressed Wooyoung's lower back.

"Yes, but it's fine", Wooyoung said and looked back up at San.

"You sure?", San asked again. Concern was all over his face, so Wooyoung kissed him again.

"Don't worry about it", Wooyoung said against his lips. "You didn't do anything I didn't want you to."

"But it still hurt you."

"And it felt amazing."

"You sure, you're okay?"

"God, San, shut the fuck up", Wooyoung lost it and pushed himself up to look San in the eyes. "Just drop it already before I regret sleeping with you. And not because of the pain but because you are such a pain in the ass. Pun intended."

San laughed out loud and pulled Wooyoung back into a tight, naked hug. He continued to cares Wooyoung's back and Wooyoung felt himself drift off into a well-deserved sleep.

"Choi", San said after a while and Wooyoung pulled himself up again. "My name", San said, looking at Wooyoung. "Choi San."

"Well, nice to meet you, Choi San. I am Jung Wooyoung, but you can call me Woo", Wooyoung said with a grin and they kissed again, until San felt Wooyoung getting cold. He pulled the blanked over them both and they cuddled until both of them fell asleep.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Wooyoung woke up to someone caressing his back. He turned around to face San, who looked at him out of wide-awake eyes.

"Good morning", San greeted him with his deep voice.

"You are not cuddling me", Wooyoung noted.

"I did", San said and pulled Wooyoung closer. "But I wanted to let you sleep a bit longer. Nothing's holding me back now, though." Wooyoung laughed against San's bare chest as he was cuddled like crazy. Embarrassingly he noticed that they were both still naked and a blush creeped up his face. The memory of the things he said to and did with San yesterday made him question himself. How was he able to be so bold yesterday? This was so not him.

"San?", Wooyoung said quietly against his chest. San hummed as a sign that he was listening. "I may have said a few things yesterday, that I didn't mean. I'm sorry."

"Like what?", San asked. He continued to caress his back and Wooyoung noticed him going over his scar over and over again. As if he tried to figure out the whole extend of it.

"Like it was a mistake dry-humping you."

"So, it wasn't a mistake?", San asked back.

"No, it wasn't. I'm sorry I hurt you saying that."

San hummed again to show that he understood.

"And ... that I hate you."

"So, you don't hate me?", San asked again. Wooyoung wasn't sure, but he had a feeling that San smiled while asking this. Not that he could see it though.

"No, I don't hate you", Wooyoung answered.

"Good", San said quietly and they both fell silent for a while.

"Woo, what happened on your back?", San then asked in confirmation of Wooyoung's earlier thoughts.

"Nothing, really", Wooyoung said and pushed himself out of San's embrace. He sat up and growled in pain because of his soreness. San reached out to him and brushed over the scar again. It was a long cut across his whole back. The soft scarred skin was a white contrast to the rest of his back. "Let's just say, that my father wasn't really happy about me moving out at the age of fourteen to join an agency in Seoul. I think he didn't expect the chair to break either and cut right through my clothes when he threw it at me."

"That's awful!", San answered and sat up as well. He put his chin on Wooyoung's shoulder and held him tight. "I thought your parents supported your dream?"

"Well, they did, until it started to cost too much money and I said I'd move out", Wooyoung said and looked back at San. "Don't worry about it. My father said he doesn't want to see my face ever again, but when I make it, he'll see me all over the TV, so this is kind of my revenge", he said. At least this was his plan until a few days ago. Now he just didn't know what to do after the next two weeks were over. He kissed San to get rid of the thoughts and then got up, still feeling sore.

"We need to get to school", Wooyoung said and tried not to get embarrassed by the fact that he stood naked in front of San. "I'm ... I'm going to shower." Wooyoung turned on his heels and went straight for the bathroom, hiding his red face from San.

The moment Wooyoung entered the bathroom and looked into the mirror he was slightly shocked by his image. All over his neck were slightly red and blue marks. He vividly remembered San sucking on his skin while Wooyoung was distracted by the major pain, but he didn't realize it would be as bad. He went lightly over his skin and still felt the soreness. As if they were still fresh.

Wooyoung didn't know how to cover this up. No make-up he had would make this go away. He bolted out of the bathroom and went straight to his closet in hopes to find a turtleneck sweater, that wasn't stingy and gross from the water outbreak. Luckily, he found one. As he looked at it, he just knew that he would be hot today at school. It was still late summer and there was no way he would wear something like this today, if it wasn't for the evidence, San left on his skin last night.

Wooyoung took the turtleneck and his other clothes to the bathroom and went into the shower to get himself ready for school. When he got back to the kitchen, he saw San preparing breakfast with only his pants on. Wooyoung stopped in his steps to appreciate the sight.

"Aren't you going to sit down?", San asked as he noticed him.

"No, actually I think I'll eat while standing", Wooyoung said with a blushed face. San came closer until he stood right in front of him.

"You are still sore?", he asked worried. Wooyoung just nodded and stared back in San's eyes.

"I'm –"

"Don't you dare say you're sorry!", Wooyoung cut him off and put his finger on San's lips. "I don't want to hear it!" San bit his lip but nodded in agreement. Wooyoung took his finger off. "Good, because I don't regret it even a single bit, you got that?" San nodded again and came even closer as he inspected Wooyoung's face. Wooyoung went a step back, because honestly there wasn't much space between them, but met the wall in his back. San put his left hand beside Wooyoung's head and the right one at his hip.

"I don't regret it either", San said quietly. Wooyoung felt his breath on his face as San went down to kiss him. It was a hot, demanding kiss and San pressed their groins against each other as he dug his fingers deep in Wooyoung's hips. "And I'd like a second try some day", he said as he pulled back. He watched Wooyoung melt under his touch and Wooyoung felt himself becoming submissive all over again. He wanted it as well, could feel his member getting hard just from the image of them in the bed sheets. Wooyoung went for San's lips again, but was denied the kiss. "But not today, not now", San said and suddenly his mood shifted 180 degrees. He smiled at Wooyoung and caressed his face with both hands. "You need to heal first." He patted Wooyoung's head and stepped back. "And I need to shower."

"Y-Yes. I put some clothes for you in the bathroom", Wooyoung said and collected himself again, embarrassed by the fact that San had so much power over him.

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