Chapter 29

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School, work and practise went on as usual and San came over every evening after they said their goodbyes to their friends. After Wooyoung got his pay check he also finally bought a new washing machine as he run out of clothes. The first payment of the reparations was also due and, of course, his rent. At the end of the week, Wooyoung was at his wits' end. Everything seemed crushing down on him. He relayed even more on San than before and held onto him for support. San of course didn't know any of this, neither did any of his friends. And Wooyoung still wasn't in the mood to tell them. He held onto the brighter moments with his friends and San and trained even harder than ever.

Their hard work payed off, as Yixing praised their cover dance on Saturday and ordered them to come in on Sunday for filming.

About the main performance he didn't have many comments. He liked the addition of Hongjoong to the team and gave Mingi a bit of advice how to handle the mic while rapping – or pretending to do so. He also wanted them to change up the choreo when Hongjoong was singing, so they concentrated on that part the whole afternoon. They didn't come to a conclusion until Seoho, one of their back dancers, made a comment.

"Just fight it off already", he said, being annoyed that the practise didn't get any further.

Yunho and San looked at each other for a whole minute in silence. They've been arguing over this part for about thirty minutes at least.

"That's it!", San shouted and stood up.

Yunho followed. "You're right!"

"Guys!", San called everyone together, "Let's try this out. Mingi, Jongho, Yunho and Wooyoung you are on this side – Mingi you have to leave that way. Seonghwa Hyung, Yeosang and me on this side. Wooyoung I want you to fight me. Yeosang and Yunho hold us back, okay?"

They started practise again and it kind of felt weird.

"I don't know about this", Seonghwa said after a few tries.

"Let's film it. Byeongkwan, here, take this!", Hongjoong told one of the back dancers. He gave him his phone and Byeongkwan stood in front of the mirror, filming their practise.

"It looks good to me", Hongjoong said after a while. "But you guys need to be fiercer."

"Yeah, Woo, you have to fight me for real", San said. "Grab my hair or something. It has to look like you're actually fighting me. Yeosang, you need to be more active. You are not really holding me back. Use force."

"If I use more force you are really going to kill Wooyoung if I let you go", Yeosang answered.

"That's the point of it. Just don't let go", San said and they resumed practise while Byeongkwan was assigned as their camera man.

Training went on smoothly after this and after a few hours Hongjoong was satisfied and dismissed the back dancers. The friends on the other hand trained for their cover dance tomorrow a bit more. After they were finally finished, they went to the convenience story, pretty pleased with themselves. Hongjoong treated everyone to ice cream and they sat outside in silence, eating the ice cream in delight.

"Yeosang, you have something there", Jongho said and pointed at Yeosang's lips. Before Yeosang could do anything Hongjoong took a napkin and wiped the ice cream from his mouth. Yeosang tried to shy away, but Hongjoong just took the back of his head to hold him still and continued until he was satisfied.

Seemed like San was right about Hongjoong being soft.

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The next day they gathered in a huge room with Yixing. He told them a few things they should look out for while filming and then were ushered to the stylists and make-up artists. The filming took really long again and was exhausting. Wooyoung loved every second of it. The song, the dance, his friends, even the strict comments from Yixing and the camera crew were exactly how he imagined his life to be. Wooyoung put in his whole and lived for the moment. These opportunities were everything he had left.

Time flew by and Wooyoung got sadder every day, even though he was the happiest in his life. The day the video came out was the day he realized he had only half a week left with his friends ... with San. He couldn't concentrate on the video at all. He just held San close to him and didn't even care if the others suspected anything.

"Wow, Woo your expressions are amazing", San complimented him. "You look like you are the happiest man alive."

"Maybe that's what I felt at that moment", Wooyoung said quietly against San's shoulder. "I just love dancing so much." Wooyoung felt something stuck in his throat. He tried to swallow it, but there was really nothing. He grabbed San's arm tighter and hid his face behind San's back. "This is like a dream came true to me", he said and felt the tears in his eyes. Everyone turned around to him as they heard the change in his voice.

"Wooyoung, what's going on?", Yeosang asked concerned. "Are you hurt?"

But Wooyoung smiled at him. "No ... I'm just so happy", Wooyoung said as his tears fell down. "I'm just ... just so happy." More tears fell and everyone watched Wooyoung astonished. "This is everything I've worked for ... and ... to be able to dance with you guys ... I'm just so happy."

"You stupid dumbass, that's nothing you need to cry over", San said with a chuckle. He wiped Wooyoung's tears and embraced him in a loving hug. "We are all happy about it."

"I know", Wooyoung sobbed. "I can't help it."

They kept on watching the video while San and Yeosang comforted Wooyoung until he didn't cry anymore. The emotions kept overflowing him and Wooyoung felt stupid for crying that much. Mingi and Jongho didn't stop teasing him for the rest of their practise and they all laughed a lot about it together.

That evening, Wooyoung didn't let San go home first. He held his hand tight as he wanted to go and took him back to his place right away.

"You know that they totally noticed this, right?", San asked when they turned at the corner and their friends looked after them.

"I don't care", Wooyoung said.

"Suddenly?", San asked.

"It's just a waste of time if you go home first", Wooyoung said as a matter of fact and opened the door for them both. Wooyoung was determined. He didn't want to waste any more seconds and pressed his lips on San's as soon as the door closed behind them. "I need you", he whispered and pushed San further into the apartment. He run his fingers through San's hair in a slow manner and made the other moan against his lips. Butterflies buzzed in Wooyoung's stomach as San returned the kiss lovingly. They have had sex quite often in the past week but Wooyoung wanted it to be different this time. He wanted it to be real.

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