Chapter 31 *explicit*

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I'm sorry that it took like an eternity to upload anything new. I had a couple of rough days, and my hand hurt like hell. But I finally wrote something and I have a few chapters that I wrote in advance that I can now connect, so there will be some uploads in the next days for sure.

Thank you to you all for 1k reads as well. I'm really blessed to have such active readers like you are. I hope you'll like where this story is headed.

I also finally have an appointment for my surgery, so I hope that I'll finish this book before the date, because I think I won't be able to write for a few weeks after the surgery.

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The feeling of San's lips on his own, the fingers in his hair, that evoked a river of shivers down his spine and the nails that dug into his skin at his back made Wooyoung believe that this was the best moment of his life. He never wanted this to end. Never to lose someone like San.

Longingly, Wooyoung traced San's plumb lips with his tongue and nipped at the lower lip slightly with his teeth. It bounced back with the hint of a sound. They looked at each other once again and even though San just reached his climax once, there was still a glimmer of that hunger in them, that Wooyoung so much loved.

San gently pushed Wooyoung to the side and took it upon himself to gain control. He traced up Wooyoung's arms and interlaced their fingers. A peck on the forehead, a kiss on the cheek let Wooyoung melt in his sheets. He held tight on San's hands that were now placed right above Wooyoung's head. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't move his arms anymore.

"Time to return the favour", San whispered in Wooyoung's ear and moved slowly downwards. He let go of Wooyoung's hands and run his fingers seemingly over every inch of Wooyoung's skin, not missing a single speck to kiss. And that right there was the moment Wooyoung thought for a slight moment, that San didn't just like him, or sleep with him, because he was attracted to him. It felt more like he was truly caring. Wooyoung felt, as if he was loved.

After Wooyoung lost his pants as well and San kissed him during his preparations, Wooyoung noticed that San had already a fully grown erection again. Anticipation built up in Wooyoung as he eased into San's touch. It didn't feel foreign anymore and there was much less pain than a week ago, so Wooyoung was able to enjoy everything even more than before. San ended his preparations with a long and deep kiss. His fingers trailed up Wooyoung's sides to find his hands. He interlaced their fingers again and held them tight. It shook Wooyoung down to his core how much this little gesture meant to him in that moment.

San let go of Wooyoung's hands to grab a condom and lubricant, but as he was about to open up the package Wooyoung stopped him.

"Are you clean?", Wooyoung asked.

"Yes", San answered, sincerity in his eyes.

"I trust you", Wooyoung said and took the condom out of San's hands. "I want to feel you." San swallowed at the image of himself feeling up Wooyoung's ass without a layer between them.

"O-Okay", San stuttered and took the lube instead. He slicked himself up and positioned his head against Wooyoung's entrance. As he gently pushed in, Wooyoung let out a sigh of relieve.

"Oh my –", San muttered against Wooyoung's neck at the raw sensation of his sensitive skin entering the tight space. A broken moan escaped his lips and he bit lovingly down on Wooyoung's flesh right above his shoulder.

They didn't just have sex that night. They weren't a pair of teenagers that lost control over their desires. Wooyoung saw it in San's eyes during the act, that he felt the same. It was more than that; much more. It was like Wooyoung wanted it to be. It was real.

San went slowly, watching Wooyoung's face as he moaned out San's name. Everything was perfect.

The way San looked at him, the kisses and their connected hands. Even the push and pull, the thrusts with which San so deliciously hit Wooyoung's sensitive spot had so much meaning in them, that it didn't take long for Wooyoung to cum across himself.

A few thrusts later San pulled out and finished himself with his hand, mixing his semen with Wooyoung's.

Wooyoung didn't let San catch his breath again, after he fell down beside him. He pulled himself up immediately to kiss the boy again, that was the reason for him being able to get through this tough time.

"Let me clean you up", San whispered into the kiss and pulled back. He got a few tissues and cleaned their mixed semen from Wooyoung's chest.

After he was done, they laid down together, Wooyoung snuggled up against San's chest. The only thing that was audible was the last remaining of their heavy breathing and the heartbeat of them both.

They didn't talk about what just happened, since neither knew what to say.

Everything would be different, if they'd talk about how they felt in that moment. They wouldn't be able to continue as they had till now. And it was heart breaking.

Wooyoung felt San's lips against his forehead and a lump got stuck in his throat. He held San even tighter, as if he was scared that someone might take him away from him. As if he expected for San to suddenly disappear.

That night, Wooyoung fell asleep with tears in his eyes, fully aware, that he'd be the one that'll disappear.

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