Chapter 32

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It was Thursday and when Wooyoung finally entered the practise room, he found his friends taking a break. He put his bag in a corner and started to warm himself up. The back dancers still fooled around, like Wooyoung used to do with his friends. One of them, couldn't keep his mouth shut. Wooyoung has noticed this the past few days and it already started to get annoying.

It wasn't like the boy couldn't sing or anything like that, Seoho had an amazing voice, but the constant singing in the background whenever the music was shut off or slightly toned down, was a bit too much.

Just when Wooyoung lost his nerve and was about to say something the door opened abruptly and two boys walked in.

"Hello?", one of them asked and everyone's attention was on them.

"Yes?", Seonghwa asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, we heard you guys need two more back dancers?", the one that entered first said.

"Yes, we do, actually", San immediately said and got up to greet them. "You can dance?"

"Yes, we can", the other one said and flashed white teeth. "Yixing Sunbaenim sent us to you guys."

"Thank you Sunbaenim", San whispered and put his hands together in a prayer. "My name is San, you'll get to know the others in time. We don't have much time left. Can we start immediately?"

"Of course", the first one said. "I'm Kevin by the way. This is Jacob."

"Nice to meet you", San answered and shook their hands. "Hwanwoong", he then shouted to the back dancers. "Can you teach them?"

"Sure", Hwanwoong answered and he left with the newcomers to a corner of the practise room.

San on the other hand called everyone else together. "Now that we have 8 back dancers, I want to incorporate the thing I've talked to you before."

"But Yixing Sunbaenim hasn't seen this yet", Yunho said. "Do you think he'll be okay with the change?"

"It's not that much of a change. We just don't walk anymore", San held against it. "It'll be sooo much better, if we'd do it that way. You know that."

"I don't have anything against it", Seonghwa said. "We should use them joining us and do the choreography like San imagined it."

"I'm in for it as well", Mingi said. "He doesn't know the choreography for Hongjoong Hyungs part either. He'll love it!"

"Fine", Yunho said. "But let's wait for Jongho and Hongjoong Hyung. They should be here again soon."

"Where are they?", Wooyoung asked, who didn't notice earlier that they were missing.

"They went to the stylists to get our costumes", Seonghwa answered. "We need to practise in them to get a feeling and to see if they fit."

"Oh right ...", Wooyoung said.

Like Yunho said, it didn't take Jongho and Hongjoong long to come back. Everyone changed and they started to practise in the costumes. They also started to rehearse the new added part and everyone loved it.

When they finished that day, everyone agreed that their performance would be the best they'd ever delivered.

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Two days later on Saturday Yixing didn't have any more issues with the choreo or the way they performed, so they set a date for Sunday to film everything. The producers, managers and dance teachers would be there as well and their performance would be evaluated, since another month was over. It was this performance, that would decide whether or not the group of friends would get a chance to stand on stage with the idols of the company.

Everyone of the 8 friends was nervous when they finally met up on Sunday. Yixing drove them to the filming site and they got ready backstage.

The costumes fit and the needed changes were done nicely. And finally they saw the flags, that they chose to use in the performance.

"They are really pretty", Seonghwa said, as he inspected one of the flags. "This one is for Hongjoong, I guess?", he asked and pointed at a smaller one.

"Yes, it's for the beginning", Hongjoong answered and took it. "And the end, to be exact."

"This is going to be so amazing!", Jongho said. "I can't wait to walk forward with the back dancers and the flags beside me."

"You really got the best part there", Wooyoung encouraged him.

Yixing suddenly entered the changing room. "We are ready for you", he said. "Remember to look at the camera", he reminded them. "We are doing this so that we can upload it. Don't look at us. The cameras are more important."

"Of course", San answered.

"The thing we talked about still stands, right?", Hongjoong asked him.

"Of course", Yixing answered. "If you do well, you can choose. But only if."

"Don't worry, we are ready", San answered. With that Yixing told them to gather behind the stage and come out anytime they are ready.

"What were you talking about?", Wooyoung asked San.

"Nothing important", San answered. He put his hand on Wooyoung's lower back and pushed him slightly forward. "Let's get going."

Behind the stage the 8 friends gathered and looked at each other nervously.

"Let's do this", Hongjoong said and wrapped his arms around Seonghwa and Mingi, who were standing beside him. He put one foot forward and everyone followed his actions until they stood in a circle, with each one foot in the middle.

"2, 3", Hongjoong counted.

"8 makes 1 team!", everyone shouted while moving their feet.

They went on stage and got to their positions while waiting for the light to go out and the music to start. Wooyoung brushed away some sweat on his forehead as he waited. Even though he was nervous, he knew that his friends were just as nervous as him.

The lights soon went out and the music began. And then there was no time in thinking about anything. They performed the song they have been practising for 4 weeks.

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Sorry, this is more of a filler chapter actually. Nothing much happening ... but I hope you enjoyed their performance (: I decided to put it here instead of the day of the upload, because ... well, you'll see tomorrow ;)

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