Chapter 7

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"As if I care", San snorted and finally let go of Wooyoung's shoulders. "Can you stand up?"

Wooyoung nodded and sat himself up. That's when he noticed the towel covering his crotch area and it painfully came to Wooyoung that he was still naked while San was fully clothed. A heavy blush creeped up his face and he could feel his ears burning.

San helped him stand up and Wooyoung tied the towel around his waist. He felt dizzy again, when San let go of his arms and quickly grabbed his shoulders instead. "Sorry", Wooyoung whispered but San didn't mind. He helped him out of the bathroom and they sat down on a bench in the changing room. San gave him another towel and wrapped it around Wooyoung's upper body. Wooyoung was overly conscious about the fact that he didn't wear anything underneath the towels. The heat in his ears didn't calm down at all und the thought of San seeing him naked didn't make anything better. He just hoped San didn't see his back earlier.

He looked at San who still had wrinkles on his forehead. His hair was wet and the sleeves of his sweater were also soaked in water. It looked like he was in a hurry to help Wooyoung stay on his feet earlier and got himself wet in the shower as well.

"Are you now going to tell me what's going on?" San asked in concern.

"Nothing really ... I just didn't eat much today", Wooyoung said.

"When did you last eat?" San asked.

"Lunch break I guess."

"No, you didn't", San stated with a glare. "I watched you being on the phone the whole time."

"I mean yesterday", Wooyoung said with a small voice and wasn't able to look up at San's face. He knew he'd be angry with him.

"What? You didn't eat since yesterday?!"

"I didn't have time for it ..." Wooyoung's voice went quite again. He fiddled with the ends of his towel and felt himself getting cold being naked in the changing room.

"No matter how much you have on your plate, you can't just skip your meals!" San scolded him and stood up. "Get yourself clothed; I'll be right back."

Wooyoung did as he was told as soon as San left the room. He just put on his sweater when San came back with a chocolate bar in his hand.

"Eat!" Was all he said and watched in a mood as Wooyoung complied with his order. San only spoke again, when Wooyoung finished the chocolate bar. "Now tell me. What happened that you even forgot to eat all day?"

Wooyoung kept silent. He didn't want to burden San with his problems. He didn't even know that guy that well. It wasn't San's concern and he wouldn't be able to help him either way. Wooyoung just had to make enough money to cover the repair costs. After that he'd be back to normal.

"You still don't want to talk?" San asked in disbelieve. "Fine, then let me take you home. You can tell me tomorrow." He took Wooyoung's hand and they went back to the practice room. He let go of Wooyoung for a short minute to grab their stuff and shouldered both bags. Then he came back to Wooyoung and took his hand again, taking him downstairs. "Where do you live?" San asked as they stood in front of the now dark building.

"I can't go home", Wooyoung whispered. Another blush creeping up his face.

"Why?", was the only question San had for him.

Wooyoung sighed. He guessed that San wouldn't let it be ... that's not going to happen soon. "My washing machine broke yesterday and everything is soaked in water. My bed is not only wet but the frame is wooden, so I have to replace it, or it may break down, if I sleep on it."

San let out a deep sigh. "Why -" San stopped talking and sighed again. "Fine." Without another word he picked on Wooyoung's hand to follow him and they left for the other direction. Wooyoung walked behind him, looking at their connected hands. San's hand was warm and Wooyoung felt comfortable holding it. Surprisingly, San's hands were big and he had a firm grip. Wooyoung still felt weak on his legs and therefore was thankful for the guidance by the other boy.

A few minutes later they arrived at a building and went upstairs. San's apartment was at the top floor and he let Wooyoung in.

"It's not big, but you can stay here for a few days", San said and closed the door after the two of them. Wooyoung looked around and agreed with San. It wasn't big. The living and sleeping room were in one room. There was a separate bathroom and a separate kitchen. In the living and sleeping area was a queen-sized bed, a small sofa and a small table. On the walls were lots of bookshelves and a closet, as well as a TV with some gaming equipment.

San finally let go of Wooyoung's hand and he immediately felt like something was missing. "Sit down", San said and pointed to the sofa. "I'll cook you something to eat."

"No, you don't have to", Wooyoung finally found his voice again. "That chocolate bar real-", he didn't get to finish his sentence under the glare San gave him. Wooyoung went silent again and sat down on the sofa while San headed for the kitchen.

A few minutes later, San came back with two plates of food and two bottles of water. He gave Wooyoung one of each and sat down next to him. There wasn't much space. The sofa could barely fit two people sitting there and Wooyoung noticed the closeness to San. Their thighs touched and Wooyoung felt every movement San made.

"So, you tried to fix everything today and were absent because of that?", San asked in between spoons of food. Wooyoung nodded. "Why didn't you say anything? Where did you sleep last night?"

Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders. "I don't need help ..."

"Where did you sleep?", San pressured him into telling. Wooyoung looked up from his food. Intimidating. San's eyes stared down right into Wooyoung's soul. It was as if San had put him under a curse or some magic potion to tell the truth, because he wasn't able to think of a single lie right there.

"The practice room. I slept there." Wooyoung said and San finally looked away. He didn't say anything. Wooyoung could just feel that he was disappointed.

After a while San talked again. "I get why you wouldn't ask me, since we've known each other for just a week ... But why didn't you ask your other friends? Or are you not close with Yeosang, Mingi, Yunho and the others?"

"They are my friends", Wooyoung quickly said. "But ... I don't want to burden them. It is my problem, not theirs ..."

"You made it ours when you didn't show up for practice today", San said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you that I wouldn't come", Wooyoung said silently. "I just forgot about it."

"I don't mean that. I mean when you don't show up, you can't practice and if you don't practice the whole performance will be in danger. This'll affect not only your evaluation but all of ours."

"I know", Wooyoung said quietly and looked down at the floor. "But it's not like you guys can help me. I need money for the repairs and I have to work to get it. I've worked in the past during dancing lessons, too. I can make it work. I promise that it won't affect the performance!" Wooyoung looked up at San's eyes and hoped he'd believe him.

"You promise?" San asked back. "Then you'll practice with me every night after your work shift to catch up on what we did that day?"

"If that's what it needs to make the performance perfect, then yes. I'll do whatever it takes!"

"Fine then." San said and stood up again. He took Wooyoung's empty plate and brought it back to the kitchen. "Time for bed", he said as he came back.

"Where ... where do I sleep?" Wooyoung asked, looking at the sofa which was barely big enough for two people to sit on. He wouldn't be able to sleep there comfortable he thought to himself.

San gave him a strange look. "Here of course", he pointed to the bed and took another pillow and duvet out of the closet.

"You want me to sleep in your bed? With you?",Wooyoung asked bewildered and felt his ears burning red again.

Under the Umbrella // A WooSan Story ✔Where stories live. Discover now