Chapter 8

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"There's nowhere else, so what's the matter?" San answered while jawing.

"No... nothing", Wooyoung said quietly and went to the bathroom to change his clothes. As he took off his shirt he turned around and looked at his back in the mirror. A deep sign escaped his lips as he went over his skin. >Ugly< he thought to himself and quickly put on another shirt. He washed his face and brushed his teeth before he went back to the living room, or bed room. Wooyoung didn't know how to call it.

Without saying a word, San got up from the sofa and put a hand on his shoulder while he walked past Wooyoung. It was hard to describe but Wooyoung felt the support from this little touch. It's as if San said "I'm here for you".

Wooyoung shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and crawled under the duvet, San got for him. A few minutes later San returned and turned off the light, before getting into bed beside him. Wooyoung scooped to the side to make as much room for San as possible when he felt a hand on his back. "Don't be so worried", a sleepy San whispered. "Make yourself at home."

Wooyoung tried to do so, but he was heavily aware of the breathing of the other boy. Wooyoung turned around after a while to see if San was still awake and found him sound asleep. In the dark Wooyoung couldn't make out much of San's features but he continued to look at him.

Some things just didn't make any sense to him. Why was San trying so hard to be friends with him? Why would he help a practical stranger? Why wasn't he bothered sleeping next to him?

It took Wooyoung a while to feel comfortable but some time later he must have fallen asleep.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

The next thing Wooyoung knew was that he woke up in a strange bed. He could never sleep really well in a strange environment so he wasn't surprised by the fact that it was way to early to get up. Wooyoung tried to fall asleep again, when he felt a movement behind him. And that's when he noticed the heavy arm around his waist and the leg on top of his. San was cuddled up against his back. Wooyoung felt the slow and steady breathing in his neck. Goose bumps formed in that area and Wooyoung was suddenly wide awake. No way of going back to sleep now. Slowly, Wooyoung lifted San's arm and tried to get out of bed, but San suddenly pulled him closer and all Wooyoung was able to do was turn around and look in San's sleeping face.

"Just 5 more minutes", San said in a sleepy voice without opening his eyes and went right back to sleep without realizing Wooyoung's panicked and red face.

Wooyoung tried to stay calm in this position. But he's never been this close to another boy before. The whole situation overwhelmed him even though they weren't doing anything. Just the fact of this much skinship made Wooyoung's heartbeat race.

Wooyoung had a good look on San's face now. He studied every little detail and pushed away a few strands of hair from his face. San's hair was really soft, even after a night of sleep. "Beautiful", Wooyoung whispered to himself admiring his features.

"I know I'm stunning", San answered and a dimple showed up on his cheek. "But please let me sleep a bit more."

"I ... I didn't –", Wooyoung panicked with burning ears, but San pulled him even closer and snuggled his face against Wooyoung's neck.

"Just be quite", San said and Wooyoung went silent. He could feel his blood boiling in his veins and worried that San could hear his heartbeat. Wooyoung didn't know where to put his hands now and rested them on San's back. He felt San caressing his back in slow motions. Wooyoung closed his eyes. He tried to calm down, so that San could sleep a bit longer and eventually Wooyoung fell asleep again.

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