Chapter 14

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Wooyoung didn't say a word as the others were talking about the new task. He just sat there, his face towards the floor and asked himself if he'd be able to pull this off. He only noticed everyone staring at him when someone hugged him from behind and he looked up.

"I'll do this with Woo", San said beside his ear and Wooyoung felt the warmth from his embrace. "We'll make one hell of a sexy performance!" San's mood was not even the slightest pressed.

"Not fair!", Yeosang said. "I wanted to do the sexy performance!"

"Your fault for not claiming it first", San said with a shrug.

"We'll do the powerful one!", Mingi said in a hurry and pointed at himself and Yunho.

Yeosang's mouth stood open as he looked at Seonghwa and Jongho in despair.

"Seems like you'll be responsible for the cute one", San said with a grin and everyone except the remaining three laughed.

"No, no!", Seonghwa said now. "There's got to be room for negotiations!"

"Nope!", Yunho said and sat himself down next to Mingi to discuss their choice of songs.

"Not either!", San said loudly and dragged Wooyoung away from the others to talk to him alone. "And we don't accept anyone else on our team!" He shouted back to the group of leftover friends. "You'll be the three-man group."

"Oh, I don't think so!", Jongho stood up and cracked his fingers. "I am not doing a cute concept."

"You're the Maknae, you have to do it", Mingi countered bravely.

"Should I show you who the Maknae is between us?", Jongho asked and walked to Mingi in a threatening manner.

"No thanks!", Mingi said and hid behind Yunho who wasn't really eager to be between Jongho and his prey.

"So, what songs do you want to cover?", San asked beside Wooyoung and he turned around to face him.

"You sure you want to do this with me? I won't have more time to train next week either." Wooyoung asked with a grim. "I don't want you to fail this because I'm not able to come here all the time."

"Yes, I am sure about it." San looked him in the eye and Wooyoung could see his conviction. "I don't want to do this with anyone else!"

"Thank you", Wooyoung mumbled and faced the ground again to hide his blush. Saying that San was an angel in human form wasn't really an overstatement.

"So, any ideas?", San asked again and they began to look for songs to cover.

Some time later every group was more or less satisfied with their choices, some of them even started to practice already, like San and Wooyoung. Since both San and Wooyoung have covered a lot of sexy songs in the past, they chose their songs pretty quickly and went over the choreography to relearn the dances.

As it was getting later the others left to go home, but as always, San and Wooyoung stayed to train a bit more.

"How about we change it up a bit?", Wooyoung said while looking at their reflection. "Like use it that we are only two and not a whole group?"

"What do you have in mind?", San asked and pushed back his sweat soaked hair. That move lifted up San's shirt as well and revealed his abdomen. San didn't realize it and Wooyoung continued to stare. "So?"

Wooyoung blinked one time to concentrate again. "You know that part we switch positions? How about ..." And Wooyoung showed him what he had in mind. "And you come from the other side." San quickly knew what Wooyoung meant and followed him suit.

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