Chapter 19

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Sorry, but it's a long chapter again. I clearly don't know how to write short chapters.

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After the three groups were done Yixing told them to sit down and they all got something to drink while Yixing gave them his feedback.

"First I need to apologize to Wooyoung", he said and looked Wooyoung straight in the eye. "I didn't think you'd manage to finish this mission in such a high quality to be honest. When you told me last week, you won't be able to practise with the others for a few weeks, I was about to kick you out of this class. But you showed me today, that you're still passionate about dancing and you wouldn't let your private life come between you and your assignments. You and San showed me a really good cover dance. Especially if one considers, what was up with your week schedule. Though I wouldn't let you pass, just because it is something good considering your situation. Since this is going to be uploaded on YouTube the performance needs to be on point. And you guys showed me your chemistry. You work together really well and that is something to note."

Hearing that hadn't the expected reaction from Wooyoung. Of course, he was glad that they passed this mission but getting praised for his passion wasn't really something he needed to hear. It even made Wooyoung sadder. He was one step closer to his goal but he didn't even know if he'd still be here when the agency decided to finally give him a chance to stand on a stage.

San on the other hand was happy for the both of them. He wrapped his arms around Wooyoung to celebrate and let out a squeal of joy. Wooyoung smiled as well, though it didn't reach his eyes. Wooyoung didn't even realize that San left his arm around his shoulders, as Yixing turned to their friends.

"Mingi and Yunho. Was it planned that you used the same artists for your performances as San and Wooyoung or was it a coincident?"

"It was a coincident - more or less", Yunho answered. "We knew what songs they'd use because they were faster than us and we had decided on one song that time. After we heard both their songs, we immediately knew what other song we'd like to use and that's how it ended up to be the same idols as theirs."

"That's interesting. I like the contrast of the sexy and powerful performance with the same artist's songs. Your performance was good, too. You could put a bit more power in your movements and stretch out your arms and legs more. Make your frame bigger, it'll be more effectful. If you work on that, your performance is a pass as well."

Yunho and Mingi did their bromance handshake to celebrate their success.

"Seonghwa, Jongho and Yeosang." Yixing let out a deep sigh. "I don't know what you were planning but your performance was, kindly said, a mess. Your choice of song didn't fit the cute theme and your performance didn't either. I know it's not easy to make something like this work, but if an idol has a cute comeback, his back dancers need to adapt as well. And you didn't. I don't even know how to critic you." Yixing looked the trainees in the eyes. "What am I supposed to do now? You can't film like that?"

Silence filled the room. The joy of the teams that passed quickly faded and they all waited for Yixing to say something.

"Seonghwa", Yixing called him out. "What was the problem?"

"It's hard", Seonghwa said and tried to hold eye contact with their teacher. "I don't know how to act cute. Neither do Jongho or Yeosang. We ... we aren't cut for the cutesy theme."

"I don't like it as well", Yixing admitted. "But I forced myself into it. If I can force it, you can as well."

It was quite again and the trio couldn't look at Yixing as they felt ashamed.

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