Chapter 26

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For the first time in ages the friends ended their training all together. While most of them showered Wooyoung tidied up the practise room and waited for them, so they could go to the convenience store together, like they used to do.

The owner greeted them with a happy smile. "You're here all together again", he said. "But aren't you guys a bit late?"

"We trained late today", Seonghwa answered him. "This is Hongjoong by the way", he introduced their newest member. "We'll probably be here together late in the next few days."

"You guys are training too much", the owner said. "You need to take breaks or you're ruining your health."

"You don't need to worry about us", Wooyoung said with a wide smile. "We'll take care of us."

They payed for their food and drinks and left the store to sit down outside.

"So, you guys know each other from school already?", Hongjoong asked them.

"Yeah ... well Jongho is not in our school", Seonghwa answered. "But the rest, yeah ..."

"You're there as well, right San?", Jongho asked.

"Yes, but they've never noticed me before I joined this company."

"I still can't believe that you were in our school all the time", Mingi said.

"Tell me about it", Wooyoung said. "He is even in one of my classes."

"How is your back pain, Wooyoung?", Yeosang asked worriedly. "Our dances are not quite easy ..."

"It's much better, don't worry about it", Wooyoung answered with a smile.

"Are you s–", San began but was cut off by Wooyoung's glare. "Sorry."

"I swear to you, I'm really going to slap you, if you ask that one more time", Wooyoung said to him in a low tone.

"Okay, okay, I got it", San answered. He was distracted, as Hongjoong picked on his jacket. He pushed it up, so San would wear it correctly. "Thanks, Hyung", San said.

"So, for how long do you guys know each other?", Wooyoung then asked.

San and Hongjoong exchanged a look and thought about it. "Maybe two months?", Hongjoong asked.

"Mhm, when I first joined the agency", San said.

"You're in the agency for only two months?", Wooyoung asked.

"How did you get in our class so fast?", Yunho asked. "Most of us trained for years to get there."

San thought about it again. "I'm just so good, I guess", he then said with a mean grin. Hongjoong giggled at that behind his hand. "What's so funny about that?", San asked but Hongjoong just shook his head and said it was nothing.

"It's not like I haven't received training before I came here", San then explained. "I've been dancing since ages ago."

"And singing obviously", Jongho added. San only nodded to that.

They quickly finished up their food and went their separate ways, since it was already late at night. When Wooyoung came home, he first went into his living room to tidy up his clothes that were still lying behind his sofa, since he didn't have time for that in the morning. A slight smile was on his face present, as he remembered last night. Of course, he was still flustered by the fact, that he had sex with San, but San was so caring about him. Even though he sometimes overdid it with his concerns, Wooyoung was still happy.

Wooyoung got himself some clothes to wear for the night and went to shower. As he opened his phone to turn on some music, he saw that he had a message.


Open up

Open what?

The door, you dickhead.

Wooyoung frowned at this, but went to his door anyway. San stood outside with his phone in his hand.

"Missed me?", San asked and walked right in without waiting for an invitation.

"What are you doing here?", Wooyoung asked. "Didn't you go home?"

"I did", San said and let his backpack fall to the ground. "But I forgot something earlier."

"Oh, really?", Wooyoung asked and turned away, to go look for it. "What did you forget?"

San didn't answer. He reached out to Wooyoung and pushed him slightly against the wall. "This", he said and pressed his lips on Wooyoung's.

Wooyoung was slightly surprized by the sudden attack, but immediately melted into the kiss. San's hand slightly brushed up Wooyoung's chin and went straight for his hair. "Mhm ... I needed that", San whispered against his lips.

"Is this why you came all the way here?", Wooyoung asked amused.

"You make it sound like we live miles apart", San said with a pout. "Can't I just come when I miss you?"

"You missed me?", Wooyoung asked. "We only just said good bye."

"Feels like I haven't seen you since morning", San said and went to kiss Wooyoung again.

"So, it does bother you more than me?", Wooyoung asked jokingly but slit his hands up San's hair. He pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.

But San pushed him back with a pout and said: "Fuck off." He suddenly let go of Wooyoung and walked inside. Wooyoung was left alone in front of the door.

"Oh, come on, San", Wooyoung said with a slight laugh. He found San sitting at the counter in the kitchen looking at his phone. "I've missed you, too."

"Doesn't seem like it." San kept his eyes on the phone. "You didn't even look at me today."

"That's not true and you know it. We've been talking the whole day."

"Yeah, fine, you didn't ignore me. Great." The sarcasm was overflowing in San's voice.

"San", Wooyoung said and put a hand on his shoulder. San didn't react to it. Wooyoung knew he had done something wrong, but didn't know what. "What have I done now?"

San finally looked up at him, but Wooyoung couldn't make out what he was thinking.

"I just thought ...", San started, but broke up again. "Ah, never mind." He averted his eyes again. "Doesn't matter."

"It matters to me", Wooyoung said and leaned down to San, one hand on the counter to steady himself. "Look at me", he demanded and San turned his head to him again. "Tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it."

"It's nothing you could fix", San said quietly. "Nothing you should fix."

"What do you mean?", Wooyoung asked.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, Woo", San answered and raised his hand to caress Wooyoung's face. "I don't want you to fix it, just because I tell you", he whispered. "Maybe you'll figure it out on your own ... if not ... at least I know where I'm at." Sadness was evident in San's face and Wooyoung was taken aback by it.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about", Wooyoung said and took San's hand in his. "You need to be more clear."

But San shook his head. "No, I'm not going to tell you. I don't want it to be fake. You need to figure it out by yourself."

"You are making absolutely no sense at all", Wooyoung said and stood straight again. "If you don't want to talk about it, don't start it." He resigned. "I was about to take a shower just now. Do you want to stay and wait?", Wooyoung asked him. San nodded and looked back down. "Okay, it'll only take a second." He wanted to let go of San's hand but San didn't soften his grip. Instead he held Wooyoung's hand even tighter. "You'll need to let me go, if you don't want to join me", Wooyoung said in a mocking voice.

"I want to", San said so quietly, that Wooyoung was sure he didn't hear right.

"You want what?", Wooyoung asked again.

"I want to join you", San now said louder and looked back up at Wooyoung. The sadness was replaced by a seductive smile on his lips.

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