Chapter 11

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Wooyoung woke up the next day because he felt something crushing his torso. It didn't take long for him to find out that San was aggressively cuddling him. Wooyoung only had a sigh left for that. He hadn't moved an inch during the night and was still lying on his back, though San had somehow managed to slide his other arm under Wooyoung's back to cuddle him even closer.

"Good morning", San said with his deep morning voice and a shiver ran down Wooyoung's spine.

"Morning" Wooyoung turned his head to face San. "C-could you move an inch?" San's face was so close, that with no doubt Wooyoung felt his cheeks heat up.

"Nope", San answered while staring in Wooyoung's eyes. "And you don't seem like you want me to either."

"I literally just asked you to move." Wooyoung said with a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you still holding my hand, then?", San asked with a smile on his lips. It wasn't a sarcastic smile or him looking down on Wooyoung. It was just ... a genuine smile.

Wooyoung looked down to his hand to find it on top of San's, where he had put it last night. Though, what he didn't realize was the fact, that he had intertwined their fingers. Hurriedly Wooyoung let go of San's hand but San quickly grabbed it again. "Why so shy, Woo?" He intertwined their fingers again, only this time his hand was on top of Wooyoung's. "I told you to be yourself. Just do whatever you like to."

"Woo?", Wooyoung asked and looked back at San.

San hummed at his question. "You don't like it? I think it's cute."

"No, it's okay ... I guess ..." They fell silent again and Wooyoung took his time to explore San's eyes as he was intensely staring back at him. His eyes were two dark orbits, like every Asian had. But even though they were almost as black as obsidian Wooyoung could see the small light fragments close to the pupil. San's long lashes rested on a smooth mono lid and casted a light shadow in the morning sun. A hint of a smile formed his almond-shaped eyes into large crescent moons.

Wooyoung bit his tongue behind closed lips to not speak his thoughts out loud. He remembered yesterday morning all too well.

Minute after minute passed as they were staring at each other, not moving an inch away, without saying a word. San began to slowly stroke the back of Wooyoung's hand with his thumb. A warm feeling spread from this simple touch. A feeling that wasn't foreign to Wooyoung anymore, but still strange.

One after another, Wooyoung noticed the details of San's face. His thick eyebrows that were shaped in a slight arch. The straight nose and cute cheeks that seemed contrasting, but weren't. A sharp-cut jawline with protruding bones. And full lips which were moist and shimmery.

Wooyoung lost himself in the inspection of the other boy. He wasn't sure how this boy was even real. Wasn't it a bit unfair? San could dance like a god and looked like an Adonis, too?

As Wooyoung was looking over San's face he saw the other do the same and he felt his face getting hotter by the minute. Soon he couldn't take it anymore and turned his face away.

"Cute", San said and Wooyoung could literally hear the smile from his voice. San squeezed his hand affectionately before he let go and gave Wooyoung a sign to get up from his arm. "You probably don't want to be late for school, right?" San asked the confused Wooyoung and got out of bed to use the bathroom first.

Wooyoung stayed seated in bed and listened to the noise of the shower while he got lost in his thoughts. He brushed his hands through his hair and sighed deeply. He didn't know what was happening between him and San and if San felt the same things he did. Was it just his imagination? Maybe San was just a guy that likes skinship with others and there was no meaning behind it at all? Was it really okay for him to think that San was attractive?

Wooyoung thought it all over. It's not like he was against the idea of being interested in the same sex, he wasn't that narrowminded. He just ... never expected it. And was it even like that in the first place? It's true that San was an attractive man, probably everyone would agree to that. Maybe that attractiveness lead to the strange feelings and shivers he had, when they touched or got close. What was it exactly, that Wooyoung felt when he was with San?

Wooyoung noticed the sound of the shower disappearing and finally got up from the bed to get his clothes. He still had his head in his bag, when he heard the bathroom door opening. In a rush he grabbed the first things that would suit his school uniform and turned around. He didn't want to make San wait. After all, they have spent way too much time in bed today.

With that thought in mind he looked directly at the bare abs standing in front of him. Wooyoung's eyes went wide and a heat creeped up his neck and face. At the same time his heart rate jumped and Wooyoung felt his blood rushing under his skin. He was frozen on the spot, trying to form any thought.

San on the other hand, who was only wearing boxer shorts, walked right past Wooyoung. As he put his hand on Wooyoung's shoulder, a big yawn overcame him. Wooyoung noticed a drop of water falling down from San's freshly washed hair – it smelled like citron – and running down the other's back the same speed as the shiver down Wooyoung's spine.

Wooyoung looked down San's back and found it flawless. The muscles that supported his spine were well formed and shaped San's small waistline. Wooyoung had never before noticed how well shaped the other boy was – he truly had the body of a dancer.

Wooyoung felt his throat getting dry and he swallowed, but there was no saliva left in his mouth.

Wooyoung's gaze went south, over the rim of the boxers to the well-rounded butt before his eyes stopped at the thighs. Muscular, firm thighs that held a lot of strength as Wooyoung knew.

Something twitched in Wooyoung's stomach area and took him back to reality. And without another second to spare, Wooyoung bolted to the bathroom. He closed the door and leaned on the sink, staring in his own eyes, breathing heavily.

It was clear now. Wooyoung was attracted to San. Not in a bromance kind of way. The pulsating blood in his half erect member was more than enough proof to him.

But the question was still: What were San's intentions? Which way did he swing? Is there anything else than physical attraction? And would San feel something for Wooyoung?

Under the Umbrella // A WooSan Story ✔Where stories live. Discover now