Chapter 4

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Wooyoung didn't like Mondays. But who actually liked them? In Wooyoung's case he didn't like the fact, that he had to go to school and didn't have much time for training.

It's not like he was a bad student or didn't have any friends here that didn't share his passion of dancing, so he did mostly have a good time here. But because he worked so hard to achieve his dream, he just sometimes felt like his time was wasted sitting in a boring class he knew he won't need in his life anymore.

But in fact, Mingi and Yeosang from his dancing class were in the same school and also in his grade. Even in other grades were students with the same hobbies, also a few of them wanting to become idols, so they kind of formed their own little group at school of people passionate about dancing. They always ate lunch together and that was where Wooyoung would spend the best part of his school live.

They usually take up a spot at the outside where a few really old and rustic looking wooden tables were put up for students and Wooyoung found his friends really quick this day, even though he had been held up by his teacher after class.

"Heeeeey", Wooyoung shouted from far away and he could see Yeosang scoop over to make space for him to sit.

"Why are you so late?", Mingi asked with his mouth full of a sandwich, he was trying to eat, but failing.

"Mr. Kim asked me about my plans for the future again", Wooyoung stressed. "Like, wanting to be a dancer is not part of his vocabulary I guess."

"Ah, he did that with me, too, when I had him last year", San said and Wooyoung suddenly noticed he was sitting beside Keonhee,who was an upperclassman.

"Wait, you go to school here?", Wooyoung asked bewildered.

"Yes", Mingi answered before San could open his mouth, "I met him in front of the gates today!"

"I've been in your grade for two years now, Wooyoung", San smiled with his dimples showing.

"So, you knew me!" Wooyoung shouted.

"I knew of you", was all San answered and started a conversation with Felix then.

There wasn't much time left for the break and Wooyoung ate his lunch real quick without saying much more. But he was looking at San in a strange way, wondering what he could've known about him.

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After school Wooyoung would usually go home for a quick change of clothes before going to the agency and practicing for the next monthly evaluation. They didn't have classes during weekdays with trainers, so they were free to train whatever they wanted or needed to. Regular classes only took place at the weekend with usually three to four different classes each day but you were required to come during weekdays to present your progress to the teachers at the end of the week.

This day however Wooyoung noticed a boy standing at the gates, waiting for someone.

"Who are you waiting for?" Wooyoung asked San curiously.

"You", was the short answer followed with another cute smile. "I asked the others earlier, but didn't have a chance to talk to you."

"What do you want?", Wooyoung asked and they slowly began walking to the direction of their agency.

"I'm going to the studio now and want to practice the choreo with you guys. I hope you'll join."

"Yeah, of course. That's where I always go after school", Wooyoung said as a matter of fact. The conversation stopped for a second and Wooyoung stopped walking too. "I mean, yes, sure. I'm going there and it'd be great if you'd come too ... I mean ... I didn't want to be rude or anything. I just ... I'm going there either way, you didn't have to ask ... I mean ..." Wooyoung looked through his bangs into San's eyes. "Sorry, it's just ... I don't know how to act around you", Wooyoung said blatantly.

"Why?" San asked in honest curiosity.

"I don't know?" Wooyoung smiled shyly. "I just don't know you and you don't know me and I can be kind of rude sometimes ... at least that's what my friends say, but I don't want to be rude and I just ..."

"Don't worry about it", San said with the gentlest smile Wooyoung had ever see. "Just be yourself. No one should ever worry about how a friend would react if you just be yourself and do things in your own way."

"But I can be a really annoying bitch", Wooyoung said with a grim. "And loud."

"Then be loud", San laughed and started walking again.

"I really mean it when I say I am annoying and loud", Wooyoung said again stressing the part of being loud.

"I already knew that when I saw you at the agency a week ago", San laughed.

"So, you really did know me", Wooyoung answered and looked at San from the side. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Why should I? It's not like we've talked before. I just saw you and your friends at lunch a few times ... I mean, mostly I heard you shouting something." San flashed a smile and looked back at Wooyoung. "You are a really outgoing person, hm?"

"It's hard to hide", was the only answer he got but Wooyoung was shyly trying to hide his smile.

They finally reached the entrance of the agency and San held the door open for Wooyoung.

"Sorry, I just have to go home for a bit, get my clothes. I'm here in a few", Wooyoung said and left.

It actually really took only a few minutes, till Wooyoung came back to the agency and almost half of the class was already there, warming up and stretching.

Wooyoung joined Yeosang and Mingi and they helped each other with the stretching, until San turned on the music and they warmed up to a few K-Pop songs they have covered in the past, before they got back to learning the complicated choreo, San has made for them.

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