Chapter 15 *explicit*

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Wooyoung's eyes fluttered shut as their lips connected. It was more than just the touch of two body parts. It felt like heaven. San moved his lips against Wooyoung's and pulled his head even closer, as if he needed this just as much as Wooyoung had waited for it.

Wooyoung wanted to keep this kiss innocent and special, so he pulled away a few moments later, to look back at San and see his reaction. But the desire in San's eyes made it impossible for him to not want more. There was a fire in his stare, Wooyoung couldn't ignore. San pulled on Wooyoung's hair and pushed him back against his lips, hungry for more ... a lot more.

San kissed him passionately, as if he'd waited for this a long time. He hummed in the back of his throat in bliss and pulled on Wooyoung's hair even more violently. Wooyoung was a bit surprized by the fire that burned between them but by no means, he wanted it to stop.

San's other hand slid down Wooyoung's side till he found his hip and pulled him down. A moan of pleasure escaped Wooyoung's mouth as he pressed down on San's crotch to find him as hard as he already was.

"I knew it", San said with his deep voice. Wooyoung kissed his way up San's jawline and down his neck. San stretched his head to the side to give Wooyoung more access.

"You knew?", Wooyoung asked without stopping in his actions. He could see goosebumps of pleasure appear on San's skin. Wooyoung graced San's neck with his tongue and lightly blew over the wet skin. San hissed.

"I saw how you looked at me", San explained and made Wooyoung moan again as he began to move underneath him. His hands tightly grabbing Wooyoung's ass he moved around to create friction between their pulsating erections. Wooyoung looked back at San and he could swear the intensity in San's hungry eyes made him even harder. Wooyoung went back to kissing San and slipped his tongue into the others mouth while he grinded their hips against each other. Their meaningless fight for dominance ended in a heavy breathing mess as Wooyoung pulled away to gasp for air. San kept his eyes shut and his fingers dug deeper in Wooyoung's ass in an attempt to create more friction between them. He moaned Wooyoung's name loudly as Wooyoung quickened his pace and started to jerk more sharply against the heat of San's groin.

A few moments later San decided that it wasn't enough and pushed Wooyoung so he fell from the sofa. San quickly followed and positioned himself over Wooyoung to take control. He grinded down Wooyoung's length more heavily and quicker than Wooyoung had done and even more waves of pleasure jolted through Wooyoung's body.

San left a burning trace of kisses down Wooyoung's neck and sucked on an especially soft spot right above Wooyoung's collarbone. The sweet pain was even more sickening as Wooyoung felt himself close to his climax.

"San ... I'm ... I'm almost there", Wooyoung said breathing heavily.

"Me too", San answered in a raspy voice against Wooyoung's chin and kissed him again. More aggressively and messier than before. He bit Wooyoung's lip, resulting in a growl. Wooyoung tried to keep his moans down. San didn't like that and bit him again, this time in the neck. "Let me hear your voice", he ordered.

"San, I –" San never learned what Wooyoung was about to say, because his sentence ended in a loud moan as San pulled Wooyoung's legs wider apart to have better access to Wooyoung's cock. "God, I – I can't anymore." Wooyoung tug on San's hair and pulled him back to his lips.

San's movements became irregular and Wooyoung grabbed his hips to guide him further. He felt each stroke of San's length as it drags along his inseam, felt his own cock harden further.

San came with a loud growl against his mouth and Wooyoung felt the pulse and shift of San's cock through the soft fabric. He was so close, too.

San pushed his hand in Wooyoung's pants to tuck up the head of his cock. The touch of warm flesh instead of fabric and friction pushed Wooyoung over the edge. He came in San's hands and let out a mewl of pleasure. San stroked his length to fully ride Wooyoung's climax and contained most of the mess in his hand.

He leaned down again to kiss Wooyoung one more time before all the tension was gone. With no energy left, San let himself fall down on Wooyoung. Both breathing heavily. Wooyoung held San close not able to say something.

This was ... amazing. Wooyoung couldn't believe what they've just done.

He listened to San's heartbeat which was getting calmer with every breath the boy took. His own heartbeat on the other hand didn't seem to calm down. Especially not as he realized what just happened and embarrassment came over him.

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This is so bad. I'm so sorry. I don't know how to write these things.

It's my first explicit scene I've wrote.

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