Chapter 16

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San shifted in his position again and pushed himself up to face Wooyoung.

"That was interesting", he said with a grin.

"How – how did you know?", Wooyoung stuttered and tried not to look at San.

"Like I said, I saw how you looked at me", San answered and brushed the wet hair from Wooyoung's forehead. "I'd be surprized if no one else noticed, to be honest." San leaned down and kissed Wooyoung again. It was nothing like their kisses just now. It was sweet and slow, to savour the moment. San hummed in the kiss and Wooyoung felt that he was smiling. And just like that, Wooyoung knew that he shouldn't be embarrassed about anything.

He was attracted to this boy and he was accepted for it. There was nothing wrong with it.

Wooyoung held San even closer and returned the kiss that made his stomach feel like it was on a roller coaster. A feeling, Wooyoung couldn't get enough of.

But some time later, in Wooyoung's opinion too early, San pulled back and pushed himself off the ground. "I need to clean up." He showed Wooyoung his sticky hand and Wooyoung felt his face heat up. "You need to clean up, too." San said with another smile and left Wooyoung lying on the ground.

Wooyoung sat up and felt the damp and sticky fabric of his trousers. All of a sudden he felt gross and got up from the floor.

He shook his head in disbelieve, as he looked for pants to wear. He found some underwear but realized, he hadn't brought a second pair of pants to sleep in, yet.

"You can have one of mine", San said behind him as he saw Wooyoung's dilemma.

"Em, thanks", Wooyoung mumbled and took the clothes San got for him. Wooyoung left for the bathroom to change and clean up.

He came back to an already dark room and searched for his way to the bed. He hit his toe on something on the way and fell swearing in pain head on to the bed. "You got to be kidding me!", he mumbled and held his toe to make sure it wasn't broken.

San on the other hand tried to hold his laughter in and picked on Wooyoung's arm to climb the bed upwards. As Wooyoung was safely tugged in the bed they faced each other without saying a word. San looked at Wooyoung in a pleading way and it tugged on Wooyoung's heart strings. "Oh, just come here already", Wooyoung said and opened up his arm. San happily crawled up to him and rested his head on Wooyoung's arm. He held Wooyoung tight, but Wooyoung held San even tighter.

Wooyoung didn't know what they would be like in the morning, but for now, he wanted to treasure this moment and live in it.

──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────

Wooyoung woke up early because he had to go to work for the morning shift. San was still sleeping in his arms and Wooyoung felt like he was the luckiest man alive. He kissed San on the forehead before he got out of bed, without waking the other.

As quietly as possible, Wooyoung got himself ready and went to work.

A few hours later he was done with his shift and walked back to the agency. He had missed all their classes today as well and Wooyoung felt down about that. Dancing was everything he wanted to do. Learning how to dance used to be everything in his life. Missing all these classes was the worst thing that could happen to him. He didn't want to lose his spot in the class but he didn't know what else he could do. He'd spoken about it with his boss, but because of their need for staff they couldn't spare him the weekend shifts. Wooyoung would have to work next week on the weekend again. He was only able to make sure he was there for Yixing's class.

When Wooyoung entered the practise room random music was playing and Yunho and Mingi were sat on the floor talking within themselves. San and Seonghwa joked around while dancing to these songs but Yeosang and Jongho were nowhere to be found.

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