Chapter 30 *explicit*

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Sorry, that I didn't upload yesterday. I wasn't satisfied with this chapter yet and had to write the next one first. But here you have it.

Another thing that I noticed is, how no one of you found out yet which performance they are preparing, even though I gave a huge hint in the last chapter ^^ Please tell me if you have a guess!

And I think I should tell you here, that we are almost at the end of the story. I don't know yet how many chapters will still come, but since the performance is soon, this story will find its end.

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Wooyoung pushed San gently onto his mattress and laid down above him, staring into San's dark orbs. He held eye contact for quite some time and tried to convey his feelings to him without saying it. As he went back down to kiss San, he put in all his emotions, his desire, his happiness, his sadness. He wanted San to feel it as well.

Wooyoung pulled back and could see that San's eyes were glossy. Overwhelmed by Wooyoung's actions. Slowly Wooyoung connected his lips with San's jaw and kissed his skin ever so slightly.

"Gosh, Woo, what's gotten into you?", San asked with a hoarse voice as Wooyoung nibbled at his ear lobe.

"I don't know", Wooyoung answered against San's skin and saw goose bumps appearing. "You don't like it?"

"I ... I love it", San stuttered as Wooyoung sucked on his sensitive skin right under his adam's apple. His hands found their way to Wooyoung's hair and San motioned Wooyoung to continue in his work. He looked up at San again and kissed his already swollen lips. Their groins finally touched and Wooyoung moved his hips in slow circles to create the slightest friction between them. San moaned against Wooyoung's lips as he couldn't handle the sheer emotions Wooyoung evoked inside him. Wooyoung pulled back again and took the shirt off of San. It landed somewhere near the sofa but neither cared about it. For Wooyoung it was much more important to run his finger in tender motions over San's soft skin. He watched his finger go over every muscle and kissed each of them. He continued to kiss San's nipples and played with them with his tongue.

A shiver ran down Wooyoung's spine as he heard another moan escaping San's lips. He truly loved the sound of the others voice.

"Why are you doing this?", San asked out of breath.

"Because I want to", Wooyoung answered and smiled fondly at the boy lying on his bed. San pulled Wooyoung back into a long kiss, rich of emotions. He pushed his tongue inside Wooyoung's mouth, not to fight over dominance like usually, but to capture Wooyoung's taste. Their tongues danced together in a way they've never experienced before. Something has changed between them. Something's different. They knew it, as they looked back at each other. Wooyoung rested his forehead against San's and looked him in the eyes. San looked back at him, still full of wonders. San, his hands on Wooyoung's hips, made him move again before he closed the distance between their lips.

They went slow and lovingly. Wooyoung treasured every moment in his mind. He felt everything in a more intense manner. Captured the moment deep inside his shaking heart.

Sometime later, Wooyoung had lost is shirt as well and he pushed down San's pants at once with his boxers. He parted San's legs and kissed his inner thigh up until he was right above his erection. Wooyoung grabbed the base gently and kissed the tip before he licked over it. Flicking along the head as if it was a delicious ice cream. San groaned and rocked forward, trying to push his hips into Wooyoung's face.

Wooyoung hummed disapprovingly, curled his fingernails into San's thighs and steadied him. He was determined to take it slow. He slit a flat, moist tongue back up the underside to the tip before sinking the entire warmth of his mouth down on San's cock. He swallowed around him, hollowing his cheeks out.

San let out a broken noise and Wooyoung slurped back off. He waited for the air to cool against San's wet skin until San whined.

Wooyoung engulfed him once more and he moved slowly. He bobbed his head down and up. The suction was unbearable before he pulled entirely off again and waited for San's begging.

He repeated this twice, but when he withdrew with a loud pop for the third time, San let out a growl that sounded like he was in pain.

Wooyoung looked up again to find San's eyes are watering. "Are you going to torture me?" he said angrily.

Wooyoung raised his eyebrows, impressed by how quickly San lost his patience. He reached out to squeeze San's damp dick, which visibly pulsed in his grip and spilled precum down over his hand. Wooyoung watched it trickle down his wrist with glazed, wanton eyes and San made a noise again that's almost one of pain, overly-sensitive and he jerked his hips away.

"Don't," he begged, "I won't last."

"Would cumming be torture?" Wooyoung wondered, his voice hoarse as he looked up.

"Please," San croaked out the word Wooyoung had been waiting for.

So Wooyoung slid his lips down over the head of his cock again, swirled his tongue around the tip, more saliva escaped the motion and coated his swollen lips. He looked up beneath his lashes at San, face crumpled up and eyes locked on his. San let out a vulnerable sound and petted through Wooyoung's hair encouragingly.

Wooyoung slurped the rest of him into his mouth. He tightened the wet ring of his lips but relaxed his throat and let the entire length slide through.

San thrusted upward and Wooyoung tried not to gag. He struggled as San's cock knocked against the back of his throat. San cried out as the sensitive skin of his head brushed against moist, flexing flesh as Wooyoung swallowed.

The slick that build up as Wooyoung kept his mouth ajar helped to make the slide easier. It's so wet, the sound of it was embarrassingly erotic. San was soon fully fucking his mouth, hips snapping to meet his face, hands clutched around his skull to keep it in place.

Wooyoung took it, he closed his eyes and tried to keep his focus on breathing through his nose. He relaxed his jaw and dug his fingers into San's thighs as he thrusted.

San's fingers slip and scrambled around the back of his head and Wooyoung felt his rhythm start to lapse. Wooyoung slid his hands around San's hips and took more control again. He bobbed his head evenly to meet San's stuttering thrusts and finished him off. In the final strokes, he focused more on the sensitive tip, tongue lapping at the slit. He tightly pursed lips slipping on and off the crown.

San gasped. His leg's twitched as he came and his whole body tensed under Wooyoung's ministrations. Wooyoung moved to seal his mouth back down over the head as some of the first spurts of semen dribbled down his chin.

He deliberately continued to suck gently around the softening length even once it's stopped leaking and San had to grab Wooyoung's head and retrieve it to escape the overwhelming sensation.

San head flopped back against the mattress, chest heaving. He watched helplessly as Wooyoung delicately swiped a finger over the mess on his chin and suckled it off his finger until it was clean.

San made a little noise and Wooyoung pushed himself up and moved to fit himself against San's relaxed form as he kissed his lips.

San met his mouth willingly. He didn't shy away from the lingering bitterness of himself. Wooyoung sighed into it, and then drew his head back to look fondly at San's expression of bliss.

"W-Where did that come from?", San wondered. His eyes were filled with a spark, Wooyoung hadn't seen before. He run his thumb over the curl of Wooyoung's pout.

Wooyoung kissed his thumb and smiled, a little smug, like a cat who's caught and devoured its prey. His eyes darken then, blinking down at where their hips connected, and San smiled at the instinctive glance. He rewarded it by pressing himself upward, against Wooyoung's own erection.

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