Chapter 28

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The next day at lunchbreak Wooyoung found that there was no free space left beside San, which was why he sat down next to Mingi.

"You actually brought that thing with you", Wooyoung pointed at the microphone that was lying on the table.

"Hongjoong Hyung said I should take it with me wherever I go, so that's what I do", Mingi answered and took the mic in his hand. "It's still weird though. Pretty heavy actually."

"Let me see", Wooyoung took it out of Mingi's hand and fumbled around with it for a moment. "Hmm ... I guess you'll have to get used to it." He gave it back to Mingi and looked across the table to San, who didn't seem to notice him at all. He was engaged in an intense conversation with Yeosang, Keonhee and Felix, but Wooyoung couldn't make out what it was about.

He decided to ignore him as well and involved Yunho in a conversation until lunch break was over. After the bell rang for them to go back to their classrooms Wooyoung felt a hand on his lower back as he walked to the school.

"Are you still in pain?", San whispered in his ear.

"No, everything's fine", Wooyoung answered as quietly.

"Good", San said, looked around if they were really the last ones outside and kissed Wooyoung's temple before he quickened his pace to walk inside first. Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat at this slight but actually really sweet gesture and couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. Just how was it possible that San was so sweet to him?

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The next day was the day their cover dance video would be released and the four starring in the video were nervous all day. They agreed to watch it together, so everyone had to wait until Wooyoung finally finished his shift.

They were in the middle of their training when Wooyoung entered but everyone stopped as soon as they noticed him. Hongjoong clapped in his hands to get everyone's attention; their back dancers were still there as well.

"Short break", Hongjoong announced. "Get yourself something to drink."

The 8 friends hurried to get together on the floor and Hongjoong took the laptop from the sound station. They huddled together, so everyone could see the small display. Wooyoung sitting behind San and resting his chin on his shoulder. The trainees were a bit surprized, that the music was suddenly turned off and came to see what they were up to with the laptop.

"Here it is", Yunho said and pulled up the video. His hand was shaking as he hovered over the mouse pad, deciding whether to start the video or not.

"Oh, come on, just press play!", Jongho said and pushed Yunho's finger down. The video started and everyone's eyes were fixated on it.

As soon as the first song started Yeosang screamed "Oh my god, San!", pointing out how San licked his lips.

"Uups", San said and hid his face behind his hands. "I didn't notice."

"And you didn't notice how your shirt exposed almost all of your body, I guess", Jongho said.

"I did notice that one", San muttered, still hiding his face.

"Wooyoung!", Yunho cried out.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know I was biting my lips", Wooyoung used the same lame apology as San and pressed himself against his back in embarrassment.

"You both are unbelievable", Mingi shook his head.

Next, was Yunho's and Mingi's turn and said friends grabbed their hands to hold each other while watching.

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