Chapter 20

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Before it could get any worse Wooyoung left the practise room and went to the bathroom and collect himself again.

He threw a handful of water in his face and rubbed over his eyes. They pricked from the tears he didn't want to let out. He should stop thinking about it. It was practise time and he owed it to his friends, that he'd give it his all.

A noise behind him made him look up. Hongjoong just entered the bathroom.

"Hey you", Hongjoong said. "Wooyoung, right?"

"Yes", Wooyoung answered and dried his face with a paper towel.

"Everything all right with you?", Hongjoong asked as he looked closer.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Isn't it a bit late for you to still be here?", Hongjoong asked then.

"Hmm. San and I are practising for tomorrow. We're filming our cover dance for the YouTube channel."

"Oh, so you've made it. Congratulations." Hongjoong patted Wooyoung's back and grinned widely. "Not that I expected anything else from you and San."

"Yeah ... well I probably should go back, or he'll wonder where I've been", Wooyoung said and turned around to leave.

"How is your main mission coming along? You're using one of my songs, right?"

"It's going smoothly, I guess? Your song is pretty amazing though", Wooyoung said. "I love it."

"Thanks for the compliment", Hongjoong said. "I actually had a hard time producing it."

"Why don't you come and look at our progress some day? Maybe you could give us some advice how to interpret your song correctly", Wooyoung then said and faced Hongjoong once more.

"Maybe I will", Hongjoong said with a grin.

"Well ... I'll see you ... I guess", Wooyoung said before he left the bathroom again.

San didn't pressure Wooyoung into talking about his thoughts again. They just finished their practise and all four of them left to go home.

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The next day, Wooyoung managed to get to practise before noon. That meant he had a bit more of 2 hours to practise with the others before he had to get ready for the shoot. When he arrived all the other trainees were already there and in the middle of practise. Wooyoung warmed up his joints in the background and watched them. Their stage is finally taking on some form and it looked pretty amazing. Wooyoung praised San in his head for the choreography and for putting together the formations so easily.

As he was warmed up enough, Wooyoung finally joined them and they practised for the next 2 hours without a break. Everything went smoothly. If they were able to find two more trainees that'll help them, Wooyoung didn't think it'll be possible to fail this mission.

And Wooyoung wanted this for his friends. He didn't practise for himself anymore. Even though he had postponed the decision in his head, it was clear for him, that there was no way for him to pull this off for 6 months or more. These 2 weeks have already been hell for him and he had to endure another 2 weeks. There was no way that he'd keep this up for so long and still be able to dance in his best condition. Wooyoung wouldn't continue to dance after this month is over. He's doing this for his friends, that they will be able to achieve their dreams and stand on stage some day.

The training was interrupted as someone walked into the room. It was Hongjoong. Everybody stopped and greeted him in respect.

"Don't stop on my account", Hongjoong said and gesticulated with his hands for them to continue. "Wooyoung offered that I could watch you since you are going to perform one of my songs."

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