Chapter 22 *explicit*

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This is the longest chapter by far till now, but I didn't want to cut it, because ... you know ...

yeah ... I just couldn't cut it. I hope you still like it.

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But instead of letting him go, San went a step further and sat on Wooyoung's lap, straddling him.

"Are you kidding me?", Wooyoung yelled out and tried to push San away.

"Don't lie to me!" San said and brushed one hand through Wooyoung's hair. Without being able to do anything against it, Wooyoung closed his eyes to secure this feeling of San's fingers in his hair. A tingling sensation overcame him and Wooyoung crawled up his fingers in San's shirt. "Don't you dare lie to me about this", San said again and Wooyoung felt his breath against his face. He opened his eyes and looked right into San's soul. His face was so close, Wooyoung could see every detail of his beautiful eyes. "I know you're attracted to me", San said in the deepest, most dominating voice, Wooyoung had ever heard. San caressed Wooyoung's head with both hands now. "And I sure as hell am attracted to you." Wooyoung bit his lips in anticipation as San looked at them. "You make me crazy; you know that?", San asked and pulled at Wooyoung's hair in the back. "The way you danced today. Do you have any idea what kind of expression you had, when you faced me earlier?" San let out a deep breath. He began to move on Wooyoung's lap and rubbed their groins against each other. "I would've taken you right there and then if we were alone."

"You are crazy!", Wooyoung said but let out a moan as San shifted position and palmed Wooyoung's growing erection.

"Am I?", San asked playfully against Wooyoung's ear and bit it. At the same time, he moved his hand in circles which made Wooyoung almost loose his mind. San moved to Wooyoung's chin and kissed and bit him until Wooyoung let out a growl against the teasing. "You are the one that ignored me for a whole week, after you made me cum in my own pants." Wooyoung's skin burned. San left a trail of wet kisses on his neck. Wooyoung shivered at the touch of cold air on his skin and the continued pressure on his cock. San smirked at him, knowing what he's doing to him. Wooyoung's skin itched right where San's lips were seconds ago.

"I hate you", Wooyoung said before he pushed San's face down and crushed their lips against each other. The kiss was full of anger and withheld emotions. It felt like it's been ages, like they've been waiting to touch for years, instead of days. San's teeth clacked awkwardly against Wooyoung's, each overdoing it and opening their mouths wider, like they're trying to devour one another.

The harder they kissed, the faster San moved his hand over Wooyoung's groin and Wooyoung had to pull back to grasp for air. He let out a sigh of pleasure that he was holding in.

"If you'd hate me", San said with another smirk, "you wouldn't let me do this." He palmed the hem of Wooyoung's shirt and pulled it over his head. He run his hands up Wooyoung's body and stopped at his nipples. He teased them as he watched Wooyoung's expressions. Pure pleasure overcame Wooyoung and he dug his fingers deep into San's hips. He was sure he'd leave marks, but he didn't care. If this was leading to what he thought about, these bruises were the least of their worries tomorrow.

San leaned down to kiss Wooyoung again but this time no anger was involved. Wooyoung pulled San even closer and let his hands glide over San's bare back under his shirt. He wanted to feel San. He wanted to feel him closer. He kissed down San's neck, bit in the soft flesh right under his Adam's apple and violently pulled at the collar of his shirt to reach for San's collarbone. A slight moan escaped San's mouth from the sensation of Wooyoung sucking against his sensitive skin. He pulled his own shirt off to make it easier for Wooyoung. Wooyoung let his finger glide over San's abs in a slow manner. Feeling every muscle, feeling the soft skin. With every pore in his being, Wooyoung wanted to devour San right there and then.

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