Chapter 12

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To say that eating breakfast with San after that realization was awkward would be an understatement. Wooyoung barely ate a thing and drank his coffee while it was still brewing hot. His burned tongue was no help at all to get the image of the half-naked San out of his head. It wasn't a surprize at all then, that their conversation kind of ... didn't exist. At the end, Wooyoung had no idea what San had been talking about when they finished eating and brought the dishes back to the kitchen.

"Woo? ... Woo! ... Wooyoung!"

He heard San calling him only after San grabbed his shoulder and turned him around as Wooyoung was about to put on his shoes. "Hm?" Wooyoung asked confused about the angry face San made.

"Just tell me already what's going on!", San demanded.

"Nothing", Wooyoung said and turned back to his shoes. "Everything's all right."

"Sure." The sarcasm in San's voice made Wooyoung look up again. "If you don't like my cuddling then say something! I'll try to stop it. I don't know how, because it's a habit and I don't really know what I'm doing when I'm asleep but ... I can buy a huge pillow or something. Just ... I don't like you being mad at me."

"What are you talking about? I didn't say I don't like cuddling."

"But it's pretty obvious", San answered. "Yesterday and today as well. As soon as we get up you barely say anything and mostly ignore me talking to you. Do you know how that feels? As if I'm talking to a statue!" San got angrier the more he talked. "And the fact that you ask me to let you go every morning. I mean, I'm sorry!" Tears started to well up in San's dark orbits. "I just like cuddling so much and you really are super huggable and I've grown to like you and I didn't think it was that big of a deal. But if you don't say something, I would just do it again, but I don't want you to hate me for it. I just –" The rest of the sentence got cut off. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around San's slim body and held him in a tight hug. In that surprize San developed a hiccup but put his arms around Wooyoung's waist regardless. He hid his face on Wooyoung's shoulder and Wooyoung felt his shirt getting wet from San's tears.

Wooyoung pulled back again after a minute or so and looked into San's face. He had puffy eyes and his cheeks were red from the crying. Even though Wooyoung felt bad for making San cry he couldn't deny the fact, that he looked cute like a little kid. To top it all off, Wooyoung brought his hand to San's head and lightly petted his hair.

"You cute little idiot", Wooyoung said with a sad smile. "I'm only like that because I'm shy."

"Because you're shy?", San asked with huge but still puffy eyes.

"I've never experienced that much skinship – with anyone. It felt weird and foreign at first. But I like holding your hands" A blush creeped up Wooyoung's face, but he continued and to underline what he just said he took San's hand in his. "It was strange for me to wake up to someone cuddling me, but it is comfortable and warm. I don't know though if I'll get used to it soon. But that doesn't mean I want you to stop."

"Then why were you so absent at breakfast?" San asked him.

"I just have a lot of things to think about", Wooyoung said but made sure he wasn't looking San in the eye. Though it wasn't entirely a lie. Wooyoung actually did have a lot of things to think about. But they were probably not the things San expected. "I didn't want to hurt you with that. I'm sorry." He looked back at San to see his swollen eyes. San nodded his head and wiped his face with his hands to get rid of the tears.

"Great. Now I look ugly", San said with pouty lips that made Wooyoung's heart skip a beat.

"I don't agree to that", Wooyoung said and patted the others head again. "You're still pretty cute."

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