Chapter 27 *explicit*

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"That was a joke", Wooyoung said but felt his mouth dry up. He swallowed nothing and looked straight into San's dark eyes.

"Doesn't matter", San said and stood up. He tucked on Wooyoung's hand to follow him and they entered the bathroom together.

"I really meant that as a joke", Wooyoung said as San took off Wooyoung's shirt. He got embarrassed by the fact that San took his statement so literally.

"I didn't", San said and continued to get rid of Wooyoung's clothes. He then proceeded to get naked as well and turned on the shower. He tested the temperature and as he was sure it was warm enough, he guided Wooyoung under the running water. He closed the door behind himself and looked at Wooyoung with hungry eyes. They didn't do anything else than staring at each other. They didn't even talk. Wooyoung's hands rested on San's waist. He just held one of his wrists and stared him down. The water running over both their heads down the naked bodies. Wooyoung was still flustered by the sudden change in San's whole behaviour and he was sure he was still blushing.

They continued to stare at each other for a while, wasting water, when Wooyoung felt San's grip around his wrist tighten.

"San", Wooyoung started without even knowing what he wanted to say. Luckily San cut him off with a finger on his lips.

"Don't talk", San whispered. His voice was almost not audible with the constant sound of the water hitting the walls, their bodies and the floor. Wooyoung just nodded and bit his lip underneath San's finger. His stare was so intense now, Wooyoung could tell just from his eyes, that San wanted something else. He wanted to resume, where they have left off last night.

Wooyoung was surprized by his own actions as he parted his lips and licked San's finger. But not as surprized as San, judging from his look. Nevertheless, Wooyoung took San's finger in his mouth and played with it with his tongue, never leaving San's eyes out of his sight. His grip tightened around San's waist and his free hand glided down to his hips.

San inserted one more finger in Wooyoung's mouth and watched him with wonder as Wooyoung sucked lewdly on both his fingers.

"You are so messed up", San said and pulled out his fingers with a slurping noise.

"Don't say that as if you don't like it", Wooyoung commented and looked at San's erect member. He then went ahead and pressed his lips against San's heated skin. He went up his neck and licked the water and skin on San's jawline. "And as if you don't want it", he said hovering over San's lips.

"Of course, I want it", San answered. "I'm just not quite sure if you want it."

Wooyoung laughed at that. "I'm literally standing here naked sucking on your fingers and you still doubt me?"

That brought a smile forth from San and they finally connected in a fire-y kiss that Wooyoung so madly wanted. San pulled him closer and let all inhibitions fall. He grabbed Wooyoung's ass with both hands and pushed their groins forcefully together. San let out a growl against Wooyoung's lips and deepened the kiss further till they both were a heavy breathing mess. San attacked Wooyoung's shoulder with his teeth and left imprints there as he moved his fingers to Wooyoung's hole to prepare him.

"Ngh, you're still so tight", San whispered against Wooyoung's skin.

"Can't help it, since this is my second try", Wooyoung answered with his eyes shut, trying to get used to the strange feeling.

San suddenly stopped moving his fingers and looked back at Wooyoung.

"I'm your first?", San asked astonished.

"What did you think?", Wooyoung asked back. "I told you I've never knew I was into men, before I met you."

"Oh", San said and suddenly looked disappointed.

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