Chapter 21

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At 2 pm the teams that passed the cover dance mission met Yixing in front of the agency.

"Before I forget about it, you have my okay for Hongjoong joining your performance. But he is going to join your cover dance, too. So, take him into account", Yixing said before they went to the car.

"Is he okay with that?", Wooyoung asked.

"Actually, he is looking forward to it", Yixing answered. "Now get in, we have a tight schedule."

Yixing wasn't lying on that part. They drove to one of the locations and were immediately taken by the stylists. They got their make-up done and wore the prepared clothes. The first to record were Mingi and Yunho. They had to dance to their first song more than 20 times until Yixing was satisfied. He wanted to do the shoot in one go, without any cuts, so every single mistake was a no go. After Mingi and Yunho were done they went to the next location, with the film crew and stylists. Here Wooyoung and San filmed their first song. They didn't do any better than the other two and Yixing had a lot to nit-pick on. The hours went by and Yixing hurried them to the third location. Seemed like they would film in a different location every time. Yunho and Mingi got a change of clothes and it already went dark when they were filmed for their second song. Wooyoung just knew that it would be night time, until their last song was recorded. He asked Yixing about it, but he said it was on purpose. Their last song was best performed at night. When they were done and at the last location it wasn't fully dark yet. So, Yixing made them train before they could film the last dance. It was exhausting. Wooyoung didn't know it'll be as exhausting. Even though he's used to train for hours on hours without a break, this was much different. Yixing wanted a perfect performance every time the camera was on them. Eye-contact and facial expression were crucial.

When they were finally done it was in the middle of the night. Yixing was right about not planning anything else today. They were all four beat up from the dancing, driving around and nit-picking from Yixing.

When they finally got back Yixing praised them for their hard work.

"The video will be uploaded on Wednesday. You can watch it then. I hope you had at least a little bit of fun?"

"It was exhausting", Wooyoung said, "but, yes, it was fun."

"Then everything will be fine", Yixing said. "Just remember that this will be your every day life, if you're going to be on stage."

The trainees bowed in respect as Yixing left them.

"I am so tired!", Mingi said, as Yixing was out of sight. "I'm going straight home. See you tomorrow!" He left and Yunho followed him after saying his goodbyes.

"Are you going home as well?", San asked Wooyoung.

"I've been thinking of training a little bit. We need to start on that cover dance tomorrow and no one knows the choreo for now."

"You should go home as well", San said. "Yeosang, Seonghwa and Jongho probably did their part today and can teach us tomorrow."

"Yeah, but when I come after work, you'll be way ahead of me. Again."

"And no one is bothered by it", San assured him.

"I am", Wooyoung said and took out his ID-card. San stopped him, before he could open the door.

"You shouldn't be bothered as well", San said to him and forced him to look him in the eye. "Didn't you say, that you already know the choreography a bit? You'll be able to follow up fast."

"Doesn't matter", Wooyoung said with his head down. "I need to practise more."

"And I tell you to get some rest."

"I don't care what you're telling me!" Wooyoung got mad at San for middling in his business. "It's not your call to tell me what to do."

"What have I done to you, that you are acting like this?", San asked.

"Nothing, just let me go!"

"I'm not going to let this go, Woo!", San got angry as well. "Last week you were all over me and now you act like we don't know each other at all. What's going on with you?!"

"Nothing's going on, I just want to go to practise", Wooyoung replied and yanked his hand out of San's grasp.

"The hell you go!", San said, grabbed Wooyoung again and pulled him down the street. He dragged him along as he went to Wooyoung's apartment. "We are going to your place now and then you explain to me what the hell is going on with you."

"This has nothing to do you with you!", Wooyoung said angrily and tried to get rid of San, but soon enough they stood in front of his house. Wooyoung cursed in silence that he lived that closely to the agency. "I'm not going to let you in."

"Sure as hell, you will", San said and pushed Wooyoung to open the door. "I swear to you, I will be standing here all night with you, if we don't go in now."

They stared at each other for a hot minute before Wooyoung gave up. The intensity of San's stare wasn't any different than last week's. Wooyoung didn't know how Hongjoong was able to win that battle yesterday. To him San was the most intimidating.

Wooyoung let out a sigh as he unlocked the door and let San in. They went to his floor. Wooyoung hesitated a few seconds and he could feel San being impatient behind him, so he opened up the door. San stormed into the flat the moment the door opened, as if he thought Wooyoung would lock him out.

"Make yourself at home", Wooyoung said in a sarcastic tone and took off his shoes at the entrance. He put San shoes tidily beside his since he just pulled them off in a hurry.

"Always am", San answered from the kitchen. "Do you have anything to eat?"

"Not for you", Wooyoung answered and went inside to see San having his head inside his fridge. "I'm not going to cook for you!"

"Fine", San said, closed the fridge and turned back around to face him. "Then tell me what you've been hiding all week."

"Why should I?", Wooyoung answered and crossed his arms. "I don't know you and you don't know me. Why should I tell you anything that's going on in my life?"

"You don't know me?", San asked bewildered. "So, you didn't sleep next to me for almost a week? We didn't share an apartment and a bathroom?"

"Yes, we did, but that doesn't mean I know you. I don't even know your full name, for fucks sake! What do you expect, huh? You just appeared one day and honestly you give me the creeps! I don't know what you think, I don't know what you're doing here. You are just some hot-ass guy that showed up in my dancing class and I am somehow stuck with you there. Whatever happened between us when I was at your place doesn't mean anything, so just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!"

Wooyoung turned around and went to his living room. He sat down on his sofa and made it obvious that he didn't want San to be here.

"It may have not meant anything to you", San said and Wooyoung noticed him coming closer, "but it meant a whole lot to me, you idiot!" San stood in front of Wooyoung and he couldn't ignore him anymore. Wooyoung looked up at his face and saw that he was hurt. "Don't act like I have forced you into anything. You kissed me first, remember?"

"I do remember. Doesn't change the fact though that it was a mistake."

"You sure about that?", San asked and bowed down to him. Wooyoung leaned back against his sofa, San's hands were on each side of his shoulders. He was trapped. San stared right into his eyes. He was hurt, but he was also angry and didn't hide any emotions at all. "Because I can tell, that you still like me doing this to you."

"I don't care what you think", Wooyoung answered and tried to keep up his straight face. But the closeness to San made him crazy. They haven't been that close since the morning he last left San's apartment. "This doesn't bother me at all." The lie came easy over Wooyoung's lips. But the chill that went down his spine wasn't one he could ignore and it showed on his face. Wooyoung secretly cussed at this and grabbed San's arms to get rid of them.

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