Chapter 25

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It's a pretty short but fun chapter. I hope you have fun reading it, like I did writing it (:

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They sat in silence for a while and watched Yunho and Mingi joke around to the music still playing. A song, Wooyoung knew and liked a lot, came on and he jumped off immediately to join his friends, while singing loudly. "I wanna follow where she goes. I think about her and she knows it. I wanna let her take control, 'cause every time that she get's close, yeah ..." It's Wooyoung's go-to warm up song and he hadn't heart it in ages. Usually they would listen to these kinds of songs while stretching and warming up but because Wooyoung always came in late, lately, he didn't have time to warm up properly and couldn't enjoy the time with his friends right before their practise. In addition to that he's always been sad and depressed about his situation, so feeling happy and having fun right now felt liberating.

Wooyoung pulled on San's hands to get him to join them and they had a lot of fun while being silly with the song. The next song that came up was one from Bruno Mars and they didn't stop in their dancing. Instead, Yeosang joined them and the whole 99-line held a silly dance competition in the middle of their practise session which Yunho and Mingi won. No one could beat them in their silly dance moves.

"Oh my god, I've missed this so much!", Wooyoung said and leaned on San's shoulder, trying to catch his breath from all the laughing.

"Same here", Yeosang said. "Practise really isn't the same without you, Wooyoung!"

"Yeah, I really hope you can join us in our normal schedule again, soon", Mingi added.

"Let's not talk about this", Wooyoung said and felt his smile crack a little bit. "It'll get sorted soon, hopefully."

A loud clap from Hongjoong's hands made them turn around and they knew the break was over. Hongjoong came towards them, holding something in his hand.

"Mingi, I got something for you." Hongjoong threw the object at Mingi, who tried to catch it. With a loud clonk the mic fell to the floor. "You need to learn how to handle this thing", Hongjoong ordered with a raised eyebrow. "If you're going to be a rapper in 2 weeks, you need to look natural while holding a mic."

"Well, that's not going to happen", Yeosang commented at Mingi's pink face as he picked up the mic from the floor.

"I don't care what you have to do, to make it work", Hongjoong said with a grin. "Take it with you wherever you are, sleep with it, eat it. I don't care. Next week you're going to give me your best fire spitting performance. I didn't write the song so that the rapper could slack off, got that?"

"Yes, sir", Mingi answered and saluted to Hongjoong's order.

"Great, then let's start practise", Hongjoong said and went to the laptop. "I rearranged it so my part and San's isn't included anymore. San, you're going to sing starting today."

"But I haven't practised singing at all in like ... forever!", San said shocked.

"Like I care", Hongjoong answered. "Practise now."

"You are a sadist, you know that?", San asked.

"Maybe I like it that way", Hongjoong said and raised his eyebrows seductively at San.

"Don't act like that", San answered. "We all know that you are total softie once we are out of this practise room."

"You are?", Seonghwa asked with the brightest smile.

"See?", Hongjoong said and pointed at Seonghwa. "They didn't know that."

"Now they know", San shrugged and presented Hongjoong with his devil's glare. "You told them one of my secrets, too."

"Gosh, I really wish, I wouldn't have to deal with you", Hongjoong said under his breath. San reacted as if he wanted to say something but Hongjoong turned the music on and San was cut off before he could even start.

They resumed their practise session with the main performance. Hongjoong and San sang their parts live and Mingi had trouble figuring out how to handle the mic and his rap parts. Wooyoung believed that Mingi started to regret that he wanted to take that part. But even though he still looked silly while handling the mic, Wooyoung could imagine him looking really cool on stage, once he figured out how to gesticulate and hold it.

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