Chapter 10

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Work was exhausting. It was Wooyoung's first day and he had so much to learn. The prizes, the different types of coffee, the cakes, the extras and the customers. It was all so confusing. Wooyoung was just happy to notice that he didn't get any back pain from all the standing and thanked the dancing gods for his strong muscles.

Even if there wasn't any pain in his back all he wanted to do after his 5-hour shift was to go home, fall into bed and don't wake up again until the next morning.

But he had promised San to train every evening with him so he had to go to the agency first.

When he entered the room, the others were all still there and Wooyoung saw the progress of his friends from the past two days. When San showed him the choreo a few days ago he already knew that it was going to be amazing with a group, but he didn't think it would be that amazing seeing 6 people doing the same choreo in sync. Well almost in sync, but that's what training is for, right?

When the song ended Wooyoung applauded loudly for his friends and they turned around to him.

"Hyung!", Jongho shouted and walked right to him. "There you are! Where have you been the past few days?!" Since Jongho didn't go to their school he hasn't seen Wooyoung for a few days and didn't know of his situation.

"Sorry, Jongho, that I didn't say anything to you. I had ... some things happened and I have to take care of them. Sorry, if I worried you." He put his hand on Jongho's head, which the boy didn't like at all. "I won't be able to come to practise regularly now, but I'll train with San to keep up with you guys."

"You have a lot of shifts to work?", Seonghwa asked and cleaned his sweaty face with a towel.

"Yeah, every day after school and at the weekends in the morning."

"Then you miss half of our classes", Yunho realized.

"I know", Wooyoung creased his forehead. "I'll try to get other shifts next week, but this weekend is settled. I hope Feeldog Sunbaenim won't be too stressed about it though. I'll be back for Yixing's class, so we can show him what we have till then together."

"But we haven't even once practised together", Mingi said with a raised eyebrow.

"Then let's change that." San walked back to the laptop and started the song. Wooyoung, who's already changed clothes at home put his bag into a corner and joined his closest friends. They have learned a few more parts today, so Wooyoung was falling behind, but the parts he already knew were getting pretty synchronised.

After a few tries San stopped the music again and everyone sat down on the floor.

"Okay, that's all I want to teach you till Yixing Sunbaenim said what he thinks of it. The rest of the week, we'll work on synchronization and positioning."

"Okay", everyone answered and the others left the room one after another to take a shower and go home. Wooyoung and San on the other hand stayed to practise a bit more.

It was after midnight again, when they decided to go home together. Home, as in to San's apartment.

They used the bathroom one after the other to shower and went directly to bed. In the darkness Wooyoung was aware of San's presence beside him again. He still wondered why it bothered him so much but on the other hand didn't bother him at all. It was a strange feeling. And it was strange talking to San now. He didn't let anything show, but whenever San talked to him or touched him, he felt something strange in his stomach. Today while practising he even found San staring at him in a different way than usual while he was watching his dancing. Though Wooyoung wasn't sure if he actually saw that darkness in his eyes because when he looked again to check if the mirror wasn't lying to him, the shadow was gone and there was only professionalism left. It still gave him the chills.

Wooyoung looked up at the dark ceiling while thinking about the day. The skinship was growing too, Wooyoung noticed. Or maybe he wasn't aware of the skinship before? But during practise San corrected Wooyoung's arm and leg positions quite often by putting them the right way himself. It's been tough to concentrate today and Wooyoung let out a sigh.

Tomorrow, he hoped, San wouldn't be as clingy as today. That cuddle thing wasn't a habit of the other, right?

But the moment he felt himself fall asleep an arm slung around his upper body and soon a leg followed.

"Seriously?", Wooyoung asked silently and turned his head to face San. His eyes were closed and a blissful smile graced his lips. "You've got to be kidding me", Wooyoung whispered and slowly lifted San's arm from his torso. But the more he tried to get rid of the arm, the more force San used to stay where he was until Wooyoung gave up. "Ah, whatever."

Wooyoung didn't want to wake up San. So, he just put a hand on top of San's hand and closed his eyes. It took him a while to shut off his thoughts about the boy cuddling him but soon after that he fell asleep and he didn't even notice the smile that adored his lips.

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