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Justin Royce’s POV

“Justin, why did you offer me that kind of deal?”

As soon as that question came out of her mouth, she bends over and vomited probably all of what she ate tonight. I hastily seize her hair out of the way and pat her back.

I can't believe she's drunk like this. I had a hunch they would be celebrating tonight since its her last day at work as she once mentioned it to me but I didn't expect her to be this drunk. But somehow, seeing her alone waiting for me at the lobby made me smile. At least that jerk Mr. Shaw is not with her.

When she finished throwing up, I offer her my black handkerchief and she wipes her mouth. I resume guiding her until we reach her front door. I glance down at her door and notice that it has two locks.

“Keys, Hannah.”

Instead of giving me her keys, she looks up at me with shock clouding her eyes.

“You want a kiss right now, Justin?”

“What!” I stare at her in horror as I realize she had misunderstood me. “No! I mean…the keys to your door.” I point to her door and she laughs.

“Oh, how silly of me.” She started getting busy fishing out her keys. “Here.”

I grab the keys from her unsteady hands and open her door. I didn't bother to look for the light switch. Light from the street lamp posts outside gave me enough illumination to walk her to her bedroom. I sit her on her bed and turns on her bedside lamp.

I frown when she starts giggling like a school girl while murmuring some incoherent words I cannot comprehend.
“Hannah, are you alright?”

She ignores me and just continued giggling. Damn, she’s really drunk. I've never seen this side of her.

I kneel down in front of her and start removing her shoes and socks.

“Justin, I want a pet dinosaur. Can you buy me one?” She suddenly speaks up clearly. I frown at her strange request. Who the hell wants a pet dinosaur?

“Hannah, dinosaurs are extinct.”

“What? You mean, they’re gone?” She looks down at me with teary eyes and the giggling spirits she had a while ago vanished. She begins to sob and my heart feels weird at the sight of her tears.

“I can’t believe they’re gone!” she wails and covers her face with her hands. I put down her shoes and socks on the floor wondering what the hell should I do.

“Hannah, calm down.”

“No, how can they do this to me? They’re…gone and I’m…here…all alone.” She falls on her back on the bed and weep.

Shit! I clench my fists at the sudden heavy feeling against my chest. I believe she’s not pertaining to the dinosaurs anymore.

Her wails start to subside and her breathing steadies. I move beside her bed to have a closer look at her tear- stricken face. I think she’s already asleep. Even amidst the tears she just cried, she still manages to look so angelic.

I gently raise her back a bit to remove her coat and I succeed after much caution. I stand up and also remove my coat and tie before folding the sleeves of my white polo shirt. I look around her bedroom and her simple vanity desk catches my attention. I notice she doesn’t have much stuff and I approve since she doesn’t have to wear make-up to look so beautiful.

I open her drawer and found her facial wipes. I pick one and tenderly wipe her sleeping face. I sigh deeply. The sight of her in this state makes me want to hug her and kiss all of her tears away.

Justin, why did you offer me that kind of deal?

I groan, frustrated as I recall her sudden question a while back. Even I myself do not know why I offered that deal to her in the first place. All I knew back then was that I was so interested in keeping her with me. She intrigued me and as I spend time with her, I notice she’s slowly becoming the person I’ve longed for.

Damn! I can’t believe I’m feeling this way again. The last time I felt protective of someone was years ago.

Hannah Towers’ POV

My eyes shoot open at the sudden knock from my front door. I sit up ignoring the dull ache in my temples. I should not have drunk muck last night. I look around me and realize I am really in my bedroom. Shit! I thought I was dreaming.

I dreamt that Justin brought me home to my apartment and I even laughed and cried in front of him thinking that it was all a dream.  No way! If it wasn’t a dream then… I look down and saw that I am still wearing the same outfit I wore yesterday, except for my coat which is hanging on the chair beside me and wait… a familiar coat is placed on top of my own coat.
I gasp. It wasn’t a dream.

I hear my front door open and hushed conversations reach my ears. Moments later I hear my front door close and Justin comes in my bedroom with his plain white polo shirt looking so gorgeous. How could he manage to look so handsome in the morning?

“Morning, Hannah.” He smiles at me while holding a tray. He puts down the tray on my beside table and sits on the bed with me. “I ordered some soup and porridge for your hangover.  I felt bad having to use your kitchen without your permission so I just ordered some.”

I glance at the savory soup beside me and it’s tempting me to take it. But I want to ask him something first.

“How…? Why are you…?” I start nervously, afraid of his answer. “Why are you here?”

“Don’t you remember what happened last night, Hannah?” he smirks at me instead.

“I…well, I do remember bits of what happened.” But I thought it was all a dream.

Justin lifts up the bowl of soup bringing it nearer to me. “Drink up.”

I gladly take the bowl and starts sipping. He watches me with a smile.

“What time did you leave last night?” I ask him trying to wave away his intense gaze.

“Leave? I stayed here overnight.”

“What?” I stare at him dumbfounded. He stayed here overnight? For me?

In response, Justin just shrugs his shoulders. “I just couldn’t lock you in here since your front door should be locked from the inside and I cannot leave the keys outside, can I?”

I smile trying to look not disappointed. He stayed because he didn’t have a choice. In no time, I finish my soup and start consuming the porridge.

“So, why were you so drunk last night?” he asks as he continues to watch me eat. His eyes are taunting and I come to a halt. What the hell did I do last night? Did I say some embarrassing stuff?

I close my eyes in shame when flashes of everything I’ve said to him come crashing down on me.

You drive me crazy.”

“And you’re an asshole, Justin.”

“Justin, why are so freaking handsome?”

“You want a kiss right here, Justin?”

I put down the spoon and cover my face in pure embarrassment. “Oh my gosh!”

I hear Justin’s annoying chuckles and I can’t bring myself to look at him. I feel him get up from the bed still laughing his ass off.

“Eat up your porridge, Hannah. I have to get going.” I finally look up to him and he’s picking up his coat getting ready to go.

“You’re leaving?”

“Do you want me to stay?” he looks down at me with a smirk with his blue eyes shining in amusement. Damn him!

“No! I… uhm, thank you.”

His teasing look disappears and he swiftly bends down and plants a kiss on my forehead. I literally freeze when I felt his warm lips on my unwashed forehead. His sweet gesture that he never did to me before, renders me still in shock even when I heard him close the front door and leave.

What the hell was that?


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