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Hannah Towers’ POV

I nervously fumble with my fingers as I walk inside Justin’s penthouse. Mark was at the entrance waiting for me when I arrived and he said I would find Justin at the balcony.

I walk into the foyer then stop at the sight before me. Even in my nervous state, I could not help but gasp in awe at the evident effort in dolling the place up giving off a romantic vibe.

Candle lights are lined along the floor leading to the balcony. Red helium balloons are hanging in the ceiling and a soft and gentle music is playing in the background. I suddenly feel out of place due to my appearance. I only thought we would have a simple dinner together so I didn’t dress up and just put on some jean and turtleneck sweater.

“Hannah.”  I hear Justin’s gentle voice and I look up to see him standing at the balcony. He looks so breathtaking in his black suit and his face is glowing under the moonlight as he lovingly smiles down at me. His dashing appearance renders me speechless for a moment as he comes down and takes my hand.

He leads me up the balcony and seats me down in front o f a large round table full of delectable variety of dishes. This reminds me of the first time he pulled off a romantic surprise like this. Now, he’s doing it again.

“I only asked for a simple dinner, Justin.” I chuckle trying to ease myself up as I look down at my outfit. “Now I feel underdressed.”

Justin lightly laughs. “You’re still beautiful, Hannah, whatever clothes you are in.”
He settles down in his seat across me and pours us a drink.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” he starts as he hands me my glass of wine.

“Uh, can we talk about it after dinner?” I bite my lip trying to hide my nervous state.

“Okay, sure. Whatever  you prefer.”

We start devouring the delicious food before us and I momentarily force myself to forget about my predicament and enjoy this romantic dinner with him. Let me have this moment first. I admit I’m scared of what he might say. What if he wouldn’t tell me? What if he gets mad and thinks I’m too nosy to fuss around his past?


A squeeze to my hand shakes me up and I gaze at Justin looking worriedly at me. We're already halfway with our dinner but my mind couldn't help but wonder.

“Are you okay? Is something bothering you?” He asks gently in an agonized voice. I feel guilty. He exerted much effort to this dinner yet here I am with my thoughts scattered to the night breeze.

“Justin, I . . .” I try to find the exact words to start but I couldn’t. How can I just ask him how he killed his ex?

He stands up abruptly and drags his chair to my side before sitting down. He grabs both of my hands and lightly squeezes them as if telling me to go on. His eyes shimmer with apprehension as he holds my gaze.

“Hannah, please. You’re making me worry. What is it?”

I take a deep breath finally finding the courage from the warmth of his hands.
“Justin, I . . . whatever happens, I want you to know that I will always be here to love you and nothing can change that.”

A sparkle of delight flashes across his eyes at my words. I’ve been thinking about it since last night and even though I still have hundreds of questions running my head, one thing hasn't changed: I will always find it in  my heart to love him and accept all of him whatever he might say tonight.

“Hannah, I−” he wants to say something out of joy but I stop him.

“But there’s one thing I want to ask you, Justin. And please answer me truthfully.”

He nods but I could see confusion all over his face.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were with Amanda the night she died?”

I saw how shock suddenly dawns on his handsome face and felt how his grip loosens on my hands. “Justin, please, I want to know. What happened the night she died?”

“Hannah. . .” he gulps. “Why do you want to know?” His voice is suddenly intimidating.

He’s right. Why do I have to know his past? I am not entitled to know everything about him and it’s definitely up to him to tell me those parts of his life.

“I-I’m sorry. If you don’t want to tell m−”

“She cheated on me.”

What? I gape at him in pure shock and his eyes held pain as he reminisce a sorrowful memory but he still gazes at me directly in the eyes as he softly goes on. “That night. . .  I found out Amanda was cheating on me. It was the most terrible night of my life. I was mad at first when I confronted her about it and she admitted. She even said that we should break up but I begged her. I begged her not to leave but she already made up her mind. We were arguing in the car and . . . and suddenly this truck came out of nowhere and. . .”

His voice is rasp in anguish and I could feel his sorrow. I can only imagine how hurt he must have felt when he found out the love of his life is cheating on him.

“I was willing to swallow my pride and beg her. I would rather forgive her and start anew than to lose her. But then,” he smiles bitterly. “I lost her for real.”

I pull him towards me and wrap my arms around his neck for a comforting hug. He has gone through much and kept all these to himself.

He hugs me back tightly as he whispers, “I couldn't tell anyone what exactly happened that night. It pains me revive that painful past. God knows how much I blamed myself for her death.”

I pull away from our emotional hug. “Justin, it wasn’t your fault.” I fully understand how he must have felt all those years. He tried different ways to forget his guilt and to somehow vent his emotions. He chose to carry the burden than letting people know that Amanda cheated.

I cup his cheek gently. “Thank you for telling me, Justin. I’m sorry if I triggered some painful memory.”

“It was tough and I lost the will to find purpose in my life until you showed up. You made me see life again.”

The way he says it, the way he holds my gaze with passion burning in his blue eyes, I feel so lucky to have him. I am overwhelmed with happiness and the heavy burden on my chest is lifted.

Without a word, I pull him towards me and land my lips onto his. He kisses me back ardently as he guides us to stand before holding my butt and swiftly lifts me up.
He expertly maneuvers his way down and into the large sofa at the center of his living room.

“Justin!” I giggle while pulling away trying to catch my breath. As always, his kisses are so breathtaking and full of passion.

He smiles and leans forward as we rest our foreheads together. We stay still as we catch our breaths with me sitting on his lap and his arms wrapped around me.

“Why did you suddenly asked about Amanda? You got me speechless a while back there with that sudden question of yours.” Justin informs me after a moment as he looks at me curiously waiting for an answer.

I sigh. “Well, Athalia came to−”

“Who’s Athalia?”

I frown at him.  He doesn’t know who the hell is Athalia?!

“Oh come on, Justin! You don't remember her? She’s Amanda’s sister!” I laugh lightly amused that he doesn’t know Athalia.

Justin tenses up and the glee shining in his eyes are suddenly gone. He regards me with a frown as if I just said something very odd.

“Amanda’s an only child, Hannah.”


A big big THANK YOU to you all, my amazing readers! ❤️❤️😍😘
Thank you for the reads, votes and comments😘
God bless, everyone and keep safe❤️

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