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Hannah Towers’ POV

I blink and stare down again at my phone screen. An unknown number is calling me right now and I’m debating whether to take it or ignore it. After the fourth ring, I slide my finger and wait a few seconds for the caller to speak first.

“Hannah? It’s me, Joana.”

“Oh, Mrs. Royce!” I jump in surprise. I just got home from Justin’s penthouse this morning after making sure he is already okay and his fever’s gone. Thankfully, he was more than okay as shown by his electric vigor during our shower. I blush as I think of it. Damn.

“I got your number from Honeybunch. I called him this morning when his secretary informed me that he got sick.”

Oh, she must have been so worried.
“There’s nothing to worry about, Mrs. Royce. Justin’s fine now.”

“And it’s all thanks to you, Hannah dear.” I hear her relieved sigh from the other side. “Mark told me you took care of him last night.”

I smile even though she can’t see me. “Uh, I did what I had to.”

“This is the first time in years that he let someone take care of him. And I’m glad that it’s you, Hannah.”

I feel glad with her remark but something in me stirs up disturbed. I suddenly feel like I don’t deserve how she’s treating me nicely.

“Anyway,” Mrs. Royce suddenly says. “I have to get going. Thank you again. Take care, Hannah.”

“You too, Mrs. Royce.”

She ends the call and I slump down on my couch.

And I’m glad that it’s you, Hannah.

It was a good remark but I feel like I don’t deserve it. If only she knows what’s really my relationship with Justin is. Mrs. Royce is treating me nicely as if I am a pure and innocent woman who met Justin under the magic hands of fate. But in reality, I am just a poor woman who took advantage of the money he offered and sold my body. I feel so….filthy.

I hug my knees as the tears are threatening to fall down. Damn it. Why am I so emotional all of a sudden?

My guilty self is on the rise again as the condemnations flood my mind. But I know deep down myself, there is that tiny glint in me which  is not regretting that I met Justin.

I sigh. Why is this becoming complicated?

All of a sudden, my phone rings again. I frown and look down at it. This time, it’s Amber. I clear my throat and compose myself.

“Hannah!” Amber shrieks excitedly as soon as I pick her call.


“Don’t be coy. Tell me what happened last night with Justin.” she sounds like a teenager begging for some gossip.

“Nothing happened.” I lie. “I just… took care of his fever.”


“Amber,” I sigh suddenly feeling tired and sleepy. “I’ll tell you next time, okay? I have to go.”

“Aww.” I could picture her pouting. But her voice suddenly becomes serious. “You know I’ll just be right here for you Hannah.”

Damn it. She's so quick-witted.

“Thanks, Amber.”

“Okay, then, I’ll be waiting for it. Bye, Hannah!”

I sigh as I put down my phone. I better sleep first. I hope that when I wake up, my mind would not feel so messed up anymore.

When Lust Turns to Love [R-18 SPG] COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now