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Hannah Towers' POV

After my shower, I put on a white sweatshirt and long johns again. I always feel comfortable wearing long johns whenever I have my period. Thanks to the pain killers, I feel better.

I intended to stay longer in the shower. I admit, I’m still sulking over the phone call I saw yesterday. The one with Honeybunch. I wanted to ask Justin about it but I don’t have the guts.

Here I am feeling guilty for having a date with Timothy the other day but then Justin has someone he calls Honeybunch? The heck?!

I exhale deeply, I’m getting mad again.
After drying my hair, I walk out of my room and frowned when I heard Ava’s voice.

Oh my! Damn, I forgot I have my session with my students today. I immediately stroll over to my living room to find Justin and Ava sitting across each other and looking at me with shock in their faces. It’s like I interrupted their deep conversation.

“Oh, Hannah!” Justin exclaims nervously when he saw me.

“Hi, Miss Towers!” Ava grins at me.

I eye them curiously, “What were you two talking about?”

“Nothing, Miss Towers, I was just asking him if he−”

Justin stands up abruptly cutting off Ava. He slides beside me and asks me, “Are you alright now? Did the pain killers work?” He guides me to sit down. “Have a seat, Hannah. You shouldn’t stress yourself.”

He shoots a look to Ava and Ava simply closes her mouth and pats her lips. I glance at them back and forth but Ava keeps silent and starts opening her books.

“Hannah,” Justin nudges me and I look at him.

“Oh, yes, I’m fine. The pain killers worked perfectly. Thank you.”

Right then, we hear a knock from my front door and a chorus of voices, “Miss Towersssss!”

Oh, that would be my students. I stand up and open the door. I smile at my four students holding their books with them. It’s the twin boys and their girl best friends, Chloe and Lorie. I didn’t have to usher them in since they’re already used to my apartment. Three more students and we can already start our tutorials.

“Oooohhhhh….” Chloe and Lorie howl in unison. I frown and realize they just saw Justin seating on my couch. Damn these teenagers. Chloe and Lorie stood there thunderstruck as they stare at Justin.

Justin smirks and stands up. “You must be Hannah’s students?” He flashes them his killer smile and the Chloe giggled while Lorie nodded enthusiastically.

I roll my eyes. The twins are just standing at a corner watching their girl best friends drool over my man, I mean, Justin.

“I’m Chloe.”

“I’m Lorie.”

Both of them offer their hand to Justin hoping for a handshake. The jerk is clearly enjoying the attention he’s having. He accepts their handshake making Chloe and Lorie squeal. “Justin.”

“Miss Towers, you never said you have a handsome cousin.” Chloe glances briefly at me and I gape at her. Cousin?

I scoff, where the hell did she get that idea from?

“Justin is not Miss Towers’ cousin.” Ava calmly says as she flips on her book.

“He’s not?” Chloe and Lorie whip their head back at me.

Instead of answering them, I pull Justin and brought him outside before closing the door.

“Uhm, you should leave now, Justin. I have a tutorial with my students.”

He just remains standing and folds his arms over his chest. “I want to stay.”

“No, you can’t.”

“Why not?”

Ugh! I groan at his pretentious ignorance. “You are a distraction to my students. They won’t focus if you−”

“The students or you?” He smirks.

Damn him! I was so thankful for him just a while ago and now, I want to punch his smirking face.

“Justin, look. I sincerely thank you for your help today and I know you’re a busy man, so I won’t bother the rest of your day. You had done enough so−”

“Are you jealous, Hannah?”

“What? Hell no!”

He chuckles and snakes an arm around my waist pulling me close to him.

“What the hell are you doing, Justin!” I try to push him away but he pulls me closer. “I-I have to go back inside.”

“Hannah, there’s nothing to be jealous of. They’re just teenagers with infatuation hormones.” He gazes down at me, his lips just inches from mine.

I look away, “Let me go, Justin. Some of my students will be here any minute then we’ll start our tutorial.”

He exhales deeply and plants a soft kiss to my temple before letting go of my waist.

Stop it, heart! His simple action made my heart beat madly against my ribcage.

“I’ll be coming over tonight for dinner. Don’t worry about the food. I’ll bring some.” He says as he puts his hands in his jeans’ pockets.

“I-I’ll get your phone inside. Wait here.” I hurriedly go back inside. Chloe and Lorie glance in my direction but their faces dropped when they couldn’t see Justin with me.

“Did he leave already?”

“He’s a busy man, Chloe.” I pick up Justin’s phone on the couch and went back outside.

“Here.” I hand Justin his phone and watch as he walks to his parked car. As soon as he drove off, I get back inside and ten minutes later, we started the tutorials when the rest of my students arrived.

“When is he coming back again, Miss Towers?” Lorie asks me immediately as soon as we finished the tutorials.

Chloe and Lorie really stayed behind while the rest of my students are already marching out of my door.

“What’s your relationship with him?” Chloe ponders.

I sigh and regard them with sympathy. Justin’s right. They’re a duo of infatuated teenagers. I feel sorry that they have nothing they can do since Justin sees them as mere teenagers.

“Chloe, Lorie, make sure you answer the equations I made for you. Next meeting, I will thoroughly check them.”

Chloe lets out a frustrated sigh. “Can you tell him to visit again next time?”

An idea suddenly pops out of my mind. “Uhmm, we’ll see about that, Chloe. If you do well on your upcoming exam, I might consider inviting him next time.”

“Really?” They say in unison. Their parents have been asking me repeatedly to make sure their children would do well on their upcoming final exams.

“Uh-huh. But only if you would do well on your exams, that’s the condition.”

“Can we do this, Chloe?” Lorie anxiously glances at Chloe. Of them two, Lorie is always the worried one. At times, I have to tell her to be brave and take chances. On the other hand, Chloe has always been the daring one, willing to take risks and just doing whatever she wants.

“We should, Lorie.” Chloe declares firmly.
I smile at their fighting spirit. Sorry, Justin. I’ll have to use you for a bit.

I bid them goodbye and closes the door after them. As soon as they left, my phone beeps indicating a message.

Oh, it’s Timothy. We exchanged numbers the other day as he insisted.

Timothy: Do you have plans tonight? Let’s have dinner together.

Oh shit! The guilt feelings come back.
What should I do?


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