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Hannah Towers' POV

I frustratingly pluck out a few folds of tissues from the box to blow my nose and dry my eyes. Damn these tears, they just wouldn't stop flowing. I am currently lying on my bed looking pathetic as ever while my sobs wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t even remember the details of how I got home safely to my apartment amidst my crying.

As soon as I came home, I turned off my phone. Without even bothering to eat breakfast, I lock myself in my room and cry my emotions out.

That talk definitely didn’t go as I expected it to be. It broke my heart more and I resent myself for it. I’ve finally said my bare feelings out to him.

How did I put my guard down and let him creep into my heart? I had stopped believing in love the moment my parents did but look at me now. I’ve fallen in love! Damn it!

What if I never met him? What if I didn’t go to that bar that particular night? What if my father never had a debt? I would surely be enjoying my life somewhere without ever meeting a Royce in my life. But too late for the what ifs and the countless possibilities. My heart is already broken and I feel so pathetic.

No what do I do now? I’m banned from traveling to my Aunt’s place and I broke off the deal with Justin. I cannot even bring myself to go and cry my problems out to Amber. She has her own married life and I feel so intruding if I consider going to her again. I suddenly miss my Mom.

With these thoughts in mind, I drift off to sleep with a tear-stained pillow under my head.

I wake up to the sound of my stomach growling in hunger. I groan and turn to my side while reaching for my phone. I turn it on to check the time and it’s already 3:10 in the afternoon.

To my surprise, there are no missed calls or messages from Justin. Not that I wish for it but I cannot deny that definite disappointment I feel in my heart. Instead, I found a few messages from Amber asking me how is Justin’s condition and how did my talk with the bus company went.

I type her a reply regarding Justin’s recovery and tell her I didn’t get to visit the bus company yet. I was so emotionally drained this day that I don’t feel like going anywhere. And I think I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it since Justin himself ordered them to ban me.

After sending the message, I stand and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I cannot stay pathetic like this. A few hours of crying and sleeping are enough. I have to gain strength and move on. There’s more to my life than just a broken heart.

I hum to myself as I cook my own food and eat by myself. At least I can say, I’m feeling better now even with the red sore eyes. Thanks to a nice shower and a tasty late lunch while chilling on Netflix, I find myself a bit more relaxed and in high spirits. I spent the rest of the day watching movies and binge-eating by myself.

But the next morning, I woke up at ten with a heavy heart. Well, a broken heart does not heal overnight. But still, I’m thankful to be alive. Absentmindedly, I check my phone for any calls but there were none. How stupid of me. I cannot deny that tiny part in me hoping for one phone call or text from him. So pathetic, Hannah.

I take a warm bath while planning what to do today. I cannot lock myself at home anymore. I want to go out and get a fresh breath of air to clear my mind.

After putting on comfortable clothes and boots, I get out and lock my apartment. The sun is shining its golden rays all around me but the cold breeze is also blowing its own way. I take a deep breath, hoping the sun’s rays would cheer me up a bit.

I look around my neighborhood and it’s quite deserted with just a few people taking their own walks. I take slow steps not sure where to go. Whatever, I’ll just walk around and head to the park nearby.

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