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"Mark, get back in. We're going to my penthouse." My boss, Justin suddenly orders me as I was about to get out of the car after parking at the basement of his company. I just got back from driving Hannah to her apartment and I came here straight away.

Mr. Royce hurriedly gets in and without a word, I start the car and obediently drive off. I could sense something is wrong judging from his tense aura. His jaw is clenched tightly and his eyes seem to be burning with fury.

"Hi babe!" I glimpse at him through the rear view mirror when he suddenly exclaimed happily and his tense aura is gone. Instead, a smile is plastered in his face and his eyes are radiant. He's speaking to his phone and I bet that would be Miss Towers on the other line. Who else would make him calm down in a second?

"Uh, I forgot some files in my penthouse. I'm just gonna pick them up."

I frown. He would have called me instead or sent his secretary to pick them up for him in case he forgot some files. But he rarely forgets his files.

"Yeah, he's driving." Mr. Royce states and our eyes meet through the rearview mirror. He looks away and whispered an 'I love you'.

Just as he finished his phone call, we arrive and I stop the car in front of his penthouse. He immediately opens the door and gets out.

"Mr. Royce, is everything okay?" I couldn't help but ask before he could close the door.

He takes a deep breath before replying, "Athalia's back."

Shit! No way. . . that psychotic woman?

"She's inside right now. She called me a while back and demanded that I talk to her alone."

"Sir, you can't just go in there alone." I protest. I know how dangerous that woman is. The last time I encountered her was years ago and now she's back and who knows what she would do this time?

"It's what she demanded. We both know what she could do once we don't follow her." Mr. Royce reiterates and I get what he meant.

"But sir, it's my duty to protect you."

"Protect Hannah. Don't worry about me. Drive back to Hannah's apartment and ensure that she's safe. We don't know if she has an accomplice again." Without another word, he runs inside his penthouse.

Damn it! I'm left with no choice but to follow his order.

I compliantly drive back to Miss Towers' apartment in the fastest speed I could manage. But when I arrived there, one of the assigned men immediately informed me that Hannah has sneaked out through a backdoor.

Without delay, I head back to the penthouse with a disturbing gut feeling. Together with my fellow security men, we barge inside with my gun ready only to witness Athalia pointing a gun towards Mr. Royce and Hannah.

Athalia regards me with mockery in her eyes. "Shoot me and I'll shoot too."

I glance at Mr. Royce and he raises his hand as a signal. I slowly lower my gun and Mr. Royce coaxes Athalia to put down her gun.

Everything happened so fast and I didn't see it coming. Athalia screamed and the deafening sound of her gun going off shocked me to the bones.


With steady hands, I aimed for her hands gripping the gun and pulled the trigger. She screams in pain and her gun falls down with a dull thud on the carpeted floor.

As the rest of the security men tackles down Athalia, I look down and Mr. Royce is already holding Hannah in his arms with blood pooling on the floor. The anguish I hear in Mr. Royce's voice is chilling as he shouts Miss Towers' name.

Even when we reached the nearest hospital, Mr. Royce could not stop muttering Hannah's name as he holds her hand tightly.

"Where's the f*cking doctor! Bring me one right now!" He shouts in distress as soon as we enter the emergency room. I had to restrain him when he grabbed the doctor who came and demanded him to save Hannah.

"Save her, please. Do everything you can to make her live. Don't you f*cking let her die!"

When Miss Towers was wheeled into the operating room, Mr. Royce could not stop pacing back and forth at the waiting area while clasping his hands together in a fervent appeal. In my ten years of working for him, this is the second time I've seen him cry in anguish. The first one was years ago. He cried when he woke up and learned that Amanda died. And now, he's shedding tears for another woman he truly loves.

"Sir," a concerned nurse approaches Mr. Royce. "You can wash up in the meantime while waiting for the surgery to finish."

I glance down at Mr. Royce's suit covered in blood. He didn't even bother to wash the blood on his hands that they're already drying on his skin.

"I'm not going anywhere." He stubbornly replies.

He only changed into clean clothes I bought after the surgery subsequent to much persuading. He immediately settled back to Miss Towers' side after changing and never left his spot. He just sat there holding Hannah's hand and staring down at her sleeping form.

"Why the f*ck is she not waking up yet?" He roars at the doctor when I came back this evening and Miss Towers hasn't woken up yet.

"Sir, the bullet was successfully taken out from her body. Her vitals are stable. There's nothing to worry about." the doctor patiently explains before leaving.

It was so quiet in the room and only the beeping sounds from the machines can be heard. I was about to get out when I heard a sob escape from Mr. Royce.

I look back at him and he's holding Hannah's hand while weeping silently. Damn it! The sight of him twists the rod of guilt deeper into my heart. I was trained as a bodyguard but I was not able to protect the love of his life. What kind of bodyguard am I?

"H-Hannah, baby. Please wake up. I. . . I can't . . . I can't take it seeing you like this."

I clench my fist in frustration. If anything happens to Miss Towers, I cannot fathom how painful it would be for Mr. Royce.

As quietly as I could, I take backwards steps towards the door as Mr. Royce murmurs, "Hannah, please, you have to wake up. I . . . I can't live without you."

I quietly close the door behind me and sigh. Damn. My respect to him just heightened up to a great degree at the sight of him being like that. The media had often portrayed him as a playboy billionaire years ago before Hannah came into the picture. He had undergone immense transformation from his old ways and slowly became the gentle and loyal man I first knew.

Fate was so cruel to him years ago. He was robbed of the chance of a supposedly wonderful life with Amanda. And now, he's facing one crucial moment in his life. I don't think he can bear another detrimental loss in his life. One dead woman should be enough.

Mr. Royce deserves a happy ending.

And I hope he gets it this time.


😂😂 Sarey, short.✌️😅
Once again, thank you dearest readers for your continuous support❤️
I appreciate all your reads, votes and comments 😘🤗
Stay safe everyone and God bless❤️😍

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