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Hannah Towers’ POV

“W-What do you mean?” I ask, my voice undoubtedly weak and my mind in a muddle trying to process what I heard.

“Did he tell you how he killed her?”

Athalia looks concerned and a bit surprised that I have no idea at all. “He didn’t tell you he was with my sister in the car when they got an accident?”

I slowly shake my head. Justin only told me that Amanda was in a car accident but he never mentioned that he was with her at the time of the incident.

“Justin and Amanda got into a fight that night. Before they boarded the car, I was on the phone talking to my sister and she was telling me how Justin was mad and they argued about something that Amanda wouldn’t tell me. Hours after our phone call, we received news that the car they were riding on collided with an out-of-control truck. Amanda was driving and died on the spot. Justin on the other hand,” Athalia slows down as if trying to control her impending emotions. “He . . . he got a few bruises and fractures but he recovered days after.”

Oh my. . . I literally had no idea that it happened that way. I thought Amanda was alone when she got into an accident.

“I-I’m so sorry, Athalia.” I genuinely offer her my sympathy.

Tears brim her eyes as she her hands slowly ball into fists. “He was the reason my sister died. Even after all these years, the tragedy of losing Amanda is a great void in our family. My parents may have accepted and moved on with their lives but not me, I want to see Justin deserve some punishment.”

I gasp at the evident vehemence in her voice. Sorrowful longing fill her eyes and it grips at my heart. The heavy burden of death of a loved one is something I can empathize with. It doesn’t go away in a simple number of years and that painful void certainly stays in the heart.

“He killed my sister.” She hisses. “If he wasn’t so mad that night, they wouldn’t have argued and my sister would be alive today.”

I remain still in my seat speechless not knowing what to say. She has strong belief that Justin killed her sister. How am I supposed to answer to that? So instead of words, I hug her trembling body and rub my hands on her back.

Moments later, her sobs quiet down and I pull away.

“I’m sorry if I bothered you tonight. I was just so distraught. I didn’t want the same thing to happen to you. You seem like a nice person and . . .”

Somehow her concern tugs my heart. Doubts are already running around my head clouding my better judgment but one thing is clear, I want to talk to Justin.

After Athalia left, I sat still on my couch trying to let the information sync in my system.  Loads of questions are running inside my head. How did she know about me? Does she know about my relationship with Justin? I think so since she approached me. But why? Why is she telling me all these? She must have been so hurt that her perspective is coming from a different angle. She blames Justin for her sister’s death and I think that happens to people who tend to divert their anger and sorrow into someone they can hold accountable for.

There are always two sides in a story and I would like to hear it from Justin himself. I pick up my phone to call him but I stop when a message from him pops up my screen. It was sent minutes ago and I smile at the short but expressive content.

Justin: Good night, Hannah. I love you. Always.

For a moment there, I forgot my dilemma and savor the warm feeling his message is giving me.

However, I could hardly sleep and found myself turning and tossing around my bed. It was close to 3 AM when I finally closed my eyes and sleep visited me.

The next morning, I woke up with the sound of my doorbell ringing. I groggily get up and curse under my breath as I walk towards the door. Damn whoever is that disturbing me from my sleep.

“Miss Towers?” a delivery man pops up as soon as I open the door. He’s holding a large bouquet of red roses in one hand and a large box on the other.

I nod and with a sigh, I accept the flowers and the large box before thanking the delivery man.

I already knew who sent them judging from the note sticking amidst the roses. Justin’s undeniable handwriting stands out with his sweet message:

I love you, Hannah Towers.

I smile, my irritation suddenly vanishing into thin air and I march to my living room. I put down the bouquet and open the box. My eyes gleam in delight at the contents. Justin’s savory dishes that he usually cooks for me are in the box. Its aroma is so mouthwatering that my stomach suddenly growled in hunger.

Just then, I hear my phone ring from my bedroom. I walk towards it and smile as soon as I glimpse at my caller.

“Justin,  hey.” I happily greet him.

“Hannah, I miss you.”

I chuckle at his voice full of longing.

“Did you receive the flowers and your breakfast?”

“Uh-huh. Thank you.” I walk back to my living room and sit down on my couch.

“Do you like it?” he nervously asks.

“Justin, I love it but you didn’t have to.” I gently reprimands him.

“Hannah, I want to and I love doing these things just for you.” I hear cars honking in the background.

“Are you driving?”

“Yeah, I’m on my way to the office. I’ll be busy the whole day but do please call me if there’s anything you need.”

I roll my eyes. I can take care of my needs without disturbing him. My smile suddenly vanishes as a certain memory pops up.

“Uhm, Justin?”


“Can we have dinner this evening?” I cautiously ask and I could feel my heart start pumping up.

“Sure. Where would you like to eat?” I can hear excitement in his voice but my heart is beating fast in anxiousness.

“Your penthouse will do.”

“What time would you like me to pick you up?”

“Uh, no need, Justin. I’ll take a cab and be there by six.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” I quietly respond. “Okay, have a great day, Justin. See you this evening.”

“I’ll look forward to it, Hannah. Bye, love you!”

I bite my lip and after a second, I whisper back. “I love you too, Justin.”

I put down my phone and the delight I had gradually disappears and anxiety takes over.

Last night, I was dying to ask him directly about the night Amanda died. I want to know why he didn’t tell me and omitted the part where he was there with her at the time of the accident. I can’t delay it any longer. I would like to hear it from him.


Thank you dear readers for the continuous support😘❤️.
God bless! 💕

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