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Hannah Towers’ POV

“You’re not going anywhere, Hannah. I’ve already instructed Mark to get you a few clothes.” Justin firmly declares and I sigh for the fifth time.

When he told me that Amanda has no siblings, I gaped at him in pure shock. I couldn’t believe that I got deceived. He then asked me to tell him in detail how I met this certain Athalia. I told him everything and I watch as his face gradually become grim and a dark aura is beginning to descend around him as I describe how Athalia looked. I really thought she was Amanda’s sister since they looked alike.

“Justin, you’re over reacting. Maybe she was just fooling around.” But even I could not believe myself. She definitely was not fooling around. I saw how she looked so certain and confident telling me that story as if she really was Amanda’s sister.

“Hannah, she’s not someone who fools around.”

“Then tell me, who is she?” I ask again. I’ve been asking him about Athalia since he seemed to have recognized her by my description.

Justin sighs. “I’ll tell you once I’ve confirmed who she is. Now do me a favor and stay here.”

“How about my things? I need some things in my apartment.”

“We’ll pick them up tomorrow.”

“But, Ju−”

“No buts Hannah. You’re staying here with me and that’s final.” He stands up and dials a number. I sigh in frustration as he starts ordering someone through the phone. I really think he’s over reacting a bit. Athalia seemed harmless when I met her. Why is Justin so worried? It seems there’s something he’s not telling me yet. He had taken off his black coat and tie and I watch as he rapidly whispers instructions to whoever is on the phone with him.

“I’ll stay just for tonight.” I tell Justin as he finishes his call. He scrunches up his face in disapproval. “I have work to do, Justin. I have to go home tomorrow and prepare my tutorials for this coming semester.”

He sighs and runs a hand trough his hair. He seems so stressed. Is the situation really serious right now? Is he worried about Athalia?

“Okay, fine.” He finally agrees. “But Mark will drive you home and I will have five of my security men to watch over you and go with you wherever you want to.”

“What? Five?”

“You want ten?”

I gape at him. Now, I really think he’s over reacting.

“Justin, I don’t need your men to watch over me and accompany me wherever I go.”

“Hannah, please.” He puts his hands on my shoulder and looks down at me with worry painted all over his face as his pleading eyes shimmer.

I take a deep breath. “Fine.”

He smiles and kisses my forehead. “Now, how about we take a shower then?” He seductively whispers and lifts me abruptly. I giggle and wrap my legs around his sturdy hips.

In no time, he carried me to his large spacious bathroom and seats me down on the large marble table. He stands trapped in between my legs as he takes off his white shirt. I run my fingers down his naked chest feeling the firm skin beneath. His rock-hard abs feel so hot under my touch as his breathing hitches. I smirk at the obvious arousal in his pants.

“Hannah . . . ” he breathes sharply as his rapid hands start taking off my clothes. It was as if he’s in some kind of race that his hand moves swiftly expertly weaving its way through my body. He firmly holds the back of my head in place as he takes my lips. I sense aggravation in his hasty kisses and I couldn’t help but think that he seems to be stressed right now.

When Lust Turns to Love [R-18 SPG] COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now