Shine a light🥀

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This may or may not be based on shine a light (reprise) from the heathers musical, so TW for suicide. It's also kind of a soulmate AU. If your soulmate dies you can only see black and white. I don't know I didn't write it, my guitar did.

Shigaraki pov

I woke up in the grey, chipped walls that made up my room. Dabi would have been next to me when I woke up. I stood up and slowly made my way to the door.

I grabbed the handle, and it crumbled to dust. I always forget to leave a finger up. Dabi would have reminded me.

4 years ago he would have reminded me. 4 years ago he would have woken up next to me. 4 years ago he would have been here. 4 years ago he would have told me to put my gloves on. My stupid fucking gloves. My stupid fucking gloves that he made to fit my hands, and my hands only. They would fit weird in anyone else, but they fit me perfectly.

I ran my finds through my hair, and pulled my door open. I made my way down the hallway with my head down. I walked down the stairs and sat at the bar.

"Hey, Tomura!" Toga said in her peppy voice.

"Hey." I said, tapping my fingers rapidly.

"What's up?" She asked, putting a hand on my back.

"I'm still not fucking over him. It's been 4 fucking years and he's still on my mind every day." I told her.

"You loved him, it's-"

"I still love him! I never stopped! I don't care that he's not around anymore!" I cut her off, my voice breaking, and my eyes brimming with tears.

"Tomura-" This time she cut herself off. She went behind the bar and grabbed some cups and a bottle.

"Want a drink?" She asked. I nodded and wiped my eyes with my shirt sleeve. She pours two cups and slid one to me. I stared at her and grabbed the cup, leaving one finger up. I lift the cup, and press it to my lips. I hesitate for a moment, but eventually chug the drink.

"I miss him too," Toga said. I looked at her and nodded.

"I shouldn't have taken him to that meeting. If I hadn't, he'd still be here-"

"Stop blaming yourself! He ran off towards endeavour, you didn't make him. He fell and it wasn't your fault."

She mentioned the fall, and it reminded me of what happened

4 years ago I grabbed Dabi's hand and dragged him towards the heroes.

"Don't do anything brash. We're here to try and make peace with them. Ok?" I said

"Of course, babe. " he said. We walked through Kurogiri's portal and towards the heroes.

"Hawks, Best Jeanist." I said, looking at Hawks's red wings

"Dabi. Shigaraki." Hawks said back. Endeavour was off in the distance, almost waiting for Dabi to fuck up.

Dabi looked at him and his hand twitched. I looked at my boyfriend and squeezed his hand


"Shut up. I'll tell you why I'm going to talk to him when I get back." He said, as he ran off.

I talked with hawks and best jeanist for a minute before a heard Dabi yell out my name. I looked over and he wasn't there. I ran to the cliff endeavour was standing on and I watched as Dabi held on to a certain rock for dear life. I looked deep into his turquoise eyes, before getting on the ground to reach my hand out to him.

"Dabi! I'm here, grab my hand!" I held my gloved hand out for him. He reached up and tried to grab it. He missed and the rock moved. The rock Dabi was holding fell. And it took Dabi with it. I watched as Dabi fell. As he fell to his death. The second his body hit the rocky ground, I would go to black and white.

He was my soulmate

"D-Dabi?" I called softly. I felt tears stream down my cheeks as Kurogiri pulled me into a hug. Best jeanist and Hawks yelled at endeavour for pushing Dabi.

"I didn't push him, he fell." Endeavor explained.

Which is total bullshit, Dabi wasn't standing that close to the edge.

"What did Dabi tell you. Before he 'fell'?" I asked.

"He told me something. He said he was Touya, my oldest child that ran away years ago." He said. I nodded. I held in desperately to Kurogiri's jacket and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry, you must have loved him-"

"He was my soulmate. Once he hit the ground my world lost colour. I only know your wings are red because of memory. They look like a light grey." I told him. You could tell I had been crying because of my voice.

"Endeavour pushed him. He didn't 'fall'." I told her

"Whatever. It wasn't your fault is what I'm saying. "

" I need to go." I told her, running towards the stairs.

I ran up them and into the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of pills. I was never good at opening these but Dabi did it for me.

"Stupid childproof caps!" I yelled, trying desperately to open the pill bottle. I decided to just disintegrate the bottle and get the pills from the floor. I already felt weak, so using my quirk just made me delirious. I was starting to black out, and hallucinate things.

Like Dabi, but the Dabi that had just joined the League. Not the Dabi I grew to love.

"Oh look! Tomura's going to whine all night! You don't deserve to live! Why not kill yourself? Here have a sedative! Whine like there's no Santa Clause! You're pathetic because you whine! You whine all night! Your ass is off the team. Go on and bitch and moan! You don't deserve the dream, you're gonna die alone! Go on and die alone!" He laughed. The young Dabi sat there laughing at the stupid, worthless piece of trash that was infront of him. I grabbed the pills from the floor and shoved some in my mouth. I swallowed them all and watched as the Dabi started to fade away. He was replaced by the Dabi I brought to the meeting. The nice Dabi. That Dabi sat next to me and pulled me close to him

"D-Dabi?" I call, placing my hand on his dark grey burn scars.

"Tomura." He says back

I smile and eventually the world around us fades to black. But as that happens, Dabi's body fades into a colourful one. His pale tans skin, his purple burn scars. His beautiful turquoise eyes. I laid my head on Dabi's chest and he put his arms around me. And for the first time in 4 years, I felt safe.

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