Sector 1 - What if?

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Apart from Skye and Ollie, Team One made its way to the main island. The other two were going to check out the smaller islands surrounding The Shark, including the lighthouse area.
So Jonesy, Peely, Iris, and Bushranger went to the beach of Sweaty Sands.
"This is definitely going to be a long search. And how do we even start?", Iris asked while taking her hoodie off and wrapping the sleeves around her waist as it was way too hot to keep it on.
Jonesy, who had written down all the details Skye had given them, thought about it. "We might want to start here, just ask around. A buff cat can't be that invisible... and if we're done here, we'll travel to the next village and then to the next and while traveling we'll check every centimeter of our area."
"Let me remind you that Meowscles is a cat and if I'm correct, they're pretty fast. So what if he'll be here in two hours?"
Peely thought about it. "We'll ask someone to contact us. Skye handed us leaflets made by Midas. We might wanna hang them up."
Iris took another look at the leaflets and had to bite her lips to not laugh. "Did Midas actually write these?" She was pretty sure that he must have been drunk when he had written that, because there was no way these were serious. "I just miss my kitty... the reward is a damn toilet and if someone finds  Meowscles, they should call his secretary? What the hell?"
The young woman gave the piece of paper back to Peely. "There is no way we're going to hand these out, they're embarassing."
"Fine", Jonesy answered, "then think of another plan. We can't just stand around here while the others are probably already doing their damn job! How do we find that damn cat?"
"I would like to suggest, that we might want to think like a cat for starters? Maybe that could be of any help", Peely eventually suggested.
"Well, how do we think like a cat?" Iris was full on overwhelmed. 
"What do cats like doing? I wouldn't know, I'm a banana." The banana man nervously looked at everyone. 
"Jesus Christ... forget this, let's just take a look around and then we split up like we are intended to do."
And so, the four of them looked under every stone at Sweaty Sands, asked every person they met, but without any luck.

Meanwhile, Skye was wandering around the island on which a plane had once crashed. She knew for a fact that Meowscles liked being here, he had once told her that he had a thing for abandoned places. Though she doubted her friend would be anywhere near here, it was worth a try. 
"Ollie, have you found anything?", the brunette asked her fluffy companion, but he shook his body. Sighing, she stepped onto the shore. "What if he doesn't want to be found?" Because of the warm climate, she decided to take her shoes off for a minute and step into the sea. It may sound weird, but Skye could think best when she was at the ocean.
When her toes touched the warm sand, she immediately felt that familiar sensation of being home. The waves and the smell of the ocean calmed her down and after a few seconds she stepped forward so that her feet were in the water.
"Meowscles normally wouldn't just run off like that. Something is absolutely wrong about all of this. He's not the kinda guy who just gives up, so... what if it's not only about Deadpool taking over the Yacht? Ollie, there must be more to this story. I think we actually need to speak to the boss... and maybe even crash a Yqcht party." Skye smiled, satisfied with her conclusion. The young girl put her shoes back on and stepped into the Motorboat, then she went on her way to the lighthouse, which was her last destination. She didn't know if her accusations were justified, but it was better to be careful than to be sorry later on.

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