The Device

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"Oh, can you tell me, can you tell me the way the story ends? A monster in my heart, a ghost inside my chest. I'm broken down, the world around us surrounds my suffering. You smile and laugh at me but you don't see a thing. I'm breakable, unbreakable, I'm shakeable, unshakeable, unraveling since I found you. Now I'm turning to dust in a world that's twisted. Don't come searching when I go missing. Close your eyes or just try to look away, I don't want to hurt you. We live in a world someone else imagined. The ghost of what's left of me all but vanished. Remember my heart, how bright I used to shine. Please, just don't forget me."
- Unravel, Ky0umi (Jonathan Young Cover)


Skye was holding on for dear life when the first earthquake happened. Sure, she was overreacting, but this was scary.
When it stopped, she scanned the room for any damage. Some vases or loose items had fallen to the ground. Maya was yelling something, but Skye could barely hear, she was too focused on calming down and only when Tina grabbed her by her arm and dragged her out of the room, she wasn't zoned out anymore. On the way out, Journey checked on people laying on the ground, but fortunately no one had been hurt. There was no sign of Rue.
The three of them and Drift left the Agency to see if anything else had been damaged and to their surprise, the earthquake seemed to only have affected the Agency.
"That's weird", Skye said, looking around.
Tina sighed next to her. "The past two days, we've searched the entire island for a cat, crashed the wedding of a mad guy and a statue and tried to snap our boss out of a trance by tickling his feet with feathers and you think this is weird?"
"You... you do have a point. All of this is just... beyond crazy." Skye did wonder what was in store for them next. She looked back at the Agency and then in the direction of where the Shark was. She'd only been working for Midas for two years, which was certainly less than the others, but she had known Maya and Meowscles for many a very long time, and she wondered when life had gotten so complicated for all of them.
"And I doubt it will get better", someone behind them said and Skye turned around to look at Drift.
"I made a little detour and I have a feeling that we're in for a lot more trouble", he continued.
"Didn't you say you were going after Deadpool?", Journey asked and he nodded.
"I could use a little help. I won't be able to take him down, but we might be able to lock him in somewhere until you've dealt with Midas' bullshit."
"And how do we find Deadpool?" Skye felt that it was hopeless anyway, they couldn't search the entire island once again.
"No need", Tina answered and pointed somewhere. Skye could see a motorboat approaching, a man in a red suit driving it.
The four of them ran to halt the boat and it eventually stopped at the riverbed. Deadpool stepped out, someone was tied up in the back and he was wearing some kind of golden cape.
"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help, but here I am, and I have a little gift for you. Thank god for lazy writing!" He started dragging the tied up man out of the boat and Drift helped him. The man had a bag on his head, but Skye knew that it was Brutus. Exactly the man they needed.
"How did you..."
"The dearest author is too lazy to make this chapter too much about you capturing this guy, so I decided to go after him, do my job and kill him. You think I'm still getting that golden toilet?"
Brutus tried to free himself, but he was struggeling and Deadpool kicked him in the stomach.
"Doubtful", Tina answered as Skye curiously watched Brutus. She'd never thought he would betray them liks this. To her, he'd been some kind of group dad, though very distant.
"Midas is occupied right now, but you would do us a favor." Tina kneeled down next to Brutus and took the bag off. He had been beaten up, his lip was burst open and his left eye swollen. "Unbelieveable... for years we've trusted this pig and then it turns out he's been doing some shady stuff behind our backs..."
Skye walked closer, as Brutus started laughing loudly, he was spitting blood. "It's already over, dear. The machine is running. Soon, there will be nothing left of this pathetic island and even dead, I win."
"Wow, this is one boring villain", Deadpool said, katanas now in his hands. "Just to make it clear, I am not doing favors, but this guy is annoying."
Without any further words from anyone, Deadpool slammed the sword into Brutus' giant body over and over, and Skye had to look away. Blood was splashing onto her and she tried to avoid it by backing up. Someone put a hand on her back and eventually, the noises were gone.
"It's okay. He's covered up." Journey smiled at her and Skye turned around once again. The body, or most of it, hidden underneath a pink jacket.
"That's for ruining my suit." Deadpool cleaned his katanas and put them away. Skye was trembling. Witnessing something like that hadn't been on her bucket list of things she wanted to see. She wasn't sure if she should be sad about Brutus' death, but after all, he had betrayed them.
"Was this much violence necessary?"
"Totally. While spending some time as a statue, I figured that slicing that big chungus open would be the best I could do and before I knew, I woke up in his man cave, tied to a bed. We had some fun together, before I ran away and he came after me, but now he's dead and I'm free. You're welcome."
"Hey...didn't Maya say something about a fleece?" Skye couldn't help but keep an eye on the cape he was wearing. Tina nodded, so did Journey and Drift.
"Listen, Mr... Pool. That story is very interesting, but would you mind giving us that cape of yours? We really need it."
Skye tried to give him her best puppy eyes, and she could see him give in.
"Fine. But only because I serve as Deus Ex Machina here. Remember, without this fine ass, chungus over there would still be alive. Now, I'll find a new Sebastian and try to have a hot night. Later, babes." He handed her the fleece and hopped back into the motorboat, then drove away.
"Don't you wanna go after him, Drift?", Tina asked, but he shook his head.
"This dude is way too strange to waste time on..."
Skye inspected the fleece as they started walking back to the Agency. Eventually, she contacted Maya, but it took a few tries before they connected. "Hello? Maya, finally! We have the fleece... Brutus is dead. We're almost at the Agency."
She caught up to the others and as they entered the building, the walls were shaking once again. The four of them ran to the basement and encountered Meowscles, whom they followed into Midas' room, where Maya and Arachne were standing. There was no sign of Midas.
"Skye!" Maya came over to her and reached out for the fleece. "You're okay... Listen, I want you to go to safety. We will deal with this."
Skye hestitated. "No. I won't go and hide, I want to help. Please, Maya. I didn't spend two years guarding that damn vault at the Shark for you to tell me to go home now. I know you're trying to keep me out of danger as much as possible, but then you shouldn't have allowed me to work here for Midas in the first place."
Maya exhaled loudly, but then nodded. "Fine then... but please, be careful."
Skye smiled and gave her the fleece. "You too... and, Maya? I've been meaning to ask you something." Her heart started to pound as she pulled a piece of paper out of her pockets. She knew it wasn't the best time, but if not now, then when? No one knew what was going to happen. As she wanted to hand Maya the paper, another loud rumble went to the building. Only now, she discovered the giant machine behind thin curtains that was glowing.
"What's that?", Journey yelled and Maya looked behind her.
"Trouble. Skye, your question has to wait. I'm sorry."
Midas stepped into the room, his eye pinned on the fleece. "I suppose, Brutus is dead?", he said coming closer to Maya, but she backed away.
"Don't touch it and answer me a question instead. Is Matthew still in there?"
Midas nodded. "More or less. He is asleep."
Skye didn't know what was going on. Hell, she never knew what was going on. She listened to the conversation.
"Then wake him up. He needs to see this."
Maya quickly walked to the statue of the girl that had been kept at the Marigold and she wrapped the fleece around her. "Please work...", Skye could hear her whisper, and it did. The fleece started glowing and as it did, the gold seemed to come undone.
Maya turned around, tears in her eyes. "You see that Matt? All these years and Marie is finally free! You can stop all of this now! Please... you have to be strong, for her."
The girl, Marie, was free from her golden prison now and she broke down. Skye, Arachne, and Drift ran over to her to prevent her from hitting the ground. She was surprisingly light and they helped her to a couch to sit down.
Skye looked at Maya, who was looking at Midas. Latter had his eye on Marie, tearing up, but all the emotions in his face were gone a second later. "It doesn't matter...", she could hear him say as he walked back where he came from into another room.
Maya came to the others and kneeled down before Marie, whose head was resting on Skye's lap. "Marie... can you hear me?"
The girl didn't move, but she opened her eyes and nodded. "Maya..." It was barely a whisper, and Skye noticed Maya's smile. Suddenly, loud, highpitched noises came from the room with the device and everyone looked up. The noises were followed by a blinding light and yet another earthquake, but this time it was heavy enough to make the ceiling crumble. An alert started, Maya was screaming orders over the ear-piercing sounds, but Skye was unable to hear her. Drift picked Marie up and Meowscles took Skye's hand and dragged her out of the room and upstairs. All of them ran as fast as they could to get outside the Agency, before the building could bury them underneath it. They made it out just in time, jumped into the lake surrounding the Agency and swam to the other side. When Skye turned around, the entire building lay in ruins and a bright beam shot out of it. Skye thought she saw faces in that beam, ghosts that were guiding it directly into the distance. She heard loud cries and could make out Lynx's face in the beam, which seemed to have a certain target, as it went directly in one direction and eventually disappeared.
"We need to go. Now!", someone yelled but Skye couldn't identify to whom this voice belonged. She didn't care. The Agency was gone and there was no sight of Midas and it seemed like Maya had the same thoughts, because Skye was standing next to her and she was silently sobbing.
As the disaster came to an end, Skye slowly came closer to Maya, took her in her arms and let her cry on her shoulders. Who knew how much damage that thing had made? And where did that beam go? 
Skye wasn't sure she wanted to know. She only wanted to drop in her bed or on a cozy couch with Maya and cry with her over what they had been going through. 
And maybe, eventually she could finally ask Maya if she wanted to adopt her. 

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