Past Times: The World Is Upside Down

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"And the first shall be first
And the last shall be last
Cast your eyes to heaven
You get a knife in the back
Nobody's righteous
Nobody's proud
Nobody's innocent
Now that the chips are down."
- When The Chips Are Down, Hadestown


Years ago, after the explosion

It was dark when he woke up. The familiar feeling of not being in control of himself, yet the only time he had full control as of lately, overwhelmed him once again, and as he turned around, he faced Oro.
"You tried to end your own life", he said, clearly not pleased. He was sitting in his golden throne of glass shards, staring at him, who was crouching in front of the Fallen King. Here, in this throne room, he was Matthew. And Matthew was scared to death and full of regret for what he had done.
"It was an accident." Matt couldn't recall what had happened, not at the moment anyways.
"Don't fool me, boy. You can't get rid of me or yourself. We are one, and I am the spirit that will guide you, the one you have sold your life to. Without me you are nothing but the pathetic child you were before."
The memories slowly became more clearly. How he had tried to cause a gas explosion to kill himself out of self hate for what he agreed to.

A deep laughter was the answer. "Do you think that something like an explosion will kill us, boy? You took my hand for power all these weeks ago and we merged into one and there is nothing in this world that can kill us."
He had wanted to die because he had no control over his doings anymore, not really. And Maya had given up on him. Before, he thought he might be able to deal with such things, but he was wrong. Without Maya or Marie, he was alone with this demon inside him.
"The girl confuses you. It is good that she is gone." Oro stood up and walked towards Matt, who rose aswell.
"And what now? Are you going to get rid of me because I tried to kill us both? Or what is your plan now?"
For a moment, it was silent, before Oro shook his head.
"You will receive your punishment soon enough, boy, and trust me when I say this, you will not be pleased. I have agreed upon calling you by your chosen name but I fear that you will have to earn it. Mark my words, for I have warned you. If you try to doublecross me again, I will make sure that you shall never be able to see the daylight again. It is time for you to realize that the nightmare isn't only in your dreams, but in every aspect of your life, and I assure you that I am not the one who will misguide you. I am your guiding light and it is my will to have you sit on this throne, but there is a long road ahead of you and I fear that it will take more than this. One day you will come crawling to me to take over and until the time is right, you need to learn much more." With that, Oro left the room and now Matt was all alone in the dark and as he felt himself being dragged back into reality, he almost wished he'd never have to again.


A/N: So since this chapter is very short, I'd like to explain something because I feel like I've failed to properly do so in the story itself and it might confuse some of you. It's about the whole Matthew and Oro situation and how they're fused together.
Fused together, they are Midas. And when midas is asleep, like in this chapter, and they're in the throne room, they are two individuals talking to each other in Midas' mind. They're Matt and Oro, constantly fighting each other for control. Both of them kind of control Midas if that makes any sense, but as of now, Matthew dominates Oro, which changed in "Beyond Sacrifice", when Oro fully took over. So now, it may be Matthew's body, but Oro is in full control, while Matt is "asleep" and trapped in his own mind. There is no more Midas, and Matt technically fulfilled his purpose of serving as a vessel for Oro. We've seen this concept before in plenty of movies and books. Another example might be Luke Castellan serving as a vessel for Kronos in Percy Jackson and the Olympians, but still being in there, trapped.
I have no clue if any of this makes sense but yeah,,,
Now, the question is, will Matt/Midas be back? :D The answer might just surprise you, but for now let's dwell in the past for a while.

I hope I've cleared this up and that you guys are less confused now. 
And I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, as short as it is... please let me know in the comments! ♥

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