Going Into Battle

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"When the ashes start to rise
And the moon falls from the sky

And a thousand candles burn into the night

When the angels softly cry
On the flames below the sky
Would a thousand souls still pray for you and I?"
- Day of the Dead, Hollywood Undead


Midas/Matthew POV

There was so much regret. So much self-hate. He shouldn't have agreed upon letting Oro take over. He had always feared the day this would actually happen, but now it was here, and the worst part wasn't that he didn't have any control over his own body. The worst part was having to watch everything and not being able to do anything. When Oro took over, Matthew finally woke up, really woke up. All this time he had been kept a prisoner; slowly turning into what Oro was, a shadow of his former self. But he was awake from that vengeful slumber, and he needed to stop Oro somehow.

When he saw Marie unfreezing, he'd been strong enough to take control for a second, but Oro was way stronger. Matthew needed to gather strength. He wasn't the one who would fall today. He was going to defy the prophecy. 

He didn't know how. He only knew that at the moment he was so tired after all these years of fighting. He was tired of trying and he doubted that he would get to talk to Marie one last time, because right now Oro was walking towards where the laser had been shot at; the bunker. An entrance to the Underworld.

Oro was going to face Hades and there was nothing Matthew could do about it except watch.

He hated watching.

Maya POV

They'd went over to the Shark and were trying to gain some energy. Maya was far from ready after having witnessed all of this.
Skye filled her in on what had happened with Brutus and she told the rest about what had happened when they were gone. Marie was asleep and Maya didn't move an inch away from her, she was too afraid that her friend would turn gold again or stop breathing. She was flinching and sometimes said a dew words and Maya thought, she must have had a nightmare.
Skye had left the room to prepare some food for everyone. Arachne sat in a corner, holding back the tears, because she blamed herself for everything. Meowscles sat next to Maya and Marie, whose feet were on his lap. The others were trying to distract themselves by some stupid card game. Time seemed to not fly by at all and eventually Skye entered the room, rolling in a kitchen cart with some food.
"I have good and bad news. The good news are there's food, and the bad news... well..." Maya waited patiently without interrupting. "Rox just called. She felt the last earthquake and saw the beam going straight to that weird bunker right by the cardboard factory. She also said that someone had told her that a friend of theirs had seen Midas... I mean Oro, walk there, which is in some way good news, because it means that Midas is alive."
Maya had told her everything, or most of it. Arachne had been the one to explain the whole Oro thing, because Maya still barely got it.
"So whatever is at that bunker, he needed to kill people to activate that machine and get in there?", Maya concluded and looked at Arachne. She surely must know something.
"There have been rumors. Somewhere on this island is a sealed entrance to the Underworld. I suppose that's where Oro is heading."
"Wait, I don't get it. Why would he want to go to the Underworld?" Skye handed out the food and then sat down on the ground. Maya took a look at Marie and noticed her moving. It seemed like she was soon going to wake up.
"The past. Oro was in the Underworld for a long, long time, but Hades trapped him in the Tartarus, where everything evil reigned. He must have escaped somehow, and found Matthew. I can imagine that Oro is going back to end Hades once and for all, or the other way around."
"And if latter happens... Matthew will die."
Arachne nodded sadly and wiped her face with her hand. "We can't say for sure what's going to happen, but let's please not lose hope. For Matthew."
"...and everyone who died because of the device", Maya added and thought of Lynx and Sunbird. Neither of them deserved dying like this. She also thought of Skye, who had lost all her memories for the sake of Rue being a bitch. It made Maya wonder what they'd wanted to do with the water from that river. For a fact, she knew that they'd used it once again on Meowscles and that it made a great use to get rid of moles without actually harming them, but there must have been a bigger plan behind it all.
"So, what's the plan?" Meowscles hadn't spoken since their arrival at the Shark. "Follow Oro into the Underworld and help him kill Hades so that Midas doesn't die?"
"In case you didn't know, Hades is a god. It will be quite difficult to kill him." 
"We don't have to...", a silent voice whispered and Maya looked down at Marie, who was finally awake. She slowly sat up and looked at them all before speaking again. "My mum always told bedtime stories about Oro when we were young and once she talked about how Crisanto trapped Persephone in a sword."
"So if we find that sword, we could bargain", Maya concluded.
"That sounds easier than it is. -Those are storiew, who knows how much of it is true? Besides, we don't have any chances of finding it, and if we did, this is not our battle. It's Oro's."
"So what? It's Matt's body and his life and he happens to matter to all of us. I don't care what it takes or if we find that sword or how much we have to beat Oro up to get Matthew back, I'm going after them and if I have to kick Hades' ass, I will do it."
Skye left the room without any other word. Meanwhile, someone soflty grabbed Maya's hand and she turned around to look at Marie.
"Hey, bee", she said and Maya hugged her tightly.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you...", Maya whispered.
"And you have no idea how much I still hate hugs."
Maya let her go and looked at her friend, smiling. "I'm sorry this happened to you."
"I don't even remember any of it. There was... nothing, at least I can't think of anything. It just felt like neverending darkness and... wait, how long was I gone, you look older!"
"About seven years, more or less. I will fill you in on everything later but right now you only need to know that Matt is in danger and we really need to help him, or else..."
"... he'll be dead", Marie ended the sentence and Maya nodded.
As she wanted to continue, Skye came back, a long sword with a blue glowing blade. "I found this a while ago while exploring some abandoned mine."
"Skye, you're a genius!" Arachne said, already by her side, examining the sword.
"How do we know if it's the sword from the story?", Meowscles asked, but Maya just knew. Something about that thing was different, it sent an aura that she had only felt when she'd stood next to Oro.
"It has to be it", Maya said, "I can... I don't know, feel it."
Marie nodded in agreement. "I feel it too. Whatever is going on, let's trust that this is it. If my brother is in danger, we better help him now."
Maya looked at Arachne, who looked at the sword. She knew that this woman had a plan.

An hour later, they were in a helicopter, headed for the bunker. They dropped Drift off at the Agency with the golden fleece, because he wanted to check out the damage and find Sunbird to maybe save her.
Maya got more nervous the closer they got to their destination. She barely knew what was going to happen once they found Oro.
Marie had come along, though she was still weak, but she didn't care.
When they finally approached the bunker, they came closer to the ground and ran for their lives.
Maya could see Oro in the distance, walking slowly and confident with the scepter in his hand, as if he wasn't about to face an angry God. The gang ran faster to reach the portal before him and as he saw them, he sped up too, but they all came to a stop when they saw a man standing outside the portal. He looked like a mummy and was wearing a long, black coat, as well as a hat and he was extremely angry and as he looked at them, Maya couldn't move anymore.
Oro still continued walking and the others couldn't do anything except watching this all go down. Skye was trembling next to her, so much, that she might drop that sword any second. As it had turned out, that little girl was the only one who could wield the sword. Arachne wanted to hold it, but got burnt by the handle, so they figured that Skye needed to go with them, as much as Maya hated the idea of that.
Right now, Maya held Arachne's hand.

"You've taken your time." The voice of Hades was loud, dangerous and scary. He came closer to Oro.
"Forgive me for making you wait, but I have been busy trying to destroy the barricade that has been created by a cowardly god to keep the monster he created out."
"I see you have brought an audience with you." The God pointed at Maya and the rest, but Oro just laughed.
"They are nothing but stupid humans thinking they could save the boy I have possessed. They don't realize that he is long gone."
"And yet", Hades said as he walked closer to them, facing Skye, "they have what I bothered to come here for. Crisanto, you old fool, did you really think today would be a day to battle? Today is the day I reunite with my dear wife and you face your end in Tartarus, where your twisted soul belongs." If Maya could move, she would've stood before Skye to protect her, but now she had to watch, as the god of the Underworld reached for the sword, but as he touched it, a bright beam of light emerged and Maya closed her eyes, because shielding them wasn't possible. As the light seemed to glow brighter, Maya could hear a soft female voice whispering something.

"A fallen king and a desperate boy
one shall live and one be destroyed
for both of them cannot handle the Underworld's wrath
gold will stay and blue will fall
when one of them rises and stands tall
seven sacrifices shall be made
to seal the boy's inevitable fate
at last the child will stand
to end the everlasting plot for revenge
and a soul returns for the price of another
as the young one will finally face a woman to call mother."

As the voice stopped talking, the light disappeared and Maya was able to move again. She turned to Skye, who had fallen on the ground. Hades had been thrown back by the blast and she could see Oro standing right by him.
"What was that?", Skye asked, as Maya helped her standing up, but Maya had no answer. All she could do was watch once again, and as she looked at Oro, for a second he seemed to glow golden and then she could see a skeleton standing right there, but it disappeared a second later, Oro swayed as if that had weakened him.
"You will fall today, Hades. You and this pathetic island and your kingdom of death." Oro pointed the scepter at Hades, and before anyone could do anything, he touched the God of the Underworld with it and Maya thought, the worst would happen now.

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