The Story Of Tonight

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I may not live to see our glory
But I will gladly join the fight
And when our children tell our story
They'll tell the story of tonight
Let's have another round tonight
Raise a glass to freedom
Something they can never take away
No matter what they tell you
Raise a glass all of us
Tomorrow there'll be more of us
Telling the story of tonight
- The Story Of Tonight, Hamilton


Now that Maya was all dressed up, she wasn't too sure of the whole going out thing anymore. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy a drink every now and then, but being surrounded by so many drunk people just wasn't exactly her cup of tea. 
Her mood was just really down, now even more while she was talking to Arachne on the phone.
"I was scared if I can be honest. If I hadn't stopped him, that girl would be dead now." 
Arachne had told her about what'd happened.
"He seemed very impatient the entire time but when that girl, this Rue, broke the news to him, his entire mood switched from 0 to 100."
Maya sighed, realizing how bad it really was at the moment. "Yeah, he hasn't really been in a good mood the past two weeks. Something must've happened, I guess, because before, he'd at least crack a joke with Tina or something. Now he just angrily glares at us. And what did you say again about this Mr..."
"D. Mr D, I think. He seems like bad news, especially because our dear Matthew is definitely scared of him."
"I mean... okay, isn't that good though? So he has some kind of weakness. Now we only need to find out who this Mr D is."
"That's on you, darling. Ah, one more thing, this Rue mentioned something about Marie... I thought she was kidnapped or something?"
Maya laughed bitterly. Apparently there were plenty of versions of this story. Arachne continued.
"I do know now what happened to that poor girl and it all makes more sense, but this girl mentioned something about Mr D having the only thing that can bring Marie back and I am very positive, that I know what it is."
Now that was indeed something important. "Can you tell me?"
"Not here. Not on the phone. Do you have time tomorrow? 5pm, the usual location."
Maya nodded, then remembered Arachne couldn't see her. "I'll be there. Thank you."
"You have fun tonight, okay? And keep an eye out for our boy in terms of drinking alcohol."
She had to laugh, then agreed. "Always. Bye!"
After Maya hung up, someone knocked on her door. She grabbed her bag, took another look at the mirror and then went outside to be greeted by Skye, Lynx, and Tina.
"The others are already there. Let's go!", Tina said.
"What do you mean by others, how many are coming?" She noticed that all of them were wearing pretty casual clothes and now she felt uncomfortable in her purple dress.
"Almost the entire search party, or at least those who took their time to come to the factory. The drinks are on the bossman, or at least he first two rounds."
"Wow, okay then, what are we waiting for?"
She closed the door behind her and locked it, just in case, and the four women got on their way to a pub, it was called Galway or something, close to the Agency.

As Maya entered the bar, the thick smell of alcohol and nicotine was the first thing she noticed. The second thing she noticed was Fiona Clover at the bar, and old friend of Maya's from a time she'd rather forget.
The gingerhead waved to Maya as soon as she saw her and Maya waved back, slightly smiling. Then, Fiona waved the girls to her.
"Maya!", she yelled over the loud instrumental music, her strange accent thick, "haven't seen you in a bit, how are you?"
She sat down at the counter. "I'm good, Fiona. There's just been a lot going on. How are you? And the others? I didn't know you own this pub now." She was actually curious now.
"Ryder didn't want it anymore, so he just left one night and barely ever comes back. I don't know what it is about him, but his vehicle is more important than the pub and me. Well, whatever. I'm happy here, surrounded by people I love. So, what do you and the girls want, huh? That round's on the house, for the sake of our friendship."
Maya smiled, but then looked at Tina. "Thank you, Fiona. Really, but we're suposed to meet some friends. Are the-"
"Basement. They hired it for the night, so there's no open mic except for you guys, but do have fun. I hope we get to chat sometime later."
With that, Fiona was busy again, serving customers, so Maya and the other three went downstairs.
"What did she mean with open mic?", Maya asked curiously.
"Monday's usually karaoke night here. Let's go to the others."
The basement room was crowed. it wasn't small, but certainly not big enough for more than 20 people. Even with them only being ten people, it seemed like a long night ahead of them,
"Here they are!", Sunbird yelled and stood up to hug each of them. Maya was slighty confused about her presence, but she didn't mind. After all she always put a smile on everyone's face with her usual, slightly annoying, happy attitude.
Apart from her, Catalyst and Drift, as well as Journey, Meowscles, and of course Midas were there. 
This night, Maya, decided, should be really interesting. She sat down on the bench to the others, there was a huge table on which all of them somehow fit. To her discomfort, she somehow ended up sitting inbetween Midas and Drift and with latter taking up a bit more space, she was practically glued to Midas, but decided not to say anything. Tonight, they all wanted to celebrate.
When their drinks came, Skye complained about getting a soda instead of a real drink, and Maya and Midas both told her she's to young and then they said a toast and drank, talking about the search party and how glad they were that Meowscles was back and Deadpool gone. Maya was feeling alright and for one night, that was more than she could've wanted.

Two hours later, Drift and Catalyst were up on the small stage, singing their hearts out on behalf of Skye having recently turned 17. Though, some tones were a tiny bit shrill, they both tried their best to do "Dancing Queen" justice and everyone loved it, they were dancing and having fun and Lynx had already thrown up twice. Midas was in an incredibly good mood, normally he was an absolute crybaby when drunk, and at some point, Maya and him ended up dancing together for a bit, before it got awkward and they went their own ways.
When Drift was finished, someone pulled Maya up the stage and eventually she sang way too many songs with Sunbird and Skye. They all had their fun until they were out of breath and so they had the barkeeper turn on normal music to which they could dance to. Maya was sipping on a glas, not sure if it was hers, and danced her way to Journey, who was dancing with Sunbird and Skye.
"Are you having fun?", Journey yelled to her and she nodded.
"More than ever!", Maya yelled back and they continued to dance until the end of the song.
"Excuse me for a second.", she said and went to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Surprisingly, she didn't look like an absolute mess. Her short hair was still in place. Only a tiny stain on her dress was visible, but she didn't mind. While she had felt nauseous a few minutes ago, she was okay now and drank some tap water, then she made her way back to the karaoke room, where she could hear very slow music. Opening the door, Maya remembered Cat saying something about every party needing a slow dance, and apparently now was the time.
Maya looked at them dancing in pairs, Journey with Tina, Lynx with Catalyst, Skye with Meowscles - which surprised her the most, but Lynx probably rejected him -, and Sunbird with Drift.
Only Midas sat there all alone, and while Maya's heart was pounding, she walked over to him and smiled, reaching out. "Wanna dance? Just once."
He noticeably hestitated, but stood up. "Are you sure about this?" He carefully took her hand and she could feel how cold it was, then she guided him to the others, turned around and wrapped her hands around him. "For old time's sake. Besides, you seem happy tonight. I've missed that. Your smile."
He put his hands on her hips, yet again very gently, and they started dancing. Something told Maya, he was uncomfortable like this, but he seemed to relax and it reminded her of how they used to dance together in her room without any music, how he once taught her certain steps.
"It is a day to celebrate. And I've decided to forget everything. Just... forget Marie's current condition and what has been going on with me and with the Agency. I just want to be a normal 27 year old enjoying a night with good friends." For a second he did seem like himself, like Matthew. Maya saw it in his eyes, or rather his one eye. The blue sparkle that she used to love so much was back, something she wasn't able to see when they'd first danced together.
"That's... good, I guess. Everyone deserves a break now and then."
He nodded as an answer and then they lost themselves in the music and eventually sat down together and talked like nothing mattered, not Marie, not this mysterious Mr D or what was going on with him. They talked like they were 16 again, not a care in the world, everything was blurry,  and then Skye joined them and eventually, Maya told her about how she had known Midas since her childhood and then everything escalated, someone was yelling at someone else, a shot could be heard, and Maya got knocked down to the ground, but she could still see how Sunbird froze to gold, and then everything went silent.

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