Intermission - What the hell is Midas up to?

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"Checkmate", Arachne declared, as she flicked the black king off the chessboard with her fingers. She smiled brightly, though she knew Midas had let her win this round.
"Congratulations, you beat me. Can you now trust me with being alone? I have work to do." There was something about Midas' voice she didn't quite like. It was monotone, yet kind of scary but it had some kind of nice tone to it. Nevertheless, Arachne didn't trust that man. Yes, he was blue because of his kitty at the moment and yes, he did give her chess lessons as she hadn't played in a long time, but she still felt uncomfortable around him. Even the tiny spiders crawling on her arms hid from him and their mother knew why: They were afraid. After all, Midas was powerful with his golden magic.

The mother of spiders tried to hide her thoughts, though she couldn't help but think Midas knew.
"Well?", Midas asked, his patience clearly running out.
Arachne sat up straight, smiled brightly again. "Of course not, my boy." She had been calling him that ever since she had met him all those years ago, back when he was nothing but a young eager boy, ambitious to learn more about science, trying to find a way to turn lead into gold, something no one had ever been able to do.
Back when his little kittenfriend truly was nothing but a cat, as Arachne recalled. She remembered him as a happy, beautiful boy with an equally beautiful sister by his side. She remembered him as a boy full of life, always cracking jokes. Smiling. In love.
Whatever had happened to him was a mystery to Arachne, but Midas was like a son to her. Even if she was scared of what he was capable of. Though she was aware of a certain loss in his family, he had never opened up about what truly happened on that faithful night that, according to Maya, had changed him forever.
"I have strict orders from your little girlfriend to not leave you alone to, as she put it, do something stupid you will regret later. And I am a very dutiful woman as you know, my boy." The Spidermother watched in delight as Midas' face turned red in shame, which was exactly the humanly reaction she needed to calm down. He hestitated for an answer.
"Maya isn't my-"
"Don't start, dear, I was just teasing you. Now, shall we do another round of chess or do you have other games we could play?"
The boy, though he surely wasn't a boy anymore, sighed and started to set the figurines up again.

A/N: So I decided to publish two chapters this week, because the other one is quite short.
I honestly didn't mean to go down this path but it seems like the entire plot of the story is changing a lot and won't be all about Meowscles anymore, but he is still a key character.
So... yeah uhm I really hope you enjoyed these two chapters :) Please let me know!

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