Midas' Revenge and Skye's Greatest Adventure

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"I'm ashes to ashes, I'm dust to dust and when a man turns to ashes, forget about love. Like the feeling inside you with the bottle beside you, you both end up empty like an angel just died too. I look to the heavens to the sky and the rest. I looked inside myself, I felt my heart in my chest. Something so point blue, there's nothing to say. Some hearts to stay true when falling away.
Come lay down beside me, what could one life mean? It's only what I've seen, it's only just one dream. Tell my baby I love her and I wish I could hold her. It's hard to say goodbye when you know that it's over"
- Coming Back Down, Hollywood Undead


Oro approached Hades with the scepter and lunged out to take his soul, but Hades blocked the staff off and came back on his feet.
"Your prophecy may fulfill itself today after all", he said, dusting his coat off.
"And your wife may stay in that sword forever." He was still swaying. The boy's body couldn't handle him fully, which meant that he might not win this battle.
"Once I have taken care of you, I will take care of this damned island and return my kingdom to its glory."
Oro lunged at Hades once again, this time with an outstretched hand, and he actually managed to touch his enemy.
Someone yelled in the back and Oro turned around to the mortals. The girl with the sword, Skye, attacked him, but he easily dodged away. He stood where he was and looked at her.
"I understand. The prophecy is about you. You are the one to end it all."
"Give Marie her brother back, you big, stupid toad!"
Oro couldn't help but laugh at her stupidity. "You will die, little girl, just like the rest of them. Sword or not."
"No, Oro", another voice said belonging to the annoying girlfriend, Maya. "We will not stop until you let Matthew go and leave us alone. You have inflicted enough pain to us all, have spread enough hatred, and you've failed."
A loud scream in his head made Oro fall to his knees and drop the scepter, which made him vulnerable, and he expected the girl to strike, but instead, he heard the sword drop.
"The boy is dead! You will die too!", he yelled, but the scream in his head was louder. The boy hadn't given up just yet and Oro gave in to his screams, allowing the boy to talk to him.

Oro awoke in his throne room, the boy kneeling on the ground, sweating.
"This will be the first and last time you shall be able to disturb me, boy."
"You are right. But I am not the one who will fall. You are."
Oro couldn't help but laugh once again. "What makes you believe that you can defeat me? You are weak."
"And you are a liar. When were you going to reveal the last two lines of your prophecy to me?" Matthew stood up, slowly.
"They never mattered."
"They do. They're about Skye, right? She will end this all and you are scared of your own weapon. You've failed. Give up, Oro. The past centuries have done nothing for you. Go and crawl back to your little cave in the Underworld and leave the inhabitants of this island alone. You have nothing to avenge. There is no more kingdom you can return to."
The Fallen King was breathing heavily in anger.
"If I die, you will die with me. You cannot escape your destiny, you foolish boy."
"No", Matthew answered, as he walked closer and reached out to touch Oro, like he had touched the boy before. "But I can change it."

Skye POV
She couldn't really believe herself just attacking Oro like that, but ever since she'd gotten the sword out of its hiding spot, she felt much more braver and stronger, like she'd been destined to wield such a weapon. A voice kept whispering to her, the same voice that had whisperes the prophecy. She trusted that voice, because she felt like she'd known it and the person it belonged to her entire life.
When Oro went on his knees and closed his eyes, she was ready to strike, but Maya and Arachne held her back.
"He's in that trance again", Arachne said and Skye dropped the weapon  immediately stepped away from him.
"What now?" Skye turned around to look at them. "What... did you hear that voice? What did it talk about?"
"That's not our biggedt problem right now. What are we going to do with Hades and Oro?" Maya seemed on edge, always either looking at Oro, Arachne, or the statue of Hades.
"We wait. When Oro wakes up from his trance, Skye will strike him down."
"I don't want to hurt Midas! And why me? Why am I the one who should kill this thing, I'm just a kid!" Skye was screaming at them, because she didn't know what else to do. "I don't even know where I come from or who I'm supposed to be and you're telling me that I'm supposed to kill this century old ghost or whatever the hell he is? I can't... I just can't." She kept the tears from flowing, but she was just too angry at all of them. Why should a child like her deal with such adult problems?
Maya came closer and pulled her into a tight hug, silently comforting her. "I  know this is a lot for you, Skye, but it seems like you're our only hope", she whispered and Skye nodded.
"If there is nothing but this sword that can defeat Oro and if you're the only one who can do it, then there's no other way... Skye, I know you're scared, but you've been trying to find your own adventure for years. This is it."
Skye loosened herself from Maya's grip and stepped back. She looked at the sword and picked it up, then she walked to Oro. She wiped her tears away and tightly held on to the weapon with both hands. As she stood before Oro, she hestitated and suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. Maya's hand. Maya, who had raised her after she'd lost all her memories. The woman that had always been there for her and always cared for her and had been strong for both of them just like right now, when she was holding back her own tears.
Someone else grabbed her other shoulder, and she turned around to see them all stand right behind her, even Marie, who she didn't even know. "We're all with you."

Heavily breathing, she held up the sword and was ready to end Oro, but she couldn't defeat someone defenseless, not even with the weapon giving her this unexplainable strength.

Just as she was about to drop the sword once again, Oro started blinking, then he suddenly screamed loudly and collapsed on the ground. He whispered something inaudible, but it looked like he was battling himself, then suddenly he yelled her name. Skye came closer and kneeled down and Oro grabbed her hand tightly to pull himself up and Skye stood up too, surprised that he hadn't turned her to gold.

Skye...", he whispered again and something told her that it wasn't Oro, but Midas. "Please... I can't hold him back for too long. Do it now." He slowly took her hand holding the sword and slowly pulled it towards himself, to his stomach.
"I can't....", Skye whispered and let go, and so Midas held the sword, and before anyone could stop him, he plunged it into himself, screaming in pain.
A bright light shot from the wound and Skye could see a ghostlike creature emerge from it, flying straight towards the Underworld's portal.
Midas dropped to the ground and Skye, as well as Maya and Marie ran to him to hold him and give him comfort in his dying moments. The light was gone, as was the sword.
Maya took Midas' head and put it on her lap, Marie and Skye took his hands. "Look at me, Matt. Look at me. It's okay. You're fine. We will get help... you'll survive this."
All of them knew that he wouldn't. There was not a chance of survival. He had lost too much blood and Skye was no expert, but enchanted swords usually do their job. If they were made to kill, they will kill.
"Matt... you stupid fuck, why did you...?" Marie was sobbing so much, she couldn't finish her sentence, and so she put her head on his chest.
Finally, Midas talked. "Maya... Marie... Skye, I'm sorry... I..." His breathing got slower. Not long.
"It's okay. You're free now. You can let go, Matt. Let go..."
One last tear ran down his face as he slowly put his hand on Marie's back. "I love..." And then, Midas head rolled and a last breath escaped him. Eventually, he was gone and the three girls held him, tears streaming down thei faces, as the portal of the Underworld closed itself again.

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