Sector 3 and 4: Think Like A Cat

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"Skye just contacted me", Sunbird announced. Everyone was busy searching for Meowscles at the dam, but suddenly turned around to her, eagerly waiting for hopefully good news. "The cat apparently went south from Steamy Stacks, which means we're the closest to him with the guys from the fourth sector."
"In all honesty, it does not make much sense that he could be anywhere close to us. The Yacht's takeover took place a few hours ago, not two days or something. He can't have gotten that far and even if that's the case, it would be safe to say, that he's in the fourth sector..."
Sunbird stopped listening to Prodigy and thought for herself. She was tired as hell, they had been out and about all day without any luck at all.
"Skye said that Journey told her they've asked every single person that came past them and no one saw him. No one, except one, and she's with them now because Meowscles talked to her."
"And who is that person?" Everyone, especially Haze stared at Sunbird, who sighed, knowing how much of a drama there must be going on.

Meanwhile, Journey was watching Drift, as he threw some small rocks off the hill.  She really had to keep herself from cracking a joke, because she definitely knew how he must have felt when his ex was the one to reveal that she could be of any help. From here Journey could see Lake Canoe, where they had met her.
"Alright, Brit, tell me again what happened." They were all sitting on a blanket, eating the lunch Skye had lovingly made, which Journey very much appreciated.
She looked at Brite Bomber, hoping to find more.
"It was honestly not that complicated. I was going on a walk and then the cat ran into me. He was crying and we talked for a while. He kept going on about how much of a failure he is and how he could've been dumb enough to lose the Yacht to this Deadpool guy. And then, when he was calming down, I remembered that he was really into Lynx so I asked him about her and what she should do if he would never come back. I mean, I know she doesn't like him the way he likes her but it seemed to calm him down and think about what he was doing."
Journey really had to concentrate, because Brit was talking way too fast.
"And then?"
"Then he started crying again, because, as he put it in words, Lynx probably thinks he's a coward and she deserves better. I couldn't really stop him from running after that. On his way he yelled something about Midas skinning and eating him as soon as he'd return."
"Where exactly did all of that happen, Brit?" Catalyst sat down with them.
"Just right outside Retail Row. You guys missed him by just a few minutes. I don't know where he went and I'm truly sorry about that."
"It's okay. You've given us at least something." Journey smiled. It would be easier from now. She just knew.
"So where could he have gone? There must be a certain destination. Think, guys, all of you. Even you, Drift, get your ass over here!"
She watched as the tall blonde's shoulders slouched and he threw the last rock, then he finally walked up to them and sat down, very far away from Brit.
"What exactly do you want me to think of? Hell, we're seven people, two of us haven't done anything productive so far, one is just creepily staring into the distance - nothing against you Bruce - and the rest has been eating since we got here."
He was pissed and Journey knew why, but she didn't want to engage in an arguement. There were much more important things.
"Right", Demi put in, "we're unproductive? What have you been doing the last few minutes? You need to quit acting like a twelve year old and start working with all of us. Sure, I haven't had any ideas but have you? I don't think so."
"Okay, stop. Both of you, this is annoying. Let's focus." Catalyst took a bite off her sandwich. "Where would a cat hide? All of you should think like one."
And that Journey did, but as it turns out, thinking like a cat is easier said than done. And then she had an idea.
"Isn't there a-"
"Cats like cardboard boxes." Brutus' deep voice sent shivers down Journey's spine. Especially, because he just suddenly stood behind her. But at least he helped them.
"And there is an abandoned factory close to here", she added, smiling and then immediately standing up. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go get the sad kitty!"


A/N: This chapter was crusty and I'm sorry for rushing the whole search party thing but I have such a good iDEA about how it could go on. The next 1 or 3 chapters won't focus on the search party, but rather on the past of a certain character.
Hope you enjoyed this one though.

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