Past Times: One for All...

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"These hands were strong once, they held my head and what's inside
I tried to train them to stop the shaking, but they wouldn't listen to these lies
There's something out there I promise, it's coming for all of us
And it is evil, and I have seen it, it takes life and devours trust
It's bad when I close them worse with my eyes open. I see it if I sleep
So I keep my mind blank, and think of bravery, change and hope but I'm so weak
Please take me in like I'm family, I've been out for far too long
My stone heart's aching, but I am changing. stay by me, leave me alone. I'm changing, I hold my head to keep from shaking. My hands are full, but I'm not."

- These Hands Weren't Made For Us, Listener

A/N: This chapter is one big mess... sorry about that, but I hope it's okay enough for y'all to like it. And yes, it's another two parter. The second one will come out soon and I think then there'll be one more chapter in the past.

Also, just to clarify: Fiona is supposed to be Pathfinder/Sgt. Green Clover and Ryder is Lucky Rider (yes very creative with names, I know. They serve their Irish purposes though lmao)

Until then! See ya ♥


A year after the explosion

Maya was busy. She was busy taking her mind off all the recent events and she had to move forward. The past year she was trying to heal, mentally and physically.
The explosion hadn't done any huge impacts on her, fortunately. The first few days had been pure horror though, as she'd landed on her back and was barely able to hear anything.
But now, she was much, much better, at least when she wasn't asleep, because that's when the nightmares came. For some time she had lived with Arachne, who was just as devastated as herself, but eventually she'd had enough of the spiders crawling into her mouth when she was asleep.
It might be true that she'd lost her way a bit, but she had made friends who she fully trusted.
Fiona and Ryder Clover, whose parents owned a pub. Both of them were to inherit the pub once their parents were gone, but of course they had other plans. They wanted to serve justice for those who weren't able to feed themselves, and so they provided them with everything they needed. Yes, it was illegal, and Maya knew that she couldn't sustain herself for the rest of her life like that, but the people needed some hope to hold on to, and she had nowhere to go.
While some rich jerk was building his factories and getting loaded off an oil platform just outside the shanty town, the people there were dying, day after day, and Maya couldn't watch any of it for one more second.
They wanted to stop the rig from being finished. The people couldn't fish anymore, once the platform was built, but they didn't want to leave their shabby homes, and Maya understood that very well. They grew up there and had nowhere else to go and yet they were surrounded by factories being built, probably all by the same greedy person, or maybe they were in some way cooperating, at least that's what Fiona's theory was.

"Alright, so everyone knows the plan, right?", Maya asked into the round. They were at their hideout in the woods, a recently abandoned hut with an underground bunker.
"It's not that hard to understand, is it?", Fiona said, "Ryder and you go in there and blow that piece of junk up and then I fly over there to pick you up before anyone else can get to you."
Maya nodded. The plan was far from bulletproof, because of course the oil could leak and people working there might die, which Maya didn't care all too much about, and they had no way to stop the leakage.
"Actually", Ryder said, "if you ask me, that plan absolutely blows. Literally. We have no way of stopping the oil from polluting the sea and isn't it the whole point? We are trying to save the people from the slums, not making their lives harder."
"And you just decide to tell us your opinion now, just before we were going to make our first move?", Fiona asked him slightly annoyed, but Maya shushed her.
"He is kinda right though."

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