The Time Is Now

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A/N: So we're back in the present for now. Let's see where this is going. At some point I'll probably do some more chapters in the past, just to clarify what happened after the explosion.
Also, this chapter is a mess with way too many povs.


I am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way?
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

- How Soon Is Now, The Smiths


Catalyst POV

The entire team made its way to the cardboard factory, hoping to find Meowscles there. On their way, Catalyst had contacted the others and some of them were on their way here, at least those who were quite close with Meowscles. Sooner or later, they arrived, and joined them on the hike, while others decided to leave, at it was already late.
The only reason, Catalyst didn't want to leave was because she had nothing better to do as of that moment and so she still came along.
When they were half a kilometer away from the factory, they were only eight people, with the entire third sector party completely absent. Catalyst found it quite interesting, that not everyone was gonna join to go to Meowscles, but some of them thought it wouldn't be a good idea if 24 people would just show up and force him into coming with them. The nine that were still here, were the closest to Meowscles. And the big guy, Brutus, was apparently only there because it was his idea to look at the factory. He didn't really like Meowscles, Catalyst already realized that the moment they left the Shark that morning.
"Alright, stop for a moment, guys", Lynx called out, and turned around, looking each of them in the eyes. "We're not as many people anymore, but we should still figure out who actually goes in there and talks to him."
Well, that made sense. "I nominate you, if nominating is the right word for this", Catalyst answered. "After all, he has a crush on you right?"
"I'd suggest, Brit goes in. He talked to her before, didn't he?", Peely suggested, but Skye shook her head. "I'd also say either Lynx or Maya."
Maya nodded in agreement. "I'll go first."
And with that, she continued walking to the factory and Catalyst watched her.

Maya POV

Slowly, Maya walked up the path until she saw the old building. "Meowscles?", she called out, hoping for an answer. As she came closer to the factory, she actually did hear someone sob and so she silently entered the building and looked around, until she found her friend sitting in a giant box, crying and surrounded by fish, a broken fishing rod lying on the ground.
Maya slowly came towards him.
"Hey, buddy..." She knelt down on the floor and carefully put her hand on his arm. "We are all worried about you."
"I failed him...", Meowscles answered through his sobs. His deep voice had an incredibly calming effect on Maya.
"No... you didn't. He misses you. We all miss you and we are going to fix everything together, okay? Just come with me. We have been looking for you all day. Skye planned a huge search party. Lynx is here, waiting for you and even Brutus came along." 
"But I made a mistake... he has the key card to the vault..."
Maya never knew what actually was in any of the vaults Skye and the rest guarded, but what she did know was that one of them contained Midas' most precious treasure.
"Meowscles, is Marie in there?", Maya asked, her voice thin as ice, and the cat nodded.
"I fear that this won't end well for me..."
Maya stood up fast and glared at her friend. "He won't do anything to you, okay?Not ever, and I doubt, this Deadpool guy has better things to do then talk to a... statue. Please, Meowscles, come with me and the others. We're going to kick that Deadpool guy in the butt, okay? You, me, and the others." She reached out and gave him an encouraging smile, while actually hoping that Marie was okay and Midas wouldn't do anything crude. Meowscles hesitated, but eventually took her hand and stood up. 
"Let's do it", he said and they went outside, immediately contacting Rue, because Maya knew better than to talk personally to Midas.
"Rue", Maya said when the secretary finally picked up. "Tell him we found Meowscles and we're heading straight to the Agency, we should be able to make it in an hour. And no, Arachne should definitely stay until we're there." 
Seeing everyone relieved about Meowscles' well-being, they went on their way, some by car, others by foot, to head for the Agency. Maya, Lynx, and Skye travelled with Meowscles and each of them tried their best to cheer him up.
About fifteen minutes into walking, they noticed helicopters flying above the island, approximately five, and they were dropping something. Maya could make out that they were nothing but leaflets. 
"What the...?", Maya heard Skye whisper, staring at the sky just like the rest of them, waiting for the leaflets to be low enough to grab, and as that eventually happened, Maya carefully ripped the white envelope open to reveal a letter.
Cursing, she walked faster, not wanting to imagine what this did to Midas. "Now we do need to hurry up before Midas finds out about it." And without any explanation, Maya started jogging.

Midas POV
"You have officially proven to me that you are much better at chess. Can we stop now? I really need to take care of the situation going on at the Marigold." Midas sighed, growing more an more impatient by the minute. He needed to get rid of Deadpool and it had to be quick, before he got access to the vault. Nothing more was important but for the vault to stay shut and he couldn't sit here playing board games any longer
"It's being taken care of, my boy. They are looking for your catfriend, aren't they? The moment they will find him, they will contact you. And you have been working way too hard for way too long. See this as a break for your own wellbeing."
Midas knew that Arachne wanted the best for him, but at the moment was definitely not the right time. He didn't care as much about Meowscles as he cared about the Marigold, especially what was being guarded there.
"I think I'm old enough to decide whether I need a babysitter or not, and I am sure that there is no need for one."
With that being said, he stood up and headed for the door and in the same moment, his secretary entered.
Every single time he saw her, Midas was reminded of how he failed all those years ago and Rue certainly knew that. He barely ever spoke to her, only when necessary, and went out of her way as much as possible, but now she was holding an envelope.
"I have very good news, sir."
She held herself back, that's what Midas had been observing over the past years. She knew how much he hated her, and vice versa, but they somehow managed to work together.
"What is it?" He looked over his shoulder at Arachne, who was watching the entire scene curiously.
"They found Meowscles. It took some time to convince him, but he's coming with them."
Midas nodded and let out a relieved sigh, not because they found him, but because now he could actually make the next move and take his yacht back.
"And the bad news? There are always bad news."
"Well, I suppose you should find out yourself." Rue handed him the envelope, noticeably holding back a smile.
The envelope wasn't adresses towards him, but when he saw who sent the letter, he knew it must be trouble.
The letter was actually an invitation to Deadpool's wedding with...
"Marie..." Anger filled him as the letter turned into gold, falling on the ground and then shattering into million pieces. A childlike girly laughter made him look up, Rue was cracking up in front of him.
"You know what is funny? Allow me to say, because it is actually your fault. You hired this Deadpool guy to take care of Mr D and yet Mr D keeps on winning and you still get as angry as you did all those years ago. You still think you're your own boss, but Mr D is pulling your strings and you don't get it. Did you dear mummy bathe you too hot a few times?"
"Enough now", Midas yelled as he pushed her towards the wall, almost choking the girl with his arm. "You should know better than to provoke me or I will finally do what I've been meaning to do for the past seven years."
"Enough now! Both of you!" Storming towards them was Arachne, Lady Misty, her pet spider right next to her, ready to attack. "I will not allow any more of this kindergarten. Step away from her, Matthew Christopher Eldorado, or I will allow Misty to have a taste of you!"
Midas hestitated, but let Rue go, she broke down, coughing but still laughing. "Yeah, Matthew, or did you forget that Mr D will destroy the only thing that can save your sister if you dare to hurt me?"
"Get out of here before I stop caring about your miserable existence", was all Midas could say. As he watched Rue scurr away. Angrily, he punched a wall, which turned into solid gold, then he looked at Arachne, who flinched. "You too. Leave me alone."
Her angry-mom face softened into a sad smile, as she came closer and caressed his cheek. "Your anger does blind you, my boy. I hope you realize that."
"Get. Out." He wasn't in the mood for this, not now that he knew that Deadpool had Marie. 
Arachne opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it again, stepped away, grabbed her bag and left without another word.
And when she closed the door, Midas lost it and flipped the table with the chess board, angry at himself for trusting someone like Deadpool. He walked over to his desk, breathing heavily.
You know what you have to do, an all too familiar voice whispered in his head.
"It's not the right time. Not yet." The figurines from the chess board were scattered all around. Only the white king landed on his desk and Midas picked it up, looking at it.
The time will never be right, boy. But better now than never.
"Fine. I'll have the device prepared. But first I need to take care of Deadpool though." He heard a motorboat approaching and could make Tina and some other people out. The search party. Such a shame that all their searching was for nothing, as they would die. Soon. As he watched them enter the Agency, the figurine turned into gold.

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