Way Down Under The Ground

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"Death doesn't discriminate
Between the sinners and the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes
And we keep living anyway.
We rise and we fall and we break
And we make our mistakes.
And if there's a reason I'm still alive
When everyone who loves me has died
I'm willing to wait for it."
- Wait for It, Hamilton


So here was the thing. Apparently Hades really liked Sunbird, and someone up there did too, because she was free to go. Someone had saved Hades from his golden prison and in return wanted her to return to the living. The God of the Underworld agreed, because, as Persephone put it, he was in a good mood.
Midas on the other hand didn't have that much luck on his side. Hades hated and blamed him for all the unnecessary deaths regarding the device. He blamed him for being too weak to stop Oro and he blamed him for being so greedy.
Midas blamed Hades for being the one that started this in the first place. It really was a childish discussion that came to a stop when Persephone'd wanted to talk to Midas in private.

"Hades can be very harsh", she started when they sat together in her garden on a bench. He wasn't sure what he was looking at, but it was beautiful. Strange and absurd pkants were covering the otherwise dark ground and crawling up on Hades' mansion. Blossoms fell down on the ground and birds were tweeting. Despite not being taken care of its mistress, the garden was the most stunning thing Midas had ever seen. It reminded him of his mother, who'd been a gardener too until she had so much work that she couldn't take care of it anymore.
"I figured that, but I can see why he dislikes me."
"He does not dislike you for being you, he dislikes you for working with Oro." Midas couldn't really help himself but stare at her. She was gorgeous, but there was something about her, something about the way she talked and he kept thinking about what Hades said when he'd let them in.
"As if I had a choice. As far as I'm concerned, Oro was constantly in my head like a parasite just waiting to give me his damn power."
"And I know that. Midas, you freed me from my prison when you decided to end your own life, and now I need to tell you something. Your father might have been a cruel man and an ancestor of this monster but your mother... she was very special aswell."
Midas tried to remember his mom, but his memories were growing more vague by the minute. He started forgetting faces and names and many, many details regarding his life before Oro.
"Special in what way?"
Persephone smiled her warm smile and took his hand and in that moment, something flashed before his eyes, an image and the last line of the prophecy.
... as the young one will finally face a woman to call mother.
"You are....", Midas gasped and pulled his hand away in shock. Could that be...?
"It is complicated, Matthew... or Midas, whatever you prefer now. I did not give birth to you. Before I was trapped in the sword, I split myself in half and that other half travelled for many years. Eventually, it settled down in your mother, Elizabeth. Technically, she is your mom, but so am I."
He had to stand up, because he wasn't sure if he got that right, if she wasn't joking around, but she seemed serious and he knew ut was true.
"But how is this going to help me? Elizabeth is dead. I'm dead and whatever your husband planned for me, it won't do me any good. I don't care if you are my mother or not or if I saved you, I just want to get this over with to live the rest of my afterlife with the punishment I clearly deserve."
Persephone stood up too and slowly walked over to him, her smile wss almost contagious. She gently grabbed him by the shoulder.
"You won't be punished. There is someone who wants to talk to you and he will determine whether you get to live happily ever after with your friends up there or not."
She pushed him forward and walked him out of the garden. On the way, Persephone explained many, many things that cleared a lot up.

Meditation is key. Midas learned that when he started talking to Oro frequently and Persephone taught him how to do it in the Underworld. The someone that wanted to speak to him wasn't able to be there in person, and the only way to meet was through Midas' mind, so he knelt on the ground, concentrating. Waiting.
Eventually, he opened his eyes again and to his surprise was in the gigantic throne room, but it wasn't covered in gold. It was white and majestic and there were people in dresses dancing through the night. Music was playing and on the throne sat a king with a smile so bright that Midas couldn't help but smile too.
When their eyes met, the king stood up and walked towards him.
"You have made it. Finally. I have been waiting." His voice was soft and gentle. A pair was dancing next to them and about to bump into Midas, but they never touched, the couple glitching through him like ghosts. "Ah. Not to worry, this is nothing but a memory. Now, walk with me. There is much to discuss." The king began walking and Midas followed without a word.
"I'm afraid, this will be our first and last conversation, Matthew. I am but a memory, a tiny splinter of the good that was left of me former self, before I became the creature that tortured you for too long."
"You are King Crisanto", Midas figured, feeling dumb for not noticing sooner.
"That I am. But as I have already said, I am nothing more than a memory. The true Crisanto really is gone forever, but I might be able to help you, son."
They walked outside and eventually reached a small, completely dark cabinet that was only lit by the very scepter that Midas had used to send all these innocent souls into the unknown for Oro.
"I cannot grant you back your life without a difficult decision you will have to make."
The room lit up and was filled with his friends. His family. They were dancing.
"But I can make death easier for you. Stay here with me. Relive your memories and forget about the hardships. Your life wasn't easy, but here everything is different."
Midas watched in awe, when eventually the crowd parted and Maya walked up to him and reached out.
"It will be a neverending dream", Maya said and Midas was tempted to take her hand. She looked beautiful, was wearing a long rose pink dress and he really did want to dance with her forever, but it didn't feel right.
"It is not reality... and that is more cruel than rotting away. I cannot stay here, King Crisanto. I want to face death like everyone else."
Crisanto nodded and the visions disappeared.
"Then I do have another choice for you to make. There is one more verse of the prophecy that hasn't been fulfilled." Crisanto stepped closer and touched Midas' forehead.
"A soul will return for the price of another", Midas whispered, and the king nodded again.
"You and I, we were both fooled by our own mind. Unlike me, you deserve a second chance, Matthew. Do not take it for granted. I will always watch over you and if you need me, then do what Persephone taught you. I will be waiting here."
"Crisanto, wait-" He had so many quesstions, but it was too late, as a bright golden light absorbed them both and Midas closed his eyes, unsure of what was expecting him on the other side.

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