The Seventh Sacrifice

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"It's okay to get startled and be afraid of the dark
I'll just wait here to swallow your soul and tear you apart
And I've already started, there ain't no saving your heart
This is the day of the dead, this is ain't no day in the park
Here I come, here I come, grab your guns and crossbows
And run, better run from the skull and crossbones
The fun has begun, yeah, it's hard to swallow
When I'm done, I ain't done, 'cause it's hell that follows
Now get ready for sorrow,
'Cause it's hell that follows
Hold on, holy ghost, go on, hold me close
better run, here we come it's the day of the dead."
- Day of the Dead, Hollywood Undead


A/N: Back to the present and where we left off! By the way, just to mention it because it's definitely important: The doomsday device in this story does not have the same purpose as the one in the game. Just to clear confusion beforehand.


It's been way too long since Lynx had gone to find Midas. Maya was getting worried by the minute and had to hold herself back from going after her. Drift didn't help at all, walking around the room all nervous and angry. "This is bullshit..."
"She should be back by now", Tina added.
"Or he killed her like he killed Sunbird... and probably even more people."
Maya shook her head and tried to keep the situation under control. "He did not kill anyone, okay? Chances are that they are all alive and we need to work together to get that damn thing from Brutus." She still had to deal with the fact that Brutus had been behind all this for so long. He'd been a friend to all of them, though no one ever wanted to admit it, because he never seemed like the kind of man that wanted to befriend colleagues at work.
"Wait, are we really sure that it's Brutus?" That was the first time Skye said anything in a while. Maya and Arachne nodded at the same time. 
"There's no doubt. It has to be him." Maya looked at Rue, hestitated for a moment, but then approached her. "You've set all this up, right? It's time to talk, Rue. Your game is over."
Rue gave her a smug smile. "The game is far from over, sweetie. But yes, you're right. Brutus is the one you're looking for. The Golden Fleece is in the vault at the Grotto and so is the answer to all your problems. I'd hurry though, a little birdie just recently told me that it won't take long until Midas is going to kill the next person." 
"What do you mean...", Maya whispered, as she could her a loud bang and was followed by shaking walls immediately afterwards. "What's going on?" Maya looked helplessly at Rue, who just laughed and left the room.
"What is happening?", Skye yelled over the loud rumbling of what felt like an earthquake. It didn't last long and was over the same time it had started. 
"Okay, I want everyone to stay calm. Meowscles and Arachne, we're going downstairs to Midas. On the way we might find out what was going on. Tina, Journey, and Skye, you go and check if anyone out there is hurt and while you're at it, try and find Rue and... make sure that she can't escape. And Drift..." She looked at him for a while, before she continued. "It's best if you go home. Don't get me wrong, but you're angry, I get that, and when people are angry they usually do things they regret. Don't do anything stupid."
Drift hestitated, before he turned and walked to the door. "Fine... but you know what? I'll go after Deadpool. Someone has to stop that guy from causing more trouble than necessary", he mumbled, more to himself, before he opened the door. "Good luck. To all of you." With that, he left and the three girls went right after him to do their thing. Maya looked at Arachne and Meowscles. "Right. We're going down there."
"I'd rather not, but it is certain that he needs us. Let's go."
With a pounding heart, the three of them went into the basement and sneaked up to Midas' room. He had never particularly liked being disturbed down there and no one was allowed to enter his domain, but right now, Maya obviously didn't care and it was just like back when she'd found Meowscles in their home.
As Maya approached, she could hear voices through the opem door. She halted Arachne and Meowscles and listened closely.
"That wasn't part of the plan. You weren't supposed to show yourself until after the last sacrifice." Rue seemed upset, her voice was thin and trembling.
"The only agreement I approved to was that the boy would do the dirty work, but in the end he proved to be rather useless, as he couldn't get himself to kill one more person. That is when we agreed that I shall take over and spare him the misery." Matthew sounded different too, his voice had changed even more now and it sent shivers down Maya's spine.
"Well, who is it then? The cat? Skye? Arachne? Or, oh, is it his girlfriend? Please let it be one of them!"
Maya moved closer and tried to catch a glimpse, but she could only see Rue's red coat.
"Neiter of them. In fact, Rue, it's a most despicable person, someone who surely deserves not being reborn."
She heard footsteps and Rue started backing up, so Maya found a new hiding spot behind a giant plant. She could see Meowscles hiding at the end of the hallway, and Arachne had stuck herself to the ceiling with Misty.
"Oro, no... I did everything you asked... I-I've set this all up, and all of it was for you! You can't do this to me! You know what will happen if you kill me! And you promised that once it will be over, I'll be standing on your side! Please..." Her voice grew more and more hysterical as she stumbled and fell, then she started crawling towards the wall. Maya's eyes met hers and she could see the pure horror in them. Tears were streaming down her face and Maya wanted to look away, but she just couldn't. Though Maya tried to see the good in every person, she was sure that Rue wasn't one of them. That girl had inflicted so much pain and she did deserve what was coming for her.
Midas, or Oro, or whoever he was came closer, slowly. "That is just the point. Neither the girl nor the fleece matter to me, and definitely not a nobody like you." With those words, he shot Rue twice between the ribs and crouched before her, before he grabbed her by her collar to pull her up. At that moment, she started turning gold, blood came out of the shot wounds, but stopped the moment they were turning gold.
"Game over."
Rue tried to say something, but it was just a silent gasp, before she eventually was nothing but a statue.
Midas walked into his room and came back with something that looked like a scepter. It was glowing and he touched Rue's statue with it, which made it beam. Another rumble went through the building and the vase fell over, revealing Maya. It immediately caught Midas' attention.
"Of course. You can't keep your nose out of anything. I've told the boy to get rid of you and the child for good, but he wouldn't listen. You are his weak spots... but it doesn't matter. All this will soon be over."
"What do you mean?" Maya was breathing heavily, scared of whether he'd shoot her or not.
"You'll see. Now follow me. You too"  he said, looking up to Arachne.
As Maya stood up, her ear piece started beeping and she could hear Skye mumbling something.
"Hello? Maya, finally! We have the fleece... Brutus is dead. We're almost at the Agency." The connection got interrupted and Maya looked at Arachne. Now they only needed to distract Midas or Oro from whatever he was planning...
They were so close, now surely nothing could go wrong anymore, or could it? Maya hoped, it would turn out well, but of course, luck had never been on her side, and so she hesitantly followed him inside his room.

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