A New Beginning

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Maya was tired after a long day. Skye and her had just recently moved in together and the adoption was finally official. They were going to celebrate tonight and wanted to invite everyone. Over the past month, Maya hadn't seen any of the others. Occasionally, Meowscles came over because he'd become a good friend of Skye, but other than that, Maya avoided any contact to others to live with her grieve.
Sometimes, she woke up and reached to the other end of the bed, thinking someone would lie there. She could still smell him, this weird combination of metal and roses and sometimes she heard someone breathe in her room. Maya did wonder if he watched and protected her.

Skye sat and listened to Rox's story. They were at the Sofdeez, enjoying their ice cream on this warm summer day. Recently, they'd been meeting each other more often to hang out and have fun. She really needed that. A friend. Rox made her feel like a normal teenager and forget what she'd been through, which she really appreciated. Rox was a true friend, one whom Skye could trust, no matter what.
And though she barely knew what it was like, she did believe that she felt more for Rox than for anyone else...

Marie had been up all night just to finish her newest invention. It's what she'd been doing for a while now. Building and repairing, which kept her busy and happy. It's what she was good at and she enjoyed every minute of it, lest it made her think of something else than Matthew. She tried to keep him in mind, but when she was building something, she was completely focused on finishing that project.
Right now, she put the missing piece in the eye socket of the owl automaton. Finally, the eyes started glowing and the machine looked around.
Marie couldn't help but smile as she looked at a recreation of Matthew's favorite animal.
"Hi, Ohm", she whispered and the owl started flying through the room.

Drift was walking up a cliff, kicking a few stones around, his hands in his pockets. He was tired of trying to not think about how she died in his arms after he'd put the fleece on her. He was sick of everyone trying to justify what Midas did, what destruction he had brought upon them, but especially he was tired of himself for not having done something sooner.
When Drift reached the highest point, he looked down at the waves breaking when they reached shore. Sometimes he wondered what it was like to infinitly swim in the sea like a fish with no worries. 
Recklessly, he climbed over the old fence that was bending under his weight and as he was about to let go, someone screamed his name.
When Drift turned around, Sunbird stood there, alive and crying and as he was almost falling, she grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.

Arachne put the mug down. The sun was about to set and it was warm outside. She enjoyed warmth a lot, enjoyed the rays of sunshine on her face.
The past month had been hard on her and she'd started to meditate even more than before. Her thoughts were always with her dear boy, whom she had failed. Maya tried to tell her otherwise, but she did know better than that.
She missed him. His smile and his temperament, but most of all she missed beating him in chess.
Matthew had been a son to her, despite everything, and as the sun finally set, Arachne stood up to put the cup in the sink.

Meowscles was sick like never before, growing weaker by the minute and he knew why, but he didn't want it to be true, yet he was ready. It was only a matter of time before he would die, and he never thought it would be like this, but it really was better than anything he could've imagined.
When Meowscles lay down and closed his eyes, he thought of everything that had happened the past few years, the constant pain and existential crisis, but he also thought of how happy he'd been with his friends and as his last breath escaped his lungs, he smiled.
The second he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a giant throne room, surrounded by masked people. A woman came up to him and removed her mask and when Meowscles started an endless dance with Lynx, he knew that he had found his peace.

He walked for days with no orientation. Everything was dark, his eye sight constantly playing with him. Life didn't seem real, it seemed like a simulation, everything was a blur and he could barely make another step before he eventually tripped and fell.
When he looked at the sky, he saw the stars and smiled. He had missed them. He didn't know how long he'd been gone but he always missed the stars and tonight was clear. He could hear owls screeching and people laughing in the distance. They were probably celebrating and he wondered why. Could he join the or was he still prisoner of his weak body?
He couldn't stand up, so he lay there for a while, looking at the stars and eventually falling asleep.
When he woke up again, his senses were finally razor sharpe and he stood up to walk towards the music and when he saw her face, he smiled and cried at the same time, and when she noticed him, she dropped her plastic cup and ran over to him to pull him in a tight hug.
A second chance. That's what this was and Midas couldn't have wished for a better new beginning.

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