Storytime: The Wrath of the Underworld

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"If there's one God you don't want to get steamed up
It's Hades, 'cause he had an evil plan
He ran the Underworld
But thought the dead were dull and uncouth
He was as mean as he was ruthless
And that's the Gospel truth
He had a plan to shake things up
And that's the Gospel truth"
- The Gospel Truth II, Disney's Hercules

"In her waters, deep and true
Lay the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned
Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?
Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found"
- All Is Found, Frozen 2


Some years ago...

"Matthew, give that back!" Marie ran after her little brother, who had taken her plush dragon. The eight year old kept slipping on the floor because of her socks, but she was catching up quick to him.
"If you want him, catch me!" Matt yelled back and ran into their bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
"Mattricia!", she yelled and opened the door to find the little pest laying flat on the ground, almost pissing himself from laughing. Her dragon, Falkor, lay beside him and she ran for her life to pick him up. She sticked her tongue out and hopped over to her bed, waiting for her mummy to tuck her in. Her pleas were heard a second later, as a soft knock on the door announced their Elizabeth Eldorado's arrival. She was sticking her head through the door.
"Are you two in bed already?" 
Marie nodded, while Matthew hasted up the staircase of their bunk bed. "Yes, ma'am!", he yelled. Their mom came into the room. "Now, children, do you want me to sing a lullaby?", she asked as she tucked them in, one after the other.
"Can you tell us another story with Crisanto, mama?", Matthew asked and Marie rolled her eyes.
"They're scary and Matthew always falls asleep! Please sing something..." The little girl cuddled with her plush. She usually didn't like the stories, but Matt loved them and she knew that it was his turn to choose.
"If your brother wants a story, I'll be telling one. Tomorrow, you get to choose again, Marie."
"But please don't make it too scary!" Marie pulled her blanket over her head, only her eyes were uncovered to watch her mom.
"Well, let me think. Have I told you of the story of Crisanto's first love? It's a tragic, but beautiful story and it's the beginning of his earthly life. Now, let me begin."
Their mother stood up and walked around in the room while telling her story.
"Long, long ago, before the reign of King Crisanto, he was a minor God in the Underworld, tasked with giving the recently deceased save voyage on the River Styx. His other duties included choosing which souls would be reborn, so he was very important to Hades. Crisanto never had a day off, because his brother Thanatos, death, never slept, but ine day he sneaked off into our world and he found a beautiful woman in the fields picking flowers. It was love at first sight, but it did not last for long, because Hades found out and sent his minions to bring Crisanto back to do his duty, but he had seen the world out there and he did not want to come back, and so he left Lord Hades behind to walk on earth.
"Didn't Hades have a different bame too?", Marie asked curiously. She was much more interested in the story, now that there was romance involved.
"Many feared his name, so he was known as the Wrath of the Underworld, that is true. And when Crisanto left his ferry and his family behind, Hades gifted him treasures and all the luck in the world in return for Crisanto's gilded scepter, which was the tool that could trap a soul that should never be reborn. It was used for the most twisted and evil souls, the ones that did nothing but destroy during their earthly times. Skeptical, the ferryman gave the Underworld's Wrath this very scepter and left to live with his newfound love, who was the princess of a enormous kingdom. Not a lot of time passed before the king of this very realm passed away, and when Crisanto married his lover, Princess Mallory and became the ruler of the Kingdom Mídas."
Marie could hear Matthew snoring, but she kept listening.
"Many years passed, and as you know, the people loved their king. He had two beautiful girls and a boy, who he all loved dearly, but King Crisanto had grown greedy. People were trying to steal his treasure and he had no way of defending himself, and so he went to his brother Thanatos to ask for help. Latter stole the gilded scepter from Hades while he was distracted with his own wife. From that day on, Crisanto was able to trap the thieves in his very own riches, and burned them to end the existence of those very souls.
His people and his family grew scared of their once so great and kind leader, and soon Hades found that the scepter had been missing. He cursed the kingdom above to face natural disaster and as Crisanto came to face him, they didn't fight, but rather made an ultimate change of fate. While Hades cursed his once so trusted friend with the power of the golden touch, which, as you know, would doom him, Crisanto trapped the soul of Persephone, Hades' wive in a sword which he later sealed within a stone so that no one could ever find their way to the goddess.
Hades, in his fury, took Queen Mallory and their firstborn child away from Crisanto and sealed the entrance to the Underworld, but the king didn't care enough about his loss, for his newfound gift granted him more riches than he could hold onto. He laughed at Hades' stupidity, but Hades had told him that one day he will fall and feel the actual Wrath of the Underworld and until that day, Crisanto would suffer dearly, and as you know, he paid that very price when he lost his daughter to his own power and became Oro."
"But he met Hades again, didn't he?"
Marie's mother hestitated for a second. "Oro walked his fallen kingdom for many years, before he was granted passage to the Underworld, where he faced punishment, but I believe that the two old friends never faced each other to clash."
"Maybe it never happened because they're lazy!", Matthew thought out loud. He must've woken up again at some point. "Or maybe they decided that a certain date will be perfect! Maybe they will fight on Christmas next year!"
Elizabeth laughed. "Yes maybe. We hopefully won't have to be around when that happens. Now sleep, my little angels. Tomorrow is a big day."
"Good night, mama", the siblings said in unisono and Marie closed her eyes. She was looking forward to tomorrow, because they would go on a little roadtrip and at the end of the day buy ice cream.
She fell asleep fast and dreamed of spending time with Crisanto's children on a beautiful ball, dancing all night long.

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