What Comes Next?

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Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much

But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up
Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well
And you call me up again just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, all too well

- All Too Well by Taylor Swift


Maya watched as Midas "executed" Deadpool by throwing him off the ship. She was wondering, if the chest was necessary, after all, there was no way to escape. Skye must've had the same thoughts.
"Was ist really necessary to chain that guy up?", she asked as they all were on the Marigold, trying to clean up as good as they could. Midas, of course, wasn't helping. He only stood there, observing, at some point he'd brought Marie along and was sitting next to her, staring into the nothing. Now, after Skye's question, he looked up though.
"There is a reason why I hired Deadpool. He is exceptionally precise at what he's doing and yet another person that I can't seem to get rid of without having to be a bit... extra. According to himself, he cannot die and is able to recover from any possible wound." While talking, he was looking at all of them, except Maya, who he ignored as always. Brutus had left after they were succesful, he had some business to attend to.
"So why did you hire him?", Maya asked because she was tired of him ignoring her, but he didn't answer, which obviously made sense to her. It was none of her concerns. Disappointed, but not surprised, she went back to taking off the paintings, Deadpool had hung up, humming a song she liked.

It was better for her to be alone than to listen to Tina and Skye's off-key singing. She was still tired from the search party and couldn't wait for the next day to be her day off, so she appreciated Lynx's company, who wasn't talking a lot either.
"Maya." His voice sent a shiver down her spine, as she turned around. Hearing him say her name made her sentimental, and she needed to remind herself that she wasn't that little girl anymore, head over heels in love with someone the man in front of her wasn't. Not anymore.
"What is it?" This must've been their first proper conversation in months. Usually, she'd say something to him and he'd ignore her and only talk to her when he was giving her missions.
"Meowscles had the phenomenal idea to go for a drink when we are done here. Will you be coming?"
"I don't know, are you going to angrily stare at me the entire time and not talk? Because then you can bet your entire belongings that I won't come."
"If you're mad because I didn't tell everyone in the room who I want to be taken care of, I am terribly sorry, but it really isn't-"
"Any of our business. I get that. What I don't get is why you even have to hire someone you clearly couldn't trust. Is this still about Ma-" she stopped herself from continuing, looking at Lynx, who stopped cleaning the floor and looked at them, then took her headphones out.
"You need something?"
Maya shook her head and Lynx continued what she was doing.
"It doesn't matter whether it's about Marie or not. I have stuff to get done without you sticking your nose into it all. You wanted to move on, so move on and stay professional. I won't be getting in your way tonight if you stay out of mine." While he had sounded quite sarcastic before, now he was mad again and Maya knew to not provoke him.
"Fine. Well, thank you for this grand conversation, I can't wait to have another proper one with you that isn't about work... or even Marie, because we've been there before. Anyways, glad that we're all such good company." With that, she walked away and went on deck to get some fresh air. She needed to stop being so emotional every time she talked to Midas, but it wasn't easy. Nothing had been easy for years.
"Hey, Maya!" Skye was approaching, happy as always, not seeming to have a care about the world around her. God, that girl had just recently turned 17, why was she even here, working for Midas? "You coming tonight? We'd love to have you there, especially Meowscles."
Maya couldn't help but treat Skye like a little sister, and she was sure, Midas did the same.
She smiled at the girl and nodded. "I'll be there, little one, but promise me that you'll stay away from alcohol, okay?"
"Please, I know better than to drink such crap. Now let's finish this all up before it's getting dark. Deadpool really did a number on this ship, didn't he?"
Maya, slightly lost in thoughts, nodded, watching Midas as he sat down with Marie again, talking to her like she was listening, smiling even. "He sure did."
"Hey, are you okay?" Skye asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You've seemed... kinda down lately, wanna talk about it? Remember, my offer for the sleepover still stands. You, me, and Tina doing everything, normal dumb girls my age do. And I'll always be there for you, you know? Like a shoulder you can cry on." She pulled Maya into a gentle, but tight hug.
"Thank you, Skye", she whispered and smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."
After some time, Skye stepped back and gave Maya another smile.
"Hey, by the way, Tina and I are having a bet on who the girl is, the bossman is keeping here. You got any ideas? I'm fully convinced, she's his daughter or something, but he isn't that old, is he? Tina thinks, she's his lover. What's your guess?"
Maya didn't really listen anymore by then. So much had happened the past years, ever since Midas had hired them all as his agents, she'd been closer to him than ever, well, until after the incident anyways, and yet he seemed so far away and none of them knew anything about him. He didn't have any reason to tell them, neither did Maya and so she lied and shrugged it off.
"I don't know... I don't think it's very thoughtful to... bet on it. She seems important to him, doesn't she?"
"You're right. Okay, well, anyways, I really want to finish up, so see you later."
"Yeah, I guess", Maya answered silently when Skye was already gone. She went back to cleaning, keeping Midas in sight. He was planning something and she wondered what it was, but there was enough time to find out more later. For now, she wanted to lighten up and celebrate that they had found Meowscles and everything was back to...well, as normal as it could be.
Maya sighed when she was done. She really needed that drink now.

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