Sector 2 - You Know Nothing

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"He was definitely here. At least for a few minutes", Tina noticed, as she looked upon the slight mess, Meowscles had made at the parking lot by the Power Plant. There were plenty of fish bones scattered all over, as well as newspaper pages and a cloth covered in blood.
"He's injured", Aura added, pointing out the obvious, "so he should be slowed down by the wound."
"And the blood hasn't dried yet, which means he can't be far." Tina thought about it. If Meowscles was injured, and from the looks of the blood-stained cloth it seemed like a pretty big injury, he could really be close.
As she was about to contact Skye, a man in a suit came up to the group. He must've been a from factory.
"Excuse me, may I help you with something?" He seemed friendly, so Lynx stepped forward.
"Hi, we are looking for a friend and have the suspicion that he was here, maybe not even a few hours ago."
The man didn't need further explanation. "Ah, you mean the cat man? He was indeed here, has been here quite often. One of my employees did scare him away because of all the trash he left behind. I think I saw him travel south, but I cannot be sure. I do wish you good luck with finding him, unfortunately I'm running late." And with that, he just left.
"Wow... whatever that was, I'm pretty sure, we shouldn't trust it", Tina said, her eyebrow raised.
"We shouldn't. But we could bring it to Skye's attention. At least we would know, that he is headed south and could focus more on that. It is a good start", Aura added, playing with one of her braids.
Tina did have to think about it for a while.
"Maya what do you think? You've known Meowscles for longer than most of us."
"He might be headed for the mountains, where he could isolate himself, but I highly doubt it. Mountains have never been his thing."
Now, Aura seemed to have an idea. "Could he go to the Grotto?"
Maya had to laugh, then shook her head. "You really don't know much about him, huh? Meowscles despises Brutus. A lot. He wouldn't go to the Grotto, even if he had no other place to go. Something happened there a few years back and he has spent a lot of time trying to forget it."
Tina has always wondered how Maya knew so much more than the others. She certainly didn't talk much about her past, no one did, but at least everyone knew something. Maya, on the other hand, never even told them about where she came from. All Tina knew was, that Meowscles, Midas, and her had been friends or at least acquaintances for most likely a decade, even though that's a stretch. Tina didn't even know how old that girl was but she suspected that she was older than herself. Maybe 26.
"Well, you're right. And even if he would be there, we would have been contacted. We do have a starting point though and that is, that he went south from here, so let's not waste any more time and contact Skye."
Everyone agreed and so Tina eventually contacted the girl and told her everything.

After the call, the entire group split up and checked everything in said direction, but without any luck.

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