Golden Ghost

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"Now I'm stuck with this, and that'll never change, always a part of me, until the very last day. Where to go from here? What road to travel on? I spent my whole life choosing, and it always chose wrong.
Will I try to have the will to be alive? Will I try because I've never seen the light?
Blow it to the ground and it's now you see, you spent your whole life taking the best of me.
Where'd you go? Where's your home? How'd you end up all alone? Can you hear me now? There's no light, there's no sound, it's hard to breathe, when you're underground Can you hear me now? Hear me now!"
- Hear Me Now, Hollywood Undead


When he closed his eyes for the last time, he thought there would be nothing but darkness after, but eventually he awoke, as if his life had been a long nightmare. When Midas regained consciousness, he felt free, as his mind wasn't occupied by Oro anymore, but he also felt very much dead and he was very aware that he was in the Underworld now. The first thing he noticed was, that his hands weren't golden anymore.
Wherever he was though, it was dark here, and cold and when he stood up, he felt like he was swimming in jelly, everything happened so slowly and his brain felt like mud. He barely felt any emotions, though his heart hurt.
There was a cave and he walked the path towards what he hoped to be answers and when he finally reached an exit, he started hearing plenty of voices, talking over each other, some were terrified and louder, others were quiet. As he went on, he saw the people the voices belonged to and to his discomfort, there were some faces he'd rather not have to see again.
There was Lynx, sitting all alone and listening to a conversation. She had been crying, he could see the trace of run-down make up and decided to not talk to her.
She didn't deserve dying like that. Though he'd thought that the souls that had been touched by the scepter weren't going to go to the Underworld, here she was, which meant that...
And there she was. Rue. Standing there in all her annoying glory, talking to someone he couldn't quite see. He tried to avoid her and vanished in the crowd. Looking around, he wasn't able to figure out where he was and what they were waiting for, and so he decided to ask around.
"Excuse me..." He tapped someone's shoulder and that someone turned around to him. The woman stared at him and waited. She was beautiful with red hair and tall. He thought he knew her from somewhere.
"What are we waiting for? What's going on?"
The ginger laughed. "You're new here, aren't you? We're waiting for the ferry to take us to the judges. They're gonna decide whether you suffer for the rest of your afterlife or if you're gonna have a good one."
He didn't quite understand, never cared much about the afterlife. When he'd tried to blow himself up and realized he was as close to immortal as possible, he stopped worrying about death and now he was here. Alone. Surrounded by plenty of people who despised him for ending their lives.
"Wait, how do they judge us?", Midas nervously asked and the woman rolled her eyes.
"If you did some bad shit in life, you're going to this place called tentacle or something... Tartarus? I think that's it, yeah. If you didn't achieve anything, you'll go on some fields, I forgot the name, and if you did good, you'll go to death paradise or get reborn. Your choice." The woman didn't seem to care or exactly knew where she was going, and Midas knew too. There was no place for him in paradise, not after everything he had done, and he knew that Oro was waiting for him in Tartarus, because surely he had already been sent back there to serve his punishment.
"And when will this ferry come to get us?" This was his last question for now. He didn't want to bother that woman any longer.
"All the time. They handpick a few, you pay the ferryman, and off you go. Good luck, dude." She was already walking away, leaving him with new questions.
"Wait... payment?" But the woman had become one of many in the crowd, and so Midas had no choice but to wait. He sat down on the floor at the shore and threw some pebbles into the Styx, hoping for this ferry to soon show up.

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