Beyond Saving

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"Listen, listen
I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give
But it isn't, is it?
You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head
I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name
Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough
'Cause my echo, echo
Is the only voice coming back
Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have
I don't wanna be an island
I just wanna feel alive and
Get to see your face again.
But until then
just my echo
oh, my shadow.
Hello, hello, anybody out there? "
- Echo, Jason Walker


A throbbing headache made her wake up. Everything was too bright and every noise was too loud to handle. She put her arm over her eyes to block the light out and grunted, then slowly sat up, which made her headache worse for a second. Maya kept her eyes closed for a few more minutes, then slowly opened them and looked around, blinking, to get used to everything.
"Oh, finally, you're awake", an all too familiar voice said right next to her bed. Sitting there in all her glory and, in Maya's eyes, beauty, was Arachne, graceful as always, a bunch of spiders crawling on her and Misty on her lap.
Maya raised an eyebrow. She was in her room at the Agency and didn't remember what had happened the night before.
"My dear, you've been injured badly. Now lie down, I've brought pain killers and some tea. I'll explain everything later."
Maya wanted to stop her from leaving. She couldn't bare to wait for an answer.
"What happened to...?"
"He is... not doing good, neither mentally nor physically." Arachne turned around again and sat on Maya's bed, sighing. "I suppose it's best if I tell you now, although you aren't doing well and shouldn't worry. I beg you to take the pain killers first."
And so she swalloed the pill and flushed it down with the tea.
"Well... for starters, I don't know how much you remember, but according to the owner of the pub, you were attacked by Deadpool's goons."
Maya vaguely remembered the gun shots and shouting.
"I suppose, since you were unarmed, our boy started using his... gift to stop them."
She knew where this was going. "Who did he..."
"The girl with the green hair. It was unintentional, but someone threw her in front of him and it just happened..."
Not wanting to believe that Sunbird was gone, Maya stumbled out of bed, ignoring her headache.
"Maya. It was an accident." 
"That's even worse to be honest! If it was an accident, he is blaming himself again and we all know how that ended the last time." Her heart was pounding as she was putting her shoes on. "Where is he, Arachne?"
"That is what I was going to say next. He isn't responding to anyone and has been sitting at his desk since the others dragged the two of you back - you were knocked out by a thrown chair or something."
"What do you mean by he isn't responding?" She barely felt the injury, her  headache was more or less from being hungover.
"He has been staring into the nothing and mumbling to himself. We tried everything. Shake him, blow an airhorn at him, you name it. He's like a vegetable. Sometimes he walks around like a zombie, just to sit down again."
That's what had happened before, in the beginning when they lived together, and Maya told that Arachne.
"We need to help him. I didn't think it would go this far, but if we don't get to snap him out of it, he will be beyond saving. Maya, my dear, I lied to you when I said I knew nothing. I know plenty about our boy. He came to me the day he received his gift. The moment I saw him that day, I knew he was going to change, but I didn't want to believe it. It isn't just him and his powers, there is something bigger possessing and controlling him and I doubt that we will be able to save him. He's gone, or close to being gone."
Maya could barely process it all, before Arachne continued.
"This thing that is possessing him... I thought I knew how powerful it might be, but I was wrong."
"What is it?" Maya's voice was barely a whisper.
"A fallen god. A demon. A figure out of an ancient legend, but I am sure it manipulates our boy."

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